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Thomas posted an update 9 years ago
I constructed a new neck with 2 axis inside and rotate from outside see my album for pictures
Looks great, nice prints! Can you post a video of it working?
Hi Bob,
at this time it is only possible to show every single axis working because my robotlab is not working so far. I try to make some videos this week end
Look forward to seeing it in action. I know it is difficult to implement more servos when running on my robot lab, that’s one of the reasons I switched to a different operating system to run my InMoov with.
I have this idea when i had soon need to use not implemented servo
leftPort = “/dev/ttyACM0” rightPort = “/dev/ttyACM1”
7 +i01 = Runtime.createAndStart(“i01”, “InMoov”) 8 +right = Runtime.start(“i01.right”, “Arduino”) 9 +right.setBoard(“mega2560”) 10 +right.connect(rightPort) #not implemented servo pin init right.pinMode(22, Arduino.OUTPUT) #inmoov service with implemented servo 15 +i01.startMouth() 16 +mouth = i01.mouth 17 +i01.startMouthControl(leftPort) 18 +i01.head.jaw.setMinMax(45,70) 19 +i01.mouthControl.setmouth(45,70) 20 +i01.head.jaw.setRest(70) #not implemented servo control right.publishState() right.AnalogWrite(22,xxx)
you can use
servo = Runtime.createAndStart(“servo”, “Servo”) servo.attach(“i01.right”, 22) servo.setMinMax(0,90) servo.moveTo(45) etc
Hi it’s better thank you for the tip !
Awesome, post a video in action, it will be great to see the movements!
The new photos are now in the gallery Later i will paste the video Urls
Looks great, nice prints! Can you post a video of it working?
Hi Bob,
at this time it is only possible to show every single axis working
because my robotlab is not working so far.
I try to make some videos this week end
Look forward to seeing it in action. I know it is difficult to implement more servos when running on my robot lab, that’s one of the reasons I switched to a different operating system to run my InMoov with.
I have this idea when i had soon need to use not implemented servo
leftPort = “/dev/ttyACM0”
rightPort = “/dev/ttyACM1”
7 +i01 = Runtime.createAndStart(“i01”, “InMoov”)
8 +right = Runtime.start(“i01.right”, “Arduino”)
9 +right.setBoard(“mega2560”)
10 +right.connect(rightPort)
#not implemented servo pin init
right.pinMode(22, Arduino.OUTPUT)
#inmoov service with implemented servo
15 +i01.startMouth()
16 +mouth = i01.mouth
17 +i01.startMouthControl(leftPort)
18 +i01.head.jaw.setMinMax(45,70)
19 +i01.mouthControl.setmouth(45,70)
20 +i01.head.jaw.setRest(70)
#not implemented servo control
you can use
servo = Runtime.createAndStart(“servo”, “Servo”)
servo.attach(“i01.right”, 22)
Hi it’s better thank you for the tip !
Awesome, post a video in action, it will be great to see the movements!
The new photos are now in the gallery
Later i will paste the video Urls