• Dimitris posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago

    • nice work what is this servo motor?

    • Thank you amby! This is turnigy 1270HV 40kg servo. With some mods it can fit perfect.

      • Hello Aggelos,
        What are the mods you had to do to fit in the turnigy 1270HV 40kg?
        Some builders have a hard time to gather the Hitec 805bb, if the mods are minor, I could add this servo in the alternative servo list.

        • This looks great and seems to run really well. I’ve become concerned about the application of servos this way. Have any had the drive shaft get pulled out of the servo in these linear actuator applications? What about the place where the little screw holds the servo horn onto the splined shaft, any failed there?

          • @Reece, mine has been running for nearly three years now and the servos are still doing fine.
            The only thing that happens sometimes, the small screw that holds the horn wheel to the servo shaft gets loose, I bet using some blue Loctite component would solve the problem, but I never bought some to test.

            • That’s great, It was something that started bothering me the more I thought about it. I expect that for the service duty this is being put to that these are not a concern. I expect I’ve been among big machinery too long and with the self teaching over the years I’ve probably over analyzed this.

          • Mr. Gael sorry for late answer but first my school and then my inmoov, as my daddy said. The mods need to change some pieces. My dad make new stls and i print them. I will post photos of them.