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rodolfo rojas posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago
I don´t know what’s happen, my comments disappeared
Fantastic work and congrats 🙂 . Could you upload photos of cables connected to the ez-b board? please
rodolfo rojas posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Nice project congratulations
rodolfo rojas posted a new activity comment 8 years, 2 months ago
rodolfo rojas posted a new activity comment 8 years, 4 months ago
slow but sure, when I finish it , you will know, Marten 🙂
Thanx Marteen you are very fast, Great
Haha 🙂 If the time is there, it can be go fast 😉
How about you, any progress with your “Right” hand ?
Great, infill 90% surely will give it enough strength
Almost done with my design. Just waiting for filament to arrive in the mail so I can print. My design will use many of Gael’s original servo bed and has a printable shaft. HAd to spend a fair amount of time hollowing out the arm and wrist parts but there is a straight run for all the tendons now.
Hi Rodolfo and Perry,
@linuxrodo Yeh, I think it’s fine 🙂 Just started to print all the parts.
@perry-scartozzi I can’t wait to see your idea 🙂 Which program(s) are you using, during re-editing Gaël’s STL files ?
I am using Solidworks. I explained to Gael below in my thread about my back cover how I modify the STL files.
Thanks Perry, To share your info about that ! 🙂
Almost done with all the parts. Only missing the small Wrist gear.
The shaft and servo adapter feels good enough for me. I hope the length from the shaft is OK 🙂 If yes, I will upload all parts to Thingiverse in 30 minutes 😉
All new files are uploaded:
Really Fantastic, I’m “hands on it” , and ready to upgrade my inmoov’s right hand
Great Marten! It’s added to the InMoov Derivative Collection:
Thanks Rodolfo and Gaël !
@linuxrodo I hope you get your “hands on the Right hand !” 🙂
And Gaël, Thanks for sharing !
Really fantastic, you did it 🙂
Very nice work. I’m waiting to see the fingers and wrist working together. Fantastic
Thanks Rodolfo, Here a video from this complete setup: Tomorrow I will start to connect all the finger fishing-lines to the servo-pulley’s 🙂
It looks good so far 😉
Once again nice work. It would be great to have a printable shaft for the wrist as opposed to a dog bone. Just another part I would have to wait for when I want to try something late at night. I thought you had a different servo offset in your previous vid and didn’t need the universal joint functionality
Thanks Perry,
A printable shaft would be cool, I only think it’s not strong enough ! And DogBone shafts are very basic parts which are used in RC cars. Most local dealers will selling them.
About the servo, in the first test video I was using a “Low Profile” servo. For some reason, these servo’s will not run with a Arduino ! For this reason I…[Read more]
Check my last post, to see the full functional Arm/Hand/Fingers:
I’ve connect all fishing lines to the fingers and the servo’s.All runs more freely and looks OK for me, here the test video with a complete Arm/Hand/Fingers:[Read more]– Marten de Groot (@mdg_nl) October 7, 2016
Nice, now it works
Yes 🙂 But, I still need to update some things. Like the sevobed, so I can mount the Wrist servo on it. And still some fine-tuning between the servo and the small gear.
I hope to finish this tomorrow.
I wish that works, it’s a great Idea
Haha, my fingers are crossed 🙂
The Wrist servo is blocking the complete way for all fishing-lines. With the servo placed on the servobed, it makes it full open. So this saves a lot of friction 🙂
(printer is almost done with the last peace 🙂 )
I printed your inmoov face, its very nice, I will try the jaw mechanism later and will show you the job finished
Many Thanks Marten, I wait impatiently your Video, and your “How to”. It’s a very good job
I will use your idea in my Inmoov Rigth Hamd
Thanks Rodolfo,
Yesterday I’ve changed the servo-adapter to V2 ! These are easier to mount to the CS238MG servo.
I will install the new servo’s tomorrow in my Right hand… So hopefully this weekend I can make a good video with all the results. And I will make a Step by Step “How To”.
If you have…[Read more]
rodolfo rojas posted a new activity comment 8 years, 11 months ago
Thank you very much Gael, already use that code and works fine as you will see 🙂
rodolfo rojas posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
working perfectly Finger Starter kit
Woouiii ! Next step is printing the hand or did you buy the Finger Starter on the online shop? You can run this small code and talk to your finger through microphone and MyRobotLab.
#file : InMoov2.FingerStarter with voice
# this will run with versions of MRL 1.0.107 # a very minimal script for InMoov # although this script is very…[Read more]
Or get it here:
rodolfo rojas posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
But, we are waiting for it impatiently
That’s correct, the back parts aren’t released yet. I’m currently working on the legs which is taking a lot of my spare time.
rodolfo rojas posted a new activity comment 9 years, 2 months ago
Really my question was to you Celeb. Many Thanks for your fast reply Already I’m waiting my first hk15298b servos, but here in spain is easier get the hi tec servos. But as you said the hk is better that hs, then I will continue using the hk because I’m not expert servos user to configure and hack another ones than are not in…[Read more]
Is a pleasure To meet you, I have a question: Does The servo HK15298B is equivalent to Hitec 33322S HS-322HD Standard Deluxe Karbonite Gear Servo, as show it in your picture? ?????
Hey Rodolfo. I know you replied to Gael, but I just wanted to say that the HK1529B has equal (and in some cases, better) specs than the HS-322HD. It should work fine. That being said, I haven’t personally tested them, so I can’t attest to the quality of servo.