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Thomas posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Hi what do you mean ? Could you explain please. The new parts are on thingiverse: or are you missing parts ?
Thank you for the link thomas
Thomas posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago
The second video
good job thomas Can you put on thingiverse the top of the thigh to fix the leg on inmoov. thanks thomas
Nice work—Thanks for posting your STL Files too,,,
The upper leg workin with stronger motor 12V makita with gear
Thomas posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
Thank you, but the final idea for fixing is at this time not existing
Leg up
good work . How the leg is fixing it to inmoov
The Knee is moving video
I hope if the motor arrives that it is strong enough to move the knee
Wow .. that’s going to one powerful motor
A sunny day, also for leg’s 😉
Thomas posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago
I am looking for makers in Berlin, I am still working on my own Please mail me if you are interested.
beau travail et pour la cheville et le pied !
bonne idée les tubes en alu.
So I am working an legs shown at
Thomas posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
@admin Hi Gael first of all bon noël pour toi, this is the rest of my french learned in school many years ago. My question is what about the legs, I saw many videos from you and inmoov legs but I have no idea how I can realize them. Is there any publishing planned ?
Best regards Thomas1
They are not ready yet…. When they are I am sure Gael will let us know….
Hi et Joyeux Noël to you as well !! Legs aren’t yet published because they aren’t ready.
Thomas posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
@admin Hi Gael what about the stl for the battery lid ? Maybe it is shown at the build yours tutorial. Perhaps my eyes aren\’t the best so I can\’t see it Thanks in advance
Thomas posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
Now the pictures of my neck variation ar online on
Thomas posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
Yeah, I feel like the site is a dentist appendix.
Thomas posted a new activity comment 8 years, 9 months ago
Hi the teeht are not my design i found them on thingiverse. They are modded.
the next step will be the controlling from the myrobotlab with the raspberry pi
If you have trouble, I may still have a complete script for InMoov ready to work on a Raspi.
this is the rotation of the head from right to left
see through the left ear how the head is going to the front and to the back
See the head ist going to the right and to the left shoulder
this is the inner part of the neck
So the video links are now online. I hope you can see how it moves
Hey Your InMoov has teeth!!!!!!……..keep him off the candy!. will you be releasing your design to thingiverse ?. great work !
Great! Yeah InMoov with teeth, I had done vampire fangs for InMoov a long time ago, but never just normal teeth. Surprising, I would have expected to make it more awkward. it fits okay!
The new photos are now in the gallery Later i will paste the video Urls
Hi Bob,
at this time it is only possible to show every single axis working because my robotlab is not working so far. I try to make some videos this week end
Look forward to seeing it in action. I know it is difficult to implement more servos when running on my robot lab, that’s one of the reasons I switched to a different operating system to run my InMoov with.
I have this idea when i had soon need to use not implemented servo
leftPort = “/dev/ttyACM0” rightPort = “/dev/ttyACM1”
7 +i01 = Runtime.createAndStart(“i01”, “InMoov”) 8 +right = Runtime.start(“i01.right”, “Arduino”) 9 +right.setBoard(“mega2560”) 10 +right.connect(rightPort) #not implemented servo pin init right.pinMode(22,…[Read more]
you can use
servo = Runtime.createAndStart(“servo”, “Servo”) servo.attach(“i01.right”, 22) servo.setMinMax(0,90) servo.moveTo(45) etc
Hi it’s better thank you for the tip !
I constructed a new neck with 2 axis inside and rotate from outside see my album for pictures
Looks great, nice prints! Can you post a video of it working?
Awesome, post a video in action, it will be great to see the movements!