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Acapulco Rolf posted a new activity comment 6 years, 12 months ago
Hi James, you can find a step by step guide for these servos here :
Acapulco Rolf posted a new activity comment 7 years, 1 month ago
nice work, that should save some $$$ on new servos 🙂
Yep,,, there so handy for testing new frames designs without having to spend a lot of money,,,, i’ve got x4 Arms in testing stages so that around $1200 if i had run real servos,, there only usefully for people like me he do a lot of Mod work on the Structural Frames –( but thought i would post them anyway)– almost got a printable gear drive and…[Read more]
Handy! I had made some but didn’t post them because they were not very accurate regarding the HS805bb.
i know what you mean,,, it took me a few attempts to get the dimensions correct so when they are 3D Printed the dimensions are correct–,, (that statement sounds kinda weird,,,lol)
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago
Top legs twist testing
Yes! Now we are talking about maybe InMoov walking for 2018. First InMoov step was done in 2017, but with legs that couldn’t really support the body parts.
Nice prints you have there 🙂 Which brand of filament are you using?
Currently using PLA+ by Esun –,, its tough as hell ( flexible ) and it doesn’t swell like other filaments but getting a good surface finish took a while to tune-in,,,,, great for prototyping parts never have a first layer issues on cold beds and its cheap,,,,,, this is a pic of the Screw/Bolt Together Arm — got to some more mod work the B…[Read more]
Clean and effective!
Acapulco Rolf posted a new activity comment 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi John Take a look at the assembly sketches here:
Assembly Sketchs
Look at the sketches in the torso and shoulder sections for a steer
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago
Neopixel ring disk on the printer…
InMoov body parts library :
Thanks Gael Thanks Bryan for sharing the remix
That is one of the better parts to print all in one.
With the HOWTO, it’s even better. 😉
Neopixel diagram & configuration
I didn’t realize you had a tutorial page up for that. You’re site is coming along nicely.
Thanks Perry, I should still make a short tutorial for to use the Kinect, but I didn’t get the time yet.
Kinect Tutorial done:
Howto Kinect
Ahoy Mindless! Most excellent work
Thank you 🙂
Nice! Added to the derivatives:
InMoov parts and derivatives
InMoov reciting Hamlet 🙂
Cool, when InMoov does Shakespear! Lots of phrases to add in the script.
Hi Mindless, hoping that you can work your magic on this particular variant too…
From the back
Nice work Mindless 🙂 I\’ve posted a rear end view here:
A remix of Mindless’ InMoov Sketchup 3D model Gael’s waist rotation and Bartods’ legs
Calf, ankle and feet to follow
A “Gael original parts” only version also to follow with legs shortly
It’s very interesting to see how the legs were mapped based on my 3D scan of full InMoov. Great work with the leg mecanism! Someday InMoov will walk!
Waist rotation, with Bob’s articulating stomach mechanism mounted
Mid Stomach
Looks great! You may want to put the bolted joints of the socket, front and back or else the side servos may hit them.
Nice and smooth.
I\’m using this application: Microsoft 3D Builder It comes as part of the Windows 10 build
For dragging and dropping stls into a scene along with \”basic\” model shaping it works well 🙂
Hell that’s alright,,, didn’t even know window 10 had a 3d Builder/Viewer ,,,, I see its “HoloLens” compatible which is very cool and will be the next gen of software,,, at $5000k its still a bit too expensive and there’s not enough software add-on’s yet and Object manipulation within the holographic interface is still in its early phases,,,,,…[Read more]
InMoov Legs and Articulating Stomach Work in progress…
Thanks Gael Thanks Bob Thanks Bartods
Cool,,, which software ya using for the model-?,, its looking good–,,
I’m using this application: Microsoft 3D Builder It comes as part of the Windows 10 build
For dragging and dropping stls into a scene along with “basic” model shaping it works well 🙂
Super, I love to see these progress!
InMoov waiting for legs to be assembled 🙂
Ha..Ha – He looks Confused–,, The Prints look fantastic and that Bottom Photo is awesome–,,
Acapulco, you are going to have legs moving i a short time! Thanks for posting!
Acapulco Rolf posted a new activity comment 7 years, 4 months ago
Hi Perry Bartcam is aka Bartods 🙂
Acapulco Rolf posted a new activity comment 7 years, 5 months ago
Hey Mindless, Yes, nice design work by Bartcam and also in keeping with Gael\’s original design goal 🙂
FYI, Bartcam has uploaded some new parts on the thingiverse page 🙂
who is Bartcam?
Hay Perry,,, here is “Bartod” Thingiverse
lol, I look forward to seeing it *stand* unaided 🙂
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago
Leg printing. Making steady progress
I’m looking forward to seeing it walk unaided… 🙂
Nice work Acapulco ,,,, I see you cut the originals files up for smaller printers ,,, nice work — ,, ‘Bartods” done a pretty good job of replicating Mr Gael’s Artistic style which wouldn’t be easy,,,,,
Hey Mindless, Yes, nice design work by Bartcam and also in keeping with Gael’s original design goal 🙂
…or, if you want to stick with the original design then you could try this:
I had the same ‘problem’. Solution, print some 3mm rods and use those. A 100mm rod will do a hand I think. Insert into the joint and trim. Or print them individually.
Forgot I had these made up Made these a while ago and just uploaded them,,,, I thought it be handy to have a set of printable Finger Pins,,,
InMoov Hand
I don’t understand how the bolts hold in place. The one of the wrist has a clip, but the two in the palm do not. Can you advise?
Hi Tim, Here\’s an alternative approach:
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago
Testing arm and neck servos
PCA9685 16 channel servo driver PDI 6221 MG 180 servos
Acapulco Rolf posted a new activity comment 7 years, 8 months ago
In the initial tests I ran the servos at 100% velocity
In subsequent tests I\’ve been running them at 30% velocity
It makes a small difference in terms of the noise 🙂
To be honest, I feel that I just need to apply more silicone grease on the pistons to make things smoother
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
Neck test 3
2x 16 channel PCA9685 servo driver PCA9685 #1: JX PDI-6221MG servo (centre neck piston) @ 330Hz PCA9685 #2: MG 996 R servos (left and right neck pistons) @ 60Hz Raspberry Pi 3 MyRobotLab…[Read more]
Neck servo test 2 MyRobotLab PDI JX 6221 MG servos Raspberry Pi 3 PCA9685 servo controller
Your second test seems quieter, or that a deception? Did you make changes to reduce the noise?
In subsequent tests I’ve been running them at 30% velocity
Testing the neck
InMoov ( 16 channel PCA9685 servo driver JX PDI-6221MG servos Raspberry Pi 3 MyRobotLab (
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago
Nice footwork
Thank you Bartods: Thank you Gael
Foot print Thank you Bartods: Thank you Gael
Something is afoot
More servos have arrived!
Acapulco Rolf posted a new activity comment 7 years, 9 months ago
Hi Mats The 32 servo connections over I2C will cover all the connections for eyes, neck, fingers with some to spare
I’m running with 20Kg PDI 6221-MG servos for the heavy duty lifting (biceps, shoulders, hip rotation).
Those particular servos don’t seem to play nice with the PCA9685.
It looks like it may be related to the guidance here on…[Read more]
32 servo connections in the head – PCA9685 I2C
Thanks Mats
32 servo connections in the head PCA9685 I2C
Thanks Mats:
Nice to see. Are you planning to use 32 servos in the head, or is the plan to move one of the PCA9685’s to the body. I use one in the body and one in each arm. That makes the cable routing much easier and opens up for adding other i2c devices, like IMU, AD converters and other funn stuff. I have a few new i2c devices on my desk, waiting for me to…[Read more]
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago
Making progress on the chest
Making progress on the back
Making progress on the stomach
InMoov, left hand and forearm Note that in error, I assembled the rotating wrist with the wrist joint rotated 180 degrees compared to Gael’s design
I’ll be reassembling 🙂
The hand is here:
Hi Rolf, I am very impressed with the fun move hand. It looks excellent. I’m going to build one as well. I have ordered flexible pla for the joints. Am I correct in assuming you only run five strings to the servos to close the fingers and you don’t need the other five strings to open them as well? Can you tell us more of what you have done with…[Read more]
InMoov right hand and forearm build underway.