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Gareth posted an update 1 year, 10 months ago
LeeLoo (aka Mrs.Mando) points to acupressure point suggested by to help with breathing issues. (live interactive system).
Leeloo (aka Mrs.Mando) :- Using to suggest acupressure/acupressure points/meridians . Currently in test mode (Workio).
Gareth posted a new activity comment 1 year, 11 months ago
The MiniInmoov Head/neck/arm/etc project is still in construction, at present its using simple arduino and MG90s servos, plus small linear servo for the jaw. Details will be posted over the next few weeks.
Gareth posted an update 1 year, 12 months ago
Tilt Axis completes all the vectors for Mini InMoov’s upper horizontal plane.
would you be willing to help me by finding the right audrino parts and wires for the head and neck for the robot?
Gareth posted an update 2 years ago
MRL Meets MiniMoov
Gareth posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Its still early stage design at the moment, the design STL\’s \”Will\” be made available, I only intend to make the head and arms, so it can be placed next to PC screen for for experimentation with voice and AI bots.
good idea and very fun
MiniMoov update :- managed to shoehorn 2 MG90S Servo’s into the Cranium cavity, giving Flex/Ext/Rotation controlled by MRL 1.1.1005 (Still room inside for the Jaw Servo) Press GIF below for range of movements
Ou trouver les stl
Its still early stage design at the moment, the design STL’s “Will” be made available, I only intend to make the head and arms, so it can be placed next to PC screen for for experimentation with voice and AI bots.
Gareth posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago
MiniMoov aka \”0x5A\” aka Zaphod has come into this world…. will post picture as soon as he wakes up. (GMan taps his mandible searching for the media upload option)…..
Hello Gareth, I posted a link of your MiniMoov. Really fun to see!
Bonjour, je suis toute nouvelle ici, j’ai imprimer le vrai et main sauf que sur le bras les troue ne sont pas percer et je ne trouve pas les stp de servobed ? pourriez vous m’aider svp
Bonjour, de quel trous parlez-vous? Vous pouvez ajouter une image à votre message. Le servoBed est ici, avec tout les autres STL.
– (@) January 23, 2023