Thank you Bob, this InMoov plateform is widely inspired from the one Gael made. My components are coming from old broken stuff to make it low cost as it is a temporary solution waiting for legs :-).
The arduino uno that manage the inmoov neopixel ring is now also used to read commands coming from a wireless PS2 Gamepad ( thanks to Bill Porter library) and it sends PWM signal to the servo motor that rotate the directional wheel (HS 805BB)
The old Kids Toy motor (seems to look like motors also used by Markus and Amby) is managed with the unused board removed from one of the two servos for InMoov top stomach.
A HC-SR04 ultrasonic ranging sensor detects obstacles in front of the wheels : it locks the forward movement and it change the light to red on the ada fruit neopixel ring.
Awesome, now we can go racing!!
Thanks for all the links. I am still using a huge Transmitter gracefully given by Alessandro during the Paris Makerfaire, but I really want to build something much smaller which could transmit directly to the receiver.
Having two functionality for the mobile plateform is super handy when you travel with InMoov.
-First I can control InMoov by voice commands through MyRobotLab, that is what I use, but I am sure EZ can do it as well.
-Second I use the remote control with receiver to drive InMoov around without the need of MyRobotLab, it saves battery when software is not required.
I have made a lock system to avoid the motor touching the riding wheel, which lets the wheel being free of rotation. This allows me to push InMoov by hand and to still use the remote to direct the direction motor.
I should post a video to explain, it’s always better to understand.
Sebastien and Gael, Thanks for sharing the details on your bases. They are very simple and efficient. How much weight can the base carry/move around. Gael, yes, EZ Robot can do the voice controls as well. I can run my drive motors with Voice command, or manually on the computer or mobile app. I’m looking at building a lighter base like this but where to put the batteries.
I like your drive system. Can you share some details about the components you used to build it – motors, servos?
Thank you Bob, this InMoov plateform is widely inspired from the one Gael made. My components are coming from old broken stuff to make it low cost as it is a temporary solution waiting for legs :-).
The arduino uno that manage the inmoov neopixel ring is now also used to read commands coming from a wireless PS2 Gamepad ( thanks to Bill Porter library) and it sends PWM signal to the servo motor that rotate the directional wheel (HS 805BB)
You can find new PS2 Wireless on Auchan Store for 15 euros (France) or on amazon :
I found femal PS2 connector for the receiver (1 Euro) on :
The old Kids Toy motor (seems to look like motors also used by Markus and Amby) is managed with the unused board removed from one of the two servos for InMoov top stomach.
You can find very similar model on ebay :
A HC-SR04 ultrasonic ranging sensor detects obstacles in front of the wheels : it locks the forward movement and it change the light to red on the ada fruit neopixel ring.
I used a SainSmart Sensor Shield V5 4 Arduino to connect all the cables (9.7 euros)
I put some pictures here :
i like your choice color in your inmoov!!!
Thank You
Awesome, now we can go racing!!
Thanks for all the links. I am still using a huge Transmitter gracefully given by Alessandro during the Paris Makerfaire, but I really want to build something much smaller which could transmit directly to the receiver.
Having two functionality for the mobile plateform is super handy when you travel with InMoov.
-First I can control InMoov by voice commands through MyRobotLab, that is what I use, but I am sure EZ can do it as well.
-Second I use the remote control with receiver to drive InMoov around without the need of MyRobotLab, it saves battery when software is not required.
I have made a lock system to avoid the motor touching the riding wheel, which lets the wheel being free of rotation. This allows me to push InMoov by hand and to still use the remote to direct the direction motor.
I should post a video to explain, it’s always better to understand.
Sebastien and Gael, Thanks for sharing the details on your bases. They are very simple and efficient. How much weight can the base carry/move around. Gael, yes, EZ Robot can do the voice controls as well. I can run my drive motors with Voice command, or manually on the computer or mobile app. I’m looking at building a lighter base like this but where to put the batteries.
@Bob, I replied to your questions on the thread in which I posted the video with the base.