Markus posted an update 10 years ago
Robyn Inmoov rewiring and easy to disassemble.
Robyn Inmoov rewiring and easy to disassemble. – YouTubeRobyn Inmoov rewiring and easy to disassemble.
Markus posted an update 10 years ago
Robyn Inmoov rewiring and easy to disassemble.
Very nice Markus! Using a wide screen is good, I have chosen a much smaller screen to be mounted on the Odroid U3 and it is a bit hard to read on it.
Very interesting way of connecting the arms, I like the hdmi cables. What power supply do you use for the servos, Others might be interested about that.
Thanks for this instructive video!!!
Very beautiful design. We would like the photos with comments. You come up with the usage HDMI cable very nice.