Roger posted an update a year ago
Hello friends! I hope you´re all well. Now i´m on the Head I2 and there is a little question: Is there a short version of “JawPistonV1NoSupport.stl” available like shown in the trutorial? Can´t find it in the library on thingverse
Tank you for your help
Roger posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Ah, ok! Thank you! PS: This robot is realy amazing!
Roger posted an update 6 years ago
the version of batteryHolder you have is not the latest. The latest versin has a gap to give more space.
See in the gallery:
You will need to reprint or to cut off some material from the battery holders.-
Ah, ok! Thank you! PS: This robot is realy amazing!
Roger posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Thanks for the hint. I found what I was looking for
Roger posted an update 6 years ago
Hey Friends! Another little Problem…
When I extract the potentiometers from the HS-805bb servos, they are all square. However, there are components designed for round potentiometers. Are these components now also available for square potentiometers or do I need to solder new ones? If so, what brand, size and resistance is necessary? -
Roger posted an update 7 years ago
I’m about to quit! MRL is not running on my PC. No instalation works. I’ve already tried so much, but nothing helped. I have the latest version of MRL, the latest version of java, original ArduinoMega, new cables, all on WIN10. I’m really desperate. I have printed out almost the entire robot, but get no servo to run. What else should I do?
PS:…[Read more]
I would suggest you head over to myrobotlab.org and ask the guys there. They can absolutely help you with your troubles. Another option would be if we would do remote connection tohelp you. If you want i could help you with that and get your mrl up and running in no time. I am sure the mrl works, i installed it just yesterday on a raspi and a…[Read more]
Double check you have the correct version of java for your pc, also did you create mrl folder on root C: ?
when you first start mrl did it pop up with screen and show it is starting?-
I agree, put the unzipped map of mrl in C:mrl and not any way different.
check with cmd: java -version and if that is the right one you must adapt the config files in the inmoov folder to your needs, e.g.:head -true or false, left arm-true or false , right arm -true or false, pir and so on.
Next do start_inmoov.bat
when finished and you hear a…[Read more]
Roger posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Hi Morten,
thank You for Your anwer. Well, I know, there are many People to make this
possible and they did a great work. I know also, that the most problems with computers will be found right in front of the screen… I guess, i\’m one of those… But I will never give up! It is a learning day by day. So, thank\’s for your help
Greetings, Roger -
Roger posted an update 7 years ago
MRL…shit Program…Connection to Ardurino Mega failed every time. And now…the Programm collapsed. Deleted, new intalled and now, while using the full-konfiguration it collapsed again…I hate it!!!
Hi Roger,
Not a very nice thing to write, if you only knew how much work that is behind MRL, an not to mention the truck load of user that use it all the time without this problems..This smells like and can be any of this: bad java installation, poor quality usb cables, pc problem or even a shity arduino copy
if your are able to when i…[Read more]
Hi Morten,
thank You for Your anwer. Well, I know, there are many People to make this
possible and they did a great work. I know also, that the most problems with computers will be found right in front of the screen… I guess, i’m one of those… But I will never give up! It is a learning day by day. So, thank’s for your help
Greetings, Roger -
did fight with this for a long time and conclusion was that my arduinos did not reset as expected. I am using this code now, sometimes it takes a long time to connect but I never experienced a no-connect with this:# try and retry to connect the arduinos
def connectArduinos():
left = Runtime.createAndStart(“i01.left”, “Arduino”)…[Read more]
Roger posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Hi Mike! Thank you for answer my question. I will try the link
Roger posted an update 7 years ago
Hi friends! I`ve got a big problem with my arduino (mega) and the communication to MRL (Bad number 0 – rx error)! Who can help? Thanks!
Hi Mike! Thank you for answer my question. I will try the link
Active 9 months, 4 weeks ago
Hello friends! I hope you´re all well. Now i´m on the Head I2 and there is a little question: Is there a short version of “JawPistonV1NoSupport.stl” available like shown in the trutorial? Can´t find it in the library on thingverse
Tank you for your help View
It’s in the inmoov stl library under i2head