• Simon Burfield posted an update 9 years, 2 months ago

    So here is the basic inMoov hand controlled by LEGO MINDSTORMS. My plan is to see how far I can use inMoov and LEGO together

    • Hi, I used to coach a USFirst FTC Robotics team and we used NXT/EV3 units as the controllers for our bots. We used LabView, which is a more robust version of the Lego Mindstorms software. It loads into the EV3 just like the basic MindStorms software and there is pretty much nothing you can’t do with LabView. And the best part is that shares all of the graphical components with the EV3 software because LabView is the same product….both are made by National Instruments. New, the EV3 software is wicked cool, especially when controlling things via and iPad or other bluethooth device, but if you afind there are things you can’t do, see if you can find a demo copy or education version of LabView for MindStorms. The other language that runs on an EV3 is Robot-C. That is a great language, but it is not graphical like EV3/Labview. Depends on what kind of programming you do now.

      I hope that was helpful!


    • Hello Simon, thanks for posting your project on the site, as I told you on Twitter, I did relay your youtube video on my Google+, because I’am sure it can bring interest in many minds!
      I have never played with MindStorms Lego.
      But was born in 1964 and Lego was introduced in France in 1967 (I think) and it was my favorite toy and developpement plateforme , staying in pyjama the whole Sunday building stuff with my younger brother!
      I would give a lot to live one of those Sundays again!
      Seeing today the symbiosis between Lego and InMoov lighted my day!!!

      • Your awesome project is my focus this year, I am not sure how far I can go but I have a few robotics platforms (LEGO, VEX, Tetrix, Fishertechnik) to use with this project. I may also try and do a native one using servos and your boards.