• Mats Önnerby uploaded a new picture: 20150906 002.JPG 9 years, 1 month ago

    I had several ideas when I started to print the head. The large servo was more expensive than a small, so I tried to replace it with a standard size sero. I also wanted to mount a better camera in the head than a USB camera. My modified head contains a Raspberry PI 2 with a Raspberry Pi Camera module mounted in one of the eyes. It also contains an Arduino Uno to drive the servos. Since the Raspbe…

    • wooouu, setting the brain in the skull.
      What sort of camera did you set in?
      I tested my full InMoov with the Raspi2 and was a bit disapointed with latency. The Odroid U3 was also having latency…
      Let us know your Rasp2 acts when you will be using speech recognition along with OpenCV tracking, so we can share comparison.

      • I use a Raspberry PI Camera module connected directly to the Raspberry CSI port. I has really good quality for still pictures and video stream is OK. I tried to use it with MRL and the OpenCV service, but I got some error messages. I will sort it out with the developers of MRL. Thay are all very nice, skilled and helpful people.

        • Others have tested the Raspi Camera module into MRL with success. Your errors might be related to which version of MRL you are using.
          When I tested the camera with the Raspi2, I was using version 1.1.107 and it was working fine, though with latency.