• Gael Langevin posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago

    Printing another InMoov, because the original is going to stay home. It is a precious robot now!
    Having a second printer makes it fast, specially because I updated the firmware to Sailfish on the CTC printer.
    I used to print on Kapton with the ABS but finally got to print directly on glass which is giving a super result and surprisingly absolutely no warping. The key to do this is the way you apply the slurry on the glass. Sebastien of Quai Lab gave me a great tip.
    Pour the slurry on the glass plate, press it with a second glass plate until it is covering the total surface of the glass plate. Remove by sliding sideway the top glass and let the slurry evaporate. The surface will look as if there is almost nothing on the glass (see pictures) The neck is printing without any brim and it came out perfect. Same thing for all the InMoov torso parts.
    keep your prints warm, no fan cooling. cover the sides of your printer.
    Temperature of the heated bed 120C and temperature of the extruder 250C.
    ABS from Orbi-tech and from Zortrax printers.

    • PS: removal of the slurry ABS on the glass after print is done, simply run under cold water tab and it will detach itself like magic. Dry the glass plate and you are ready to go again.

    • Hi Gael – great info thank you.what is the consistency of the ABS slurry you use. your prints are look great.

      • The slurry is almost totaly liquid. It’s hard to say how much percent of ABS and acetone. Maybe 20 to 30 percent of ABS for 100 acetone.

    • Hi Gael
      I still think you should give HT-PLA a try and use a print plate that will not need any slurry or tape and allows to remove items by just picking them up from the cooled out print bed!

    • i am making inmoov right hand so can i get the Tensioner.stl file for it please i am not getting it anywhere can you please provide me the link of it