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Richard posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago
Hi Richard, I like your InMoov sticker/card with logo + did you print all your InMoov on your Wanhao D3?
Hi Michael, yep, I have a couple of Wanhao D3’s and it’s all printed by them. They’re different generations (I forget which version numbers they are, one is an early variant, before they introduced the power supply with the angled screen), They have all the usual community modifications, like the AZZA braces etc. The printer on the right of the picture is just another D3 in a cheap 9U server cabinet – it fits perfectly and makes a great enclosure. As I’m set up in a garage that’s exposed to some pretty cold winter tempereatures it helps to keep things running smoothly when things get draughty. I do really love my D3’s 🙂
The logo/sticker might be familiar to some InMoov builders? If you do a Google image search for ‘Chris Cunningham robot’ you’ll see it straight away. The robots in the Bjork ‘All Is Full of Love’ video are amazing. I want to add a few details to my build that make my robot look like a scientific/industrial instrument, so I drew up a few designs in Adobe Illustrator. I’ll replace the paper stickers with some painted or transfer decals once I’ve finished building.
Thanks for replying 🙂