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BIGIARINI Vincent posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago
Un jour tu marcheras !
This is so cool. But probably needs feet. No seriously, really cool.
Well done Vincent! Did you finally use my original Blender files or have you been using the STL? It seems you used the STL after all.
Hi Gael ! I tried… A lot ! but I failed… It’s too hard for me ! So I came back to STL files. Did you recieved my message ?
Here is the last update :
Yes I received your message. Very nice closer shots. Last time we saw each other, you said the encoders weren’t fully placed but only set for the look, did you have the time to set them on these closer shots? It looks like they are integrated now.
Yes they are integrated but no yet functionnal. ( I have not designed the mecanism to rotate them)
@bretzel59, What do you need help with exactly?
amby posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
you can see my prototype legs with drill motor work nice thank you my friends
Looks great! Keep it up
Very ingenious
hello everybody i can show you my work actually you can see my prototype leg with drill motor the manuel tests work nice