• Mindless posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago

    This is a“Free Spinning “ Version of the Savox Servo SV 0236MG

    • nice work, that should save some $$$ on new servos 🙂

      • Yep,,, there so handy for testing new frames designs without having to spend a lot of money,,,, i’ve got x4 Arms in testing stages so that around $1200 if i had run real servos,, there only usefully for people like me he do a lot of Mod work on the Structural Frames –( but thought i would post them anyway)– almost got a printable gear drive and motor that will fit inside them,,, but that project is very problematic due to amount of room (or lack of it) to build a Gear Train that is strong enough to make it worth while ,,, but I’m getting there

        • Handy! I had made some but didn’t post them because they were not very accurate regarding the HS805bb.

          • i know what you mean,,, it took me a few attempts to get the dimensions correct so when they are 3D Printed the dimensions are correct–,, (that statement sounds kinda weird,,,lol)