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Dwayne Williams posted an update 10 years, 4 months ago
InMoov Rob Says Thanks for the memories.
Nice posing, I see you are getting good with gesture programming.
Dwayne Williams posted an update 10 years, 5 months ago
InMoov Rob Getting Better With The Scipts.
Hey great, I can see improvements in getting the scripts adapted. And now Rob InMoov can fully move.
InMoov Rob Showing Off The Big Guns. Short and Sweet but hey it’s a start
Dwayne Williams posted an update 10 years, 6 months ago
InMoov Rob getting some face time with his peeps at the RAPID 2014 show in Detroit Michigan.
Great moments. One very interesting thing I noticed through the various events I’ have attended, if the robot doesn’t move, people don’t even pay attention, they can walk right next to it and not even see it. At the moment the robot starts to move, it all of a sudden catchs the crowd
InMoov Rob Gets Spacey
Dwayne Williams posted a new activity comment 10 years, 6 months ago
Thank you Gael Yes it is quite mesmerizing when he moves and talks. I am trying to get Rob ready for a 3d printer expo in Detroit Michigan on June 9-14.
Should be an interesting time. Thanks again for your gift to all of us in the opensource world. It is amazing.
InMoov Robs first public Video. Thanks to all of the InMoov Nation Especially Gael & Grog (Greg)
Hey cool! Feeling nice when it finally starts to make some movements through scripts, doesn’t it?
Dwayne Williams posted an update 10 years, 7 months ago
InMoov Rob taking a picture with his new mom.
Hey cool! I can see that you robot is getting movements now! I’m glad you finally get to use scripts. Greetings to Mom Rob. 🙂
Dwayne Williams posted an update 10 years, 8 months ago
The squarry pot support is good! Thanks for sharing it on Thingiverse. There is an explanation for the difficulty to assemble the shoulder with my tuto. I made the tuto a long time after having the shoulder built, and I had a bit forgotten the various steps I had gone through the real assembly.
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: Workbench full of I… 10 years, 8 months ago
Time to get busy with assembly .
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: Pre-Show Shots 10 years, 8 months ago
Gee!!! you took Terminator’s head to school? The association is not fortunate for InMoov’s reputation, ahaha!
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: Other 3D Printer ex… 10 years, 8 months ago
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: InMoov Out For A Dr… 10 years, 8 months ago
InMoov needs arms or the Google car.
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: photo 4.JPG 10 years, 8 months ago
We were still getting lots of questions and interest even after the seminar was over. Very excited you minds waiting to add to the InMoov Nation.
Very cool demo! Thanks for posting!
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: photo 3.JPG 10 years, 8 months ago
Good times were had by all.
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: photo 2.JPG 10 years, 8 months ago
Inquiring minds eager with lots of questions and ideas.
I wonder if the questions were different than during an event. The students have reflection that go sometimes beyond our minds.
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: photo 1.JPG 10 years, 8 months ago
Rob loves getting educated and educating young minds. Great time with the kids of Caledonia elementary.
Dwayne Williams posted an update 10 years, 9 months ago
Dwayne Williams posted a new activity comment 10 years, 9 months ago
Great video. Please do share the script on this one.
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: opencv_fd_1.jpg 10 years, 9 months ago
Rob is standing proud as a test bot for Grog. He is very pleased to be a part of enhancing the Inmoov Nation.
Nice! Never can get enough printers I say!
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: 20140222_133624.jpg 10 years, 10 months ago
Getting almost human. Wait before printing the ears, I made a new design with embeded loud speakers.
are there microphones in the ears too? so we can whisper sweet nothings into it ;-P
😀 …. its a boy 😛
ehehe, No mics. Servos make too much noise to use mics directly on the robot. At least for now until someone finds a solution.
Seems like a known sound could be removed digitally. Something to play with.
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: Rob Pulls Himself T… 10 years, 10 months ago
Im so proud Rob is really pulling Himself together. Thought my servos would be here yesterday but no such luck. I am starting to get paranoid about my Kinect now with all the problems Grog is having. I think I may just purchase brand new in the box to forgo any problems.
I am going to show my printer some calibration love now before I move on…[Read more]
12v linear actuators…. wouw. Do you know a place to get them cheap?
Dwayne Williams posted a new activity comment 10 years, 10 months ago
That would be as spooky as the picture. One day Rob will startup my CNC & Printer and be making himself a companion. 😉
This I know will happen. I am thinking over leg design every chance I get. Biotronic Exoskeletons give me some really clean designs. Luckily I already have a host of 12volt linear actuators laying about.
I also found it a bit difficult to navigate the site. I just kept punching around until it functions as it should. I would also agree with dumping the update stream on the right side but leave the members activity button.
Awesome now you are on the move.
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: sleep.jpg 10 years, 10 months ago
Inmoov Nation Never Sleeps Took the dogs out one final time last night and this is what greeted me when I went into the garage. Inmoov never sleeps. I was waiting to see it with a drill or something.
Is their sometimes voices at night in the garage? I get this kind of spooky things too in my workshop.
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: Progress 10 years, 10 months ago
Well he's getting there. Printer is busy finishing up the last of the upper torso. Then on to the Kinect pieces.
I found that Dawn dishwashing soap makes an excellent assembly aide.
Printer seems to get no rest, I see. Even on Valentines day!!
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: Roses.jpg 10 years, 10 months ago
Rob Stops & Smells The Roses
Rob Takes Time out to stop and smell the roses that his father grew on his printer for his mom on Valentines Day.
He did comment that he would like me to continue building him though. 😉
Dwayne Williams uploaded a new picture: Rob Otto Williams 10 years, 10 months ago
Getting there. I need more printers!!!
Dwayne Williams posted an update 10 years, 10 months ago
Well the build is coming along nicely. I just wish it would go a bit faster.
Dwayne Williams posted an update 10 years, 11 months ago
Getting A-head on InMoov Moving along nicely now. Doing the internals for the head. What fun watching it all come together.
Dwayne Williams posted a new activity comment 10 years, 11 months ago
Actually it is brass colored from Protoparadigm. I do like the resemblance to human skin. And the second time around printing worked great. Moving ahead as quickly as I dare.
Birth Of A InMoov And the build continues. Man what sweet fitting parts very little rework to have these parts fit together like gloves.
Skin color plastic or is it the light? This time your prints worked well!
Well first prints of my InMoov build. Fail, forgot to turn on supports and knocked print off of bed at 95%. Resolution Looked great though. Will hit it with a vengeance tomorrow.