• Perry posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago

    Sorry for multiple posts here.

    • Nice job! Are you going to share the design? I would sure use it as I don’t have an on board computer either. Thanks

    • Great work and very nice adaptation. Which software do you use for to do that?
      It doesn’t look like Blender. It’s interesting to know because other builders might be interested to see how you re-worked your parts with only the STL at start.

      • Hello Gael,
        Working with STL files can be a real hassle as they are among the hardest to modify after the fact. As you can see in the pics below they import with thousands of facets so there are not really planar surfaces to work with.
        I use Solidworks to import your individual stl files. It is important to import as a solid body instead of a surface file. It’s an option during the import. This allows you to work with the part and add features. On this project I created an assembly from the individual parts. This is where the STL limitations come into effect. Since there are many facets you can not easily align the parts in an assembly. Each facet is misaligned by a minuscule amount and that will cause conflicts in the constraints. I had to add alignment planes into the assembly as well as some of your parts to enable mating. Once I had your back design mocked up I used a trial and error method to match the contours so I could loft a solid into the the approximate shape to design my new parts.
        The rest is just standard CAD practices.

        I notice that importing more complex parts or other STL’s I get off Thingivers can have varying results. Sometimes the parts import as non manifold or with an error that will only allow them to import as solids. At this point they are not usable. Sometimes the native STL’s can be repaired via the online services.
        So far all your parts come across clean though 🙂

    • Thanks for the explaination Perry.
      When exporting from Blender to STL format I use a plugin within Blender to check if parts are clean without inverted facets. This plugin did not exist when I started InMoov project, therefore some of my first parts could not come out clean
      One of the reasons I do not create parts with too many round edges, which is something a lot of people do when using Solidworks, it’s because STL are then, far too heavy and impossible to re-work on.
      Keeping parts simple with only few facets allows files to be light and re-workable.
      That being said, the Back covers are much more faceted than the torso structure, which is necessary if one wants to get smooth surfaces.

      • Hi,
        I’ve just started the project, so sorry if my question has been answered previously.

        I though that the upper back was for mounting the tablet. does this mean the the robot can operate without the tablet?

        • Hi Kevon. You are correct that the position in the back is for the tablet. Some people use other tables or raspberry PI’s or other controllers to run the bot.