#Install for Myrobotlab Nixie version:

# install Java version 11 ready for MRL
# for Manticore sudo apt-get -y install oracle-java8-jdk

sudo apt-get -y install openjdk-11-jdk

# Setup the MyRobotLab
# First we need to create a directory for it to live in

mkdir mrl

# Set the permissions on the directory for execute (this might be required later)
# Found http://www.dummies.com/computers/raspberry-pi/working-with-file-permissions-on-your-raspberry-pi/
# is a good reference for learning about chmod, well worth the read.

sudo chmod a+x mrl

# Then change into the directory

cd mrl

# Download the MyRobotLab software into the new directory
# wget downloads a file directly from the internet.

sudo wget https://build.myrobotlab.org:8443/job/myrobotlab/job/develop/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/myrobotlab.zip

# Extract whats in the zip

unzip myrobotlab.zip


# Get rid of the zip

rm myrobotlab.zip


# type “y” to accept to remove the zip file



# Navigate into the unzipped directory (replace XXX below by version number)

cd mrl/myrobotlab-1.1.XXX


# Running the myrobotlab.sh file will install all services and
# create all the other files we need for the install
# Be patient this will take a while



# Ok we are now done. We have MyRobotLab installed
# you may need to reboot after the full install

sudo reboot


# To run myrobotlab the next time (replace XXX below by version number)

cd mrl/myrobotlab-1.1.XXX


# Follow this tutorial for to use InMoov in myrobotlab
# https://inmoov.fr/inmoov2-in-nixie/