• Bill posted an update 6 years, 10 months ago

    So anybody else Notice the thumb print on the web says Sh*t now Instead of Inmoov ????

    • Lmao—I didn’t know where it was coming from at first,,, just this random- sshhhiiiiittt -,,

      • Ehi!
        In French it’s Chuuut. Chut in French means Hush or be quiet.
        Some builders were complaining that the Startup_Sound was scaring them when they were working on their InMoov during the night.
        So I told InMoov to be quiet.

  • Bill posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    I was playing with making a temporary battery cover until a good one is published all I did was print out a simple 195mmX115mmx4mm then used a heat gun and my thumb to mold into place . looks bad but hopefully I wont need it long

  • Bill posted a new activity comment 8 years, 1 month ago

    Thank You That was very Helpful to me an my Students

  • Bill posted a new activity comment 8 years, 1 month ago

    I did find the problem I had all the Servos hooks up backwards lucky I didn\’t burn the whole thing up Oops My Fault sorry to bother you

    • Gee, yeah lucky for you!
      I did burn some servos when by temporary non attention I miss connected the servos… One need to make mistakes to learn from it (as long you don’t burn yourself or hurt someone)
      I m glad this is solved!

  • Bill posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    I ordered the nervo Boards and followed the directions to the letter but for some reason the servos are not responding ? I have been working with Arduino for 5 years so I made a jumper from Board Ground to power Ground and Wala Everything started to work I dont know if anybody else had this problem but I would like to hear about it or did I not…[Read more]

    • Hello Bill,
      I suspect you forgot a welding someplace, because I have two InMoov with Nervo Boards and they work just fine. Hundreds of the Nervo Boards were sold and assembled without this issue. Since you are the first to report such issue, it would be interesting to see more details of your various welding if that is okay with you. Can you post…[Read more]

      • I did find the problem I had all the Servos hooks up backwards lucky I didn’t burn the whole thing up Oops My Fault sorry to bother you

        • Gee, yeah lucky for you!
          I did burn some servos when by temporary non attention I miss connected the servos… One need to make mistakes to learn from it (as long you don’t burn yourself or hurt someone)
          I m glad this is solved!

  • Bill posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago

    Can anybody Explain the purpose of the xbox and what is its function to the whole project ?