Assembly of the “Finger Starter”
Download STL files from the Gallery.
Before printing all the parts you should print the CALIBRATOR, to check if your parts will fit together. If you have a very hard time putting those parts together, adjusting the horizontal expansion setting of your slicer software can solve that, this setting can vary depending of your slicer and printer but users report to set it at -0.15 is a great place to start.
Here is the list of parts and the number of prints needed for 1 Finger Starter:
- 1x FingerIndex
- 1x FingerTester
- 1x RobRing
- 1x Servo-Pulley
This is going to be interesting!!
We are going to assemble a finger to a small servo for testing it with an Arduino board. The servo I used on the pictures is a digital HK15298 but you can use also a cheap analog MG995 or even cheaper if you find and if the size specifications are the same.
The Arduino board used here is a Arduino Uno. It is best to add an external power supply because even if these servos are small they draw too much current which will or might reboot your board.
At the end of this tuto, there is also a picture that illustrate how to simply connect your servo to the board.
REMEMBER: this connection set up can only power a single servo with low Amps drawing, if your board resets itself, or if the servo jitters, it means your servo is to high power consumption for the power pin. You will need an external power supply.
For connections and power supply you can see HERE. These connections drawing are mainly for the whole hand, but it is the same for one servo/finger or for five.
The pulling rods I use on this tuto is a fishing nylon, but it is not what works the best because it tends to stretch overtime. I recommand for InMoov, fishing braid 200LB. But for this test you can use anything you have at hand as long as it can pull and is thin enough to let the finger curl.
Now let see what we have printed and how we are going to do that.
Applying few drops of acetone will link disolve the parts together like it was printed in one piece. So take part 1 and part 2 and glue them together.
Glue together part 3 and 4.
Take a piece of your 3mm filament, if you don’t have that you will need to get some screws of 3mm at your hardware shop.
Get it trimmed with a cutter knife.
Push it in the hole, assembling part 1/2 to 3/4 together.
cut the filament with pliers.
Do the same trick with parts 3/4 to 5
Now we have a finger that should move freely.
Assemble the finger to the main part with the same technique.
You should have something like this. It should be able to freely fold to this angle.
Now lets see the servo. We are going to find an arbitrary zero point on the servo. Turn by hand the actuator to the maximum left, note until where it goes. Do the same to the left and note until where it went. These two points are the extremes positions of your servo, in the middle of these two points decide where is the arbitrary zero point. You can find that with your arduino board if you know how to do it, but this is a simple solution for now even though it isn’t precise.
Mount, Screw the “RobRing” on your servo, the two little holes should be on your extreme points.
Make two knots at approximatly 25cm of your rod, like this. make them well tight.
Now run the other end of the rod through the second hole.
You should have something like this, with even more knots than me.
Time to fix the servo to the base.
Run the bottom rod through the parts like on the following pictures.
Just make sure not to invert your rod, it should always on the back of the finger.
Now run the second rod on the inside of the finger.
You should end up like this.
Check your servo is at his zero arbitrary point.
Curl a little bit the finger and make a few knots between the two wires.
When turning “RobRing” by hand you should be able to get the finger in this position. Finger totally stretched.
Now cut the rods.
Glue part 6 to 5. If you look close at part 6, there is a nail side, and I haven’t put the number on the nail for aesthetic reasons.
Try to move the finger by rotating “RobRing”, it should move freely without locking.
Insert the Arduino board and make a wire connection like this. Orange or yellow to pin3 on PWM. Red on +5V. Black or brown on Gnd (ground).
REMEMBER: this connection set up can only power a single servo with low Amps drawing, if your board resets itself, or if the servo jitters, it means your servo is to high power consumption for the power pin. You will need an external power supply. (see at the beginning of this tuto)
You can now upload this FingerStarter sketch to your Arduino to see it move. If you have never used Arduino before. Follow this link or use this introduction pdf.
Hi, I’m trying to make starter kit. But “RobRing” is trouble.
I can’t mount RobRing on my servo. Hole size is not match with servo gear.
My servo is HK15298.
I’ll try modify “RobRing”.
Anyway your project is very interesting to me.
I’ll make InMoov by myself.
Thank you.
Hi, Thanks for your comment.
if the robring doesn’t fit, it means your printer is not perfectly calibrated. Though you can always heat up the center of robring with a flame and then press fit onto the servo.
Hi Gael,
I have the same problem with the RobringV1 not fitting onto the HK15298 servo, I have done a few of calibrations before printing, are there any ways to perfectly calibrate the printer? Currently I’m trying to do the finger starter , but struggling with this first bit…
Thank you for your help, your inventions are awesome.
Kind Regards,
You can heat up the inside of the robring with the flame of a lighter, until the plastic soften and then apply with force onto the HK15298B to make a perfect fit.
Make sure to push it straight, otherwise you will needt to re-soften the part again
Hi Gael,
Thank you for your reply assistance, I managed to make it fit but with the servo pulley part instead of the robring, and screwing the original round ring that came with the servo following how you did in the video above. Thanks again, will let you know if I run into other issues.
Kind Regards,
hello gael hiii firstly conguralations for you nice work inmoov i want to make this as a school project firstly i want to ask certain question they are
*in which coding language the codes for inmoov is written because i want to learn that coding so that it will nice making that .
*in harware section you have written abandoned section what is that and in which section you have shown working on that.
*can i use two battery for both Nervo board differently?
*is both Nervo board are connected to each other if yes how and how to run both together at a time from my Robotlab.
thanks sorry for bad English
InMoov uses three languages of coding, depending on the level of the usage.
Arduino code: for basic movements (eg: the fingers)
Python code: for movements and talking when creating gestures for the robot.
Java code: for to create services in MyRobotLab software for InMoov.
We also use a fourth language called: AIML, this is for to code the chatbot.
The abandoned section is related to using Raspi and Odroid to control the robot. Both are too slow to perform well on the robot.
You can use one battery to power both Nervo Boards at the same time. To do so you need to make a connection between the two Nervo Boards with some XT60 connectors.

hey every one I found if you use a 3.2mm drill bit on parts (3/5/ and base) the fingers moves far smoother than if you drill them with 3mm but only use the 3.2 on (3/5/ and base)
wow what a great idea simplicity that supple unfortunately I went a different way to get it mounted.
but rest assure when I do the rest if I run into little problem I will definitely heat up the middle and just push it down on the servo !!!
You was right , the rob ring is for micro servo ( like SG90)
Hello gael nice project you have made i really appreciate it i too
want to make it but i want to ask a question that is i am a 10std student in india can making this project by copying your project is helpful for me in studies pls reply
You can use InMoov project for studies as long as it always respects the CC-by-NC terms of Creative commons licence.
dear sir, I want to know if you are using AI programs on InMoov, and are the programs changeable, also, will my InMoov work properly even if I change the programs?
Hiii gael once again sorry for disturbing but i mean to say that making this project by copying is benefit for me or just for fun or i will gain some knowledge and learn something by making this project copying you thnks and also can you suggest me a website for buying servo motors thnks
Pls reply
Hiii gael once again sorry for disturbing but i mean to say that making this project by copying is benefit for me or just for fun or i will gain some knowledge and learn something by making this project copying you thnks and also can you suggest me a website for buying servo motors thnks
Hiii gael once again sorry for disturbing but i mean to say that making this project by copying is benefit for me or just for fun or i will gain some knowledge and learn something by making this project copying you thnks and also can you suggest me a website for buying servo motors thnks pls reply fast as i have to start project
Hello gael sorry for disturbing but i mean to say that you have made this project so this is invention for you but what if we copy your project can we learn something by copying this project and making can it give some benefits like learning something in studies or just like fun
When building InMoov you will learn through the process all of what you don’t already know.
I have developped InMoov mainly for students and education, because the project approach many aspects.
In short what you will learn: 3D printing, engineering, electricity and programming.
Searching parts to buy, like the servo, is also part of the learning process.
You need to think DIY, when approaching this project!
Hello gael can you suggest me a cheapest website for buying servos
You need to do your own market
Hello gael what is PIR sensor where it is placed what is the use of that in which section it is given about pir sensor
PIR sensor is placed in the chest and connected to the Left Nervo Board via PIN 23 by default. See PIR connection on the Nervo board tutorial.
The PIR sensor allows the robot to go to sleep if no human is detected. If a human is detected the robot wakes up and gets activated.
which is the brand of servos you use ?
hitec? futaba? tower pro maybe?
what are the Specs of the servos? thanks!
hi, the muscle sensors are a flex sensor? thanks
Hi the servos are HK15298b or MG996r.
The sensors are done with carbon foam, it is described in the tutorial for the “hand and forarm”.
very well, there isnt my left hand. ı use ottobock myo hand prosthesis, but your prosthesis is interesting for me. ı want make myself my prosthesis. but how can ı start ı dont know.
I’m working on the new hand wish is a hard task of research and development.
I Think samples must take ı than limb model, ı used for test, it is very good. motors are in the hand, but what kind motor, ı dont know. ı think can use very easy with 3d printer.
We welcome your success
I Think samples must take ı than limb model, ı used for test, it is very good. motors are in the hand, but what kind motor, ı dont know. ı think can use very easy with 3d printer.
We welcome your success
Hi all,
I am currently starting my InMoov trip, thanks for the amazing work.
My plan is to print with PLA (constrain of my personal printer). do you have any tip to work on the glue part in order to remove the joint like acetone does for ABS ?
Depending on the material you have used to print there is different ways to glue the parts together.
If you have PLA prints, a two components epoxy glue is really good but you can also use UHU glue or superglue.
If you have printed in ABS, you can use epoxy, UHU glue but what works the best is acetone. Acetone dissolve ABS bonding the parts as one.
Thanks, All the best to you for this new year.
Do you have a recommended shop for the MG995 ?
Hi, thank you.
I don’t recommend using the MG995 anymore. They burn too easily because there was many fakes on the market.
Take an MG996 or MG946 instead.
Hobbyking is one of the biggest distributor worldwide, but you might cheaper in other RC shops.
Have a great New Year!
Hi, I have been doing the hand and forearm and I used thunderbond the glue and the catalyzer… I really recommend it
Thanks for your recommendation.
Anneal your PLA by boiling it in water for about 20 min or in the oven at about 100C for the same amount of time. It will be harder and stronger than ABS.
what is the kind of the filament you used to join the finger ABS,PLA ?
I am using 3mm ABS filament, but PLA does the job as well.
Hi, Thanks for the amazing work you have done! I have two Makerbot printers a replicator 2 and a Makerbot Replicator Gen 5. I have been very interested in Robotics and have purchased a bunch of Arduino stuff from Banggood and I bought my servos from Hobby King HK15298B.
I have built the Finger starter kit and I am trying to hook it up with a Adruino Uno. First I tried your starter sketch with the latest Arduino. It compiles and I can upload it successfully but it does not execute. I then tried your My Robot Lab (using the latest version) and everything seems to go according to plan but the Arduino does not respond although I can see the voice commands are executing.
I am new to Adruino and I am lost on what to do next. Any recommendations will be greatly apreciated
I noticed a newer version of the Arduino software and I installed and now the fingure sketch works
I’m glad you figured it out!
Self learning is the power, InMoov will help you to learn robotics.
why you didn’t make legs for the robot to move, I know this is a big step, but are you thinking about it ?
Legs are on progress. InMoov can stand on it’s legs but the walk is still another challenge.
I thought I see how those walking legs are going. Is it still something you plan to do?
I am planing on building an Inmoov starting with the finger to test but am having trouble printing the set of 6. Would it be possible for someone to split the file into six parts and upload a folder to thingiverse with each piece as its own STL file?
you can use Netfabb to do what you need, just follow my tutorial:!searchin/inmoov/netfabb|sort:relevance/inmoov/n4tOkMjNBCM/jhKtrImb6xYJ
Thanks for the help. I managed to work it out in the end by changing some speed settings. I managed to get the finger printed and now my Kossel is happily printing the base. Servos arrived today and I have some glue, 3mm drill bit, 250lb 0.8mm fishing line (hope 100m is enough for the hands) and some sand paper on the way.
Once again thanks for the help. I am printing a lot faster using Cura, without hairs and I also used Netfabb to isolate a piece that didnt print.
I have printed all the fingers.
wé have started our first “Finger Starter”
Great and have fun exploring!
I have tried controlling my finger- starter by voice. I could make it opened or closed but i couldn’t hear any sounds from my computer like this ” did you said …” . I use MRL 1.0.119 , Chrome is my default browser . Can you help me please !!
Sorry for the delay, I am very busy at the moment.
If you have questions related to MRL, and you wish to get quick answers, it is better to communicate directly on the forum or in the shoutbox of
Anyway, make sure to have selected the correct devices output for sound using “device manager” in Windows or use the panel control to do that as well. MRL uses the default output and input selected.
Fantastic work Gael
Hello i am excited to join this fantastic project…i have one small contribution…when joining the finger joints I just used a piece of PLA (size doesn’t matter…so she said) and pushed it through about one quarter inch and used a soldering iron to melt the end resulted in kind of a rivet…then clipped the other end about one quarter inch and did the same…seems like a nice working finger
Yes very good!! it is a technique that does the job quite well and we have been using it since a few years now.
There is videos on youtube of other builders explaining how to do it.
I’m not sure who posted the bag the parts thing…but Thank You..i would have been so confused with rolling parts…good tip
Hi, I’m currently trying to build this robot hand. But I actually started off with the finger starter kit first. I lost the file for RobRingV1, as I’m using generic servos and it woudn’t fit with the updated RobRingV2. Hence, was wondering if you still have the STL file for RobRingV1?
Thanks so much! Please update me ASAP. It’s for one my projects.
You will find the RobRingV1 on Thingiverse by searching “InMoov finger starter”
Hi all
Has anyone got this sketch work, because I can’t
Hello Peter,
This FingerStarter sketch for Arduino has been used in hundreds of project and works well.
But can you describe what doesn’t work? What type Arduino, what you actually did…
Hi Gael
Thanks for your reply,
I am installing it on an uno.
I have followed the instructions. It uploads ok no errors but doesn’t run, I have also tried the voice control one as well, that tells me open hand but the servo doesn’t move, I sure I am doing something wrong but know what!!!
I was using an aftermarket UNO R3 and the program just wouldn’t work. after 3 days of struggling, we plugged everything into genuine Arduino UNO R3 and everything worked perfectly!
i have completely made he finger starter so i want to ask will i use this finger setup in future with hand and forarm or not ?
Hi Akash,
Please check, I already replied your question in the community ward.
Hi, this is an amazing project Gael.
Id like to build my own InMoov, it seems an excellent base for learning more about robotics. With it being open source, am I able to adapt the files to develop my own look to it without copying it exactly, a female looking InMoov for example?.
Hello lain and welcome,
InMoov is designed under CC-BY-NC licence that means you can modify the stl parts and share for non commercial profit under the same terms of license as long as credit and attributions are given to Gael Langevin.
Have a great built!
Hi, thanks for the quick reply,
That’s great to hear thank you.
Hello Gaël,
I’m very exited to start this project too, I downloaded yesterday all the stl of your website to be able to build my own Inmoov Robot. There is lots of technical interest, first is using my 3D Printer Solidoodle 3, second is using arduino, I bought a starter kit few month ago with lots of items , sensor, keyboard, screen but I never used it, this project has a very good documentation and it is a pleasure to learn it, third is to build a robot who looks like a human body, to many robots look like toys :-/ I think that this story will be fun !
Congratulations for all the work you have done and for the work which is coming !
PS : It’s cool that it was un français qui ai lance ce projet (je suis français aussi du 91 ^^)
Welcome to you and thanks for your comment!

Un InMoov dans le 91! Cool
Hi Gael,
Are the starter kits offered fully assembled? Arduino UNO board connected to servos, for all part assemblies requiring these boards.
No you need to assemble it yourself. Note that the servo and Arduino are not included in the Finger Starter kit.
Best regards
Thanks – Gael
I am unable to find 180 degree rotational servo supplied by HobbyKing HK15298 or HK15298B
But I was able to find this. Will these specs work for the 180 degree rotational servo?
Operating voltage range: 4.5v~6v
Operating temperature range: -20°~60°
Operating speed: 0.11sec/60° 4.8v – 0.10sec/60° 6v
Torque: 4.8v – 6v
Arm travel range: 180° ( 90°/one side pulse traveling 600usec)
Idle current: 5mA at stopped
Running current range: 50~150mA
Locked rotor range: 600 mA
Dead band width: ≤4usec
Angle deviation center: <0.5°
Size: 22.7×12×26.4mm
Weight: 12.5g
Bearing material: metal
Gear material: metal
Connector wire length: 21cm
The servo you have selected have a very low torque power, only 2,2kg when the hk15298B does 21kg.
I would recommend something stronger.
Have a look in the Hardware and BOM list to see other possible servos:
TGY-5521MDHV (24kg torque, should fit)
JX PDI-6221MG(20-36kg torque, should fit)
RS-550MGC-HV (11.2kg torque, should fit)
HS-311 (3.5kg torque, should fit)
XQ-S4020D (21.5kg torque, should fit)
Thanks – Gael
I have begun printing the parts for the Inmoov robot. I am very excited to do this project. I don’t have much electrical experience, so this area is new to me.
Will this project be easy for a non electrical person?
I started printing the parts starting from the head working my way downwards. Is this a good approach? I would then tackle the electronics. Perhaps you may have suggestions?
Thanks Gael for all your help! This is an awesome project, I hope I am successful at completing the mission. I may overwhelm you with all my electrical questions, however I will make my part purchases thru the website to help support the mission. I’ve already helped with the purchase of a Inmoov t-shirt
Thanks for the list of servos that can be used. However, I guess I’m a little confused. All servos on the list have a rotation of 60degrees. I thought a servo with 180degree rotation is what the BOM calls for?
Great Project, truly amazing!
I’m wondering if there is a use for the servo pulley in addition to the robring for the finger starter?
Ah, got it, it depends on the servo head mount, right. One pulley mounts directly on the servo head, whereas the other one mounts on a standard servo disk.
So it’s one or the other depending on the servo mount style. Not sure why the two don’t have quite the same diameter though?
You got it.
The diameter varies for no reason.
Hello, It mainly depends on the servo you use. Some servo have the correct pulley, and some need the RobRing.
Hi Gael,
How come your parts look so much better and smoother than mine?
Are you printing in ABS? I have an Anet A8 (Prusa I3 clone) which seems decent but there are hundreds of settings. I have not got my PLA prints to look anything like yours though.
hello.. what is the difference between the rob ring and the servo pully … the rob-ring is installed on the servo, what is the servo pully ?
The servo pulley is mounted on the ring that comes with most servo motors.
See this picture in the hand tutorial:
Ahhh, thats it for. I was hoping I wasn’ t the only one who had a spare part
Hello. I am new to community starting with finger kit at original Prusa i3Mk2s without any experience about robotics. I hope I´ll learn a lot on this project and I´m very thankfull for this awesome job you have done. You are making future by this
Thanks for your comment!
Have a great journey building the Finger Starter.
I have built the Finger starter kit and I am trying to hook it up with a Adruino Uno. First I tried your starter sketch with the latest Arduino. It compiles and I can upload it successfully but it does not execute. I then tried your My Robot Lab (using the latest version) and everything seems to go according to plan but the Arduino does not respond although I can see the voice commands are executing. I am new to Adruino and I am lost on what to do next. Any help wopld be very nice thanks.
Just found it out with the great help of the comunnity on the MRL website.
What was your issue after all?
I used a 360 degree servo instead of an 180 degree.
hi Gael! I am using finger starter kit it does’t work.
Can you please give me python and arduino code separately.
I am using “myrobotlabX64.1.0.1723” can you suggest me a better version and how can I open webgui ?
I will be very thankful to you.
Version 1.0.1723 is a bit out of date…
Please get this version:
Codes are included in the version in the InMoov/TestScripts directory.
I hope this helps!
J’ai utilisé un servo-moteur qui tourne à 360° au lieu de 180°, et lorsque je lance le programme pour que le doigt s’ouvre ou se ferme, il continue de tourner sans se bloquer, de plus il ne trouve pas son milieu lorsque qu’on lui dit “finger To the middel”.
Avez-vous une solution à mon problème ?
I used a servo motor that rotates 360 ° instead of 180 °, and when I dish the program so that the finger opens or closes, it keeps turn without getting stuck, moreover it does not find his middle when he is told “finger to the middel”.
Do you have a solution to my problem?
Thank you.
Pas sur que cela puisse facilement se solutionner. Cela va dépendre de votre servo moteur.
La solution qui sera la plus facile, c’est d’utiliser le mapping afin de définir la plage de rotation dans MyRobotLab.
Si vous utilisez les config InMoov, vous devriez trouver les mapping input et output. Il faut les adapter à votre configuration de servo. (en espérant que votre servo accepte d’être mappé)
;—————————– RIGHT HAND CONFIGURATION —————————————-
;your servo minimal limits
;your servo mmaximal limits
je ne trouve pas ou il faut mettre ce programme.
Pouvez-vous m’en dire plus ?
I just want to say thank you. I’ve made the finger starter and am mooving on to the hand next.
Thanks for your comment, have a great time!
Hello Gaël, amazing project, CHAPEAU!!!
I just watched the video for the finger and I am wondering why you used 2 pieces of strings for the tendons and then did a knot with them… wouldn’t it be easier to just use 1 long string and avoid the risk of a bad knot?
Thanks for your comment.
Aah old video and tutorial, the knot was to give the opportunity for the builder to be able to adjust the tension given on each line. traction and extension. At the servo wheel or at the tip of the finger.
Now I have two other methods, which is a screw holding the tendon which makes it better to adjust. Or one line that clips at the tip of the finger.
Unfortunately, I haven’t uploaded the stl yet for the second method.
Hello world,
I just started building my Inmoov robot. please don´t hesitate to contact me.
Hello ,
I attach the finger and I want to test it , I used this python code ( / as is put it above ,
but is not running because there is an error ,
——Traceback (most recent call last): File string, line 50,
in moduleAttributeError: org.myrobotlab.service.InMoovHand object has no attribute setAutoEnable
at org.python.core.Py.AttributeError(
at org.python.core.PyObject.noAttributeError(
at org.python.core.PyObject.__getattr__(
at org.python.pycode._pyx5.f$0(string:84)
at org.python.pycode._pyx5.call_function(string)
at org.python.core.Py.runCode(
at org.python.core.Py.exec(
at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.exec(
at org.myrobotlab.service.Python$—— )
please can someone tell me how to fix this error , it’s my first time that I use python
Are you using the Manticore 1.0.2693 version?
You could launch the script anyway by uncommenting with hashtag the line 50, like this:
I’m using myrobotlab – gui 1.0.2693
if I make it like a comment another error appear
error : ( arduino i01 not connected)
what should I do !
Hello Geal ,Thank you very much ,
I tryed to make it comment and also I add (Arduino.connect(“COM8”))
there is no syntax error but still there is no responding ,
when I tryed to move the finger from the servo it’s move
but when I want to open it or close it by the speech there is no responding
I’m sorry , because I’m annoying you by my maybe stupid question , but I’m still a student , I have to learn by my self , it’s my first time that I work something like this , it’s awesome , I don’t want to just give up and don’t complete , so sorry maybe I will ask too much
Make sure you are using Chrome as browser and your microphone is correctly selected in the Chrome options.
i am getting the same issue i think webkit recongnition is not working properly.I am unable to control right hand using voice command.
if have solved that issue please share your experiance,it might help me out.
Hi Gael,
I saw your finger starter video up the top, it is awesome! Question is the red strings you used for the finger (tendons), it seems thick, what material are they and the size please? They look very strong, and also what kind/type of portable power pack/source is recommended to power up the whole Inmoov robot? Or do I have to separate buy them…
Thank you for your generous help!
Kind Regards
The list of hardware and BOM, will give you all these informations.
I thought I read on here that the PDI-6221MG was a good servo option. It appears that it only has about 60 degrees of rotation, is 60 degrees enough? Thank you for this project and all you do!
I never tried the PDI-6221MG, so maybe somebody else said it was a good option.
I have a list of recommended servo and possible servo here:
The PDI-6221MG is a possible but not tested servo.
Hello Gael
Thank you so much !
This project is good for learning Robotics.
If I want to make a full size of this Inmoov robot What is the total weight of filament needed?
Best regards
I don’t have the answer for your question.
But you can have an estimation if you look in the Hardware and BOM page.
Ok, I will study the cost,
I am thinking to make some mechanical and electrical upgrading for this project, I will inform you about them.
Thank you so much!
After checking all the InMoov Robot design parts I found that the total filaments weight needed is about 10,243 g ( 10.243 kg) ,
The number of parts are 320 parts.
Average printing time needed = 82968.3 minutes =1382.8 hours = 57.62 days
I heard that someone made a smaller InMoov child size uses less filaments and smaller cheaper servos.
Do you know where I can find the link for this design?!
Thank you in advance
I started to make a small InMoov a while back, but because of lack of time I left it as it was.
The best to reduce InMoov is at 0,64%.
InMoov is designed in Blender which doesn’t do CAD files. Therefore you will not find CAD files unless someone has completely re-meshed my design.
Thank you Gael
After studying my budget I will take the risk and build the full size robot I think it’s amazing exercise deserve to spend that amount of cost.
No I am trying to reduce the cost by studying the different types of servos, your notices about your experience with different types of servos are great.
I appreciate that.
I know you don’t have the time to chat, but because I like to speak with you I joined a French InMoov group in Facebook despite that I don’t speak French
Yes too busy to chat with everyone. I do not use Facebook, I am mostly on the English forum.!forum/inmoov
Thank you, I joined the English forum group <3
Hello, I have more of a general question, and I couldn’t find a good place to ask. What are some of the uses of InMoov?
Well that is a wide question.
The hand of InMoov was the sparkle that initiated many projects through out the world(98 countries at this date) of 3D printed hand prosthetics.
The robot InMoov is used in countless schools, Universities, Fablabs for education in various domains such as, 3D printing, prosthetics, robotics, engineering, programming, artificial intelligence, etc…
The usage is various because InMoov can talk/hear via chatbot/AI, see via cameras and Kinect, feel(detect) via sensors, analyze via AI/algorithms, take objects, mimic your gestures and more…
Thanks for the reply, and another question I had about InMoov. I am aware of the Robots for Good project where hospitalized children can take a trip to the zoo through InMoov’s eyes. This made me think, could an InMoov help special needs children in other ways as well?
And one last question, how did you create such an amazing and sophisticated robot without experience in the field of robotics prior to building InMoov?
Très intéressé à commencer le projet de l’InMoov, je me demandais si à l’heure actuelle, début 2019, il y a des changements par rapport à ce qui est expliqué… déjà sur la base ci-dessus :
– Le servo-moteur, toujours un HK15298B ou il y a-t-il “mieux” ?
– Le fil de pêche tressé, il en existe tellement… en gros, quel diamètre et/ou quelle capacité de levage ?
– Le fil de nylon, cela serai plutôt du style fil d’étendage (assez souple) ou fil guide-câble (plutôt rigide)
Et en sujet global quelle seraient les imprimante 3D conseillées, malheureusement le budget est assez faible, donc il y a-t-il des entrées de gamme ou kits qui sont vraiment bien pour la fabrication des pièces ? Par exemple PrimaCreator P120 ?
Voilà, beaucoup de questions même avant d’avoir fait quoique ce soit, mais j’aimerai partir du bon pied et le mieux possible… Merci par avance pour votre attention.
Bonjour et bienvenue,
Côté nouveauté ordinateur (qui n’est pas abordé dans votre question)
j’ai rajouté il y a quelques jours des éléments dans la page “Hardware and BOM”.
Le servo HK15298B est toujours d’actualité. Mais il y en a d’autre dans la page “Hardware and BOM”.
Le fils de pêche tressé est détaillé dans la page “Hardware and BOM”. (0,8mm braided /fishing line. 200LB sur ebay)
Le fils de pêche nylon est assez standard comme sur mes photos de tutoriel. (ce n’est pas du fils d’étendage de linge ni du fils guide cable)
Par contre il est à proscrire lors de la réalisation de la main complète car il se détends rapidement.
En ce qui concerne les imprimantes 3D, je n’ai pas de recommandation à donner car il en sort un nouveau modèle toute les deux semaines…
Sur le forum général, il y a énormément de post qui donne des références.!msg/inmoov/ftJEprj9S5Y/u7eNpk2xCAAJ;context-place=forum/inmoov
dans le cadre d’un projet de terminale, nous avons besoin de modéliser la force d’un doigt; cependant nous devons utiliser Méca3D sous SolidWorks, or il ne comprend pas les fichiers .slt. Serait-il possible d’avoir les fichiers en .sldasm ou .sldprt, afin de le sutiliser avec ?
En vous remerciant
Bonjour et bienvenue,
Comme vous le savez peut-être, j’ai utilisé Blender pour concevoir et réaliser le design des pièces d’InMoov.
Blender est un logiciel libre et gratuit à l’inverse de Solidworks, ce qui fait que Blender ne peut exporter dans des formats propriétaire tel que .sldprt ou .sldasm.
Par contre il est possible d’importer du STL afin de le rendre utilisable dans Solidworks.
I have all the hardware and printed parts except for the 3mm Filament. What Length of M3 screws do I need for this Finger Starter? Thanks
The finger is 16mm width.
Hi, this is an amazing project. I was considering buying a Boston Dynamics Spot then came across this. It would be great if we can make it walk and balance like Atlas. I am already gathering Python libraries for Machine Vision (so it can recognize objects, balance system so it can stand on 1 leg). I think we already have all the tools needed to build the robots from Elysium. I told my gf that I would have 2 robot bodyguards within 10 years
But amazing work, thanks for sharing
hello, Gael I am the newest person join with InMoov. I like to built try to built InMoov but here is one problem after download STL files from gallery error is come that says “this file invalid to use as following: certificate trust list”
so, regarding that please help me to solve this problem.
You need to define a software to open the STL format file in your PC.
Currently your PC doesn’t know how to open the file.
You need to make sure the file has the extension: .stl
Then you can use your software slicer to open the STL file.
OK thanks for you response
Hello Gael, i have the EMG prosthetic arm project for my thesis. For a while, the arduino program that i used just only able to do open-close activities. But, i want my prosthetic can work with multi DOF almost like the original hand and i didn’t find the programming for the reference.
Can you help me , what shoul i do? by the way i used the Muscle Sensor V3-Advancer Technology with Arduino Uno and MG996R Servo for each finger.
thanks for your respond , and love Inmoov projects.
Hey, I’m doing EMG project with it too.
The EMG sensors that you can buy could just detect the impulse of the EMG signal, this signal includes all the motion unit under the electrode, so you need a decomposition process.
Have you already decompositioned the raw signal? Cuz the signal for forearm and fingers are really complicated than biceps and triceps.
If you can detect the EMG signals for each fingers separately, then just turn the corresponding servo for your target finger. However I am still struggling with signal processing, which I belive is the hardest part of an EMG project…
ça y est j’ai fait fonctionner la stater finger en français. Je vais pourvoir m’attaquer à la main…
How to i programme overal (right hand , left hand , torso, neck, head , eyes , speech recognition ) inmoov
Please guide to me…
There seems to be an extra part. I see where you use the RobRing. But, Where do you use the pulley with the large center hole and 4 small holes? I think it’s called the servo pulley
You can choose between the two parts.
One is to attach to the pulley that comes with your servo. RobRing is to mount directly on the shaft of your servo.
Hello, would 2.85 filament work as well to join the finger parts? Because most of diameters are this size instead of 3mm
Yes a filament of 2.85 will be fine.
hello gael, I’m currently training to be a computer scientist for application development. For this I have a small HTML 5 and CSS project. Can I use pictures of your robot for this. It is only for school and only within our class
Best regards
Just completed the finger starter, very impressed with it. Can’t wait to carry on building the InMoov!
Je me pose des questions sur l’alimentation. Même si sur ce starter ça n’a pas l’air nécessaire, je voudrait savoir si vous aviez des référence de batteries à nous conseillé?
Les liens de votre note blog sont majoritairement plus d’actualité.
Merci d’avance
Vous pouvez trouver ces batteries facilement sur internet car elles ont un format standard.
Bonjour Gaël,
Tout d’abord … wouah. Je suis fan de votre travail.
J’ai enfin investi dans une imprimante et suis impatient de démarrer les impressions.
Mais avant de commencer, la partie critique me semble être l’alimentation alors je me permets une petite question :
Dans le blog (sur la note vous finissiez en disant chercher une batterie de 44 ampères … sachant que celle de 20 ampères semblait insuffisante.
Juste au-dessus vous évoquez une batterie de 12 ampères/heure.
Pouvez-vous me dire ce qui explique la différence ? Celle de 12Ah est juste pour le doigt/bras ? ou peut aller pour l’ensemble du robot (22 servos, 2 arduinos) ? ou alors la subtilité vient de la différence d’unité de mesure : ampère vs ampère/heure ?
Merci beaucoup d’avance
You need a battery of 6V12Ah or a power supply of 6V50A.
A battery allows the robot to be autonomous but only for a limited amount of time.
The power supply allows the robot to be working constantly but it needs to be connected to a supply outlet.
Pour faire fonctionner tout le robot, il vous faut une batterie 6V12Ah ou une alimentation 6V50A.
La batterie permets au robot d’être autonome , mais ne fonctionne que pendant un certain temps, ensuite il faut la recharger.
L’alimentation permets au robot de fonctionner en permanence mais il doit être connecté à une prise electrique.
Une question, les tutos sont ils disponible en Français?
Y a t il d’autres vidéo en FR comme celle ci?
Presque tout est en Anglais.
Je n’ai réalisé que très peu de tuto et vidéo en Français.
Hi, do you recomend buying this starter kit for this project?
I have been looking for what I need to buy on arduino and I am quite lost so I would be very greatful if you could but a link for me on what to buy.
Yes you can get the starter kit, but you actually don’t need all of the content.
You need a Arduino Uno with USB cable, a breadboard, and some jumper wires.
okey, thank you.
Hi, can I use micro bit for this project?
I got mine working, but my servo gets a little jerky on the open max. The Arduino seems fine, is this a power issue? I’m using an authentic Arduino uno and the HK 15298 servo.
Hola Gael!
Tengo una pregunta para usted
seria valido usar trenzado de pesca de 100 lb?
las bobinas que consigo encontrar de trenzado de 200 lb son de 1000 metros y son muy caras. Al parecer ni siquiera fabrican bobinas mas pequeñas de esas caracteristicas
solo encuentro bobinas pequeñas de 200 lb de nylon….
Gracias por tu atencion!!
sorry, i sent my question in spanish!! jeje
i will send it in english
Hi Gael!
I have a question for you
Would it be valid to use 100 lb fishing braid?
the coils I can find of 200lb braiding are 1000 meters long and very expensive. Apparently they do not even manufacture smaller coils of these characteristics
I only find small 200lb nylon spools ….
Thanks for your attention
Yes it would be okay to use 100 lb but it will carve into the plastic a little faster because the diameter is smaller.
Here is a link on ebay where you can select the color, the length and the 200lb tension:
oh! thanks !!!!!!
Hi Gael, first of all: thanks for this project! Just wanted to check-in and tell you this. I know that I will enjoy it. Starting right now with the Finger but planning to make InMoov and very much looking forward to it.
So again thanks for this
Hello and welcome,
Thanks for your message, I hope you enjoy it and have fun.
Got my Finger starter up and running with MyRobotLab today! Most fun I have had with a robotic finger ever! Have only burnt out 2 uno’s so far, but at least now it’s all starting to make sense…
I have most of the right hand, arm and bicep printed and am trying to source servos, which is harder/more expensive than I thought it would be. But challenge accepted.
I didn’t want to use ABS so am trying PETG for internals and PLA+ for non load bearing parts. PETG has taken me 2 days to get one of my printers dialed in enough to print cleanly without supports, rafts or brims. Turned out it was mostly to do with the speed of the first print layer. I have it at 15mm/s and may drop a little lower. Results are pretty good so far.
Great project though, thank you.
Hello, i also have burnt a ardunio board with my first attempt…what did you find out that worked? trying not to burn out another board. Thanks
i am so excited to have found this. Thank you.
as suggested i am starting with the finger starter and hope fully be able to finish atleast the whole hand.
i am confused about the holes for the hinges? why do i have to redrill? cant we just print them to size ?….. they are very small and i have already broken one piece trying to redrill – i am using PLA for the parts.
anyway i am going to try drilling a bit more carefully now but, i still think a bigger hole to start with no?
thank you anyway…. this is a dream project
very nice.
I would like to know where i can find the dimension of the diffferent parts of the finger , so i can use them on Creo to 3d print them
Hello! I am very interested in making my own mechanical arm but I have very little experience in designing such detail part like fingers, wrist and arm. Is there any recommend tutorial? I am currently using fusion360, if that matters. Thank you in advance!
My printer wouldn’t print the fingertip.
I chose to fill the hole in the print settings of my slicer program.
Then I drilled it out, then I filed it with a round file and finally I sanded it. In between I checked every now and then if it already fit.
This went easier than expected.