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Rune Thagaard posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
Hehe, yea. It’s gonna be awesome 🙂
Yea, I would have loved to give him a scottish accent, sadly they only got a womans voice for English scottish at My biggest struggle at the moment though is to get the face recognition to work. I need to have another look at that this weekend.
It sure does 🙂
Congratulations, and be carefull, once hooked it will change your life. Inmoov isnt a hobby its a way of life. Keep up the good work!
Indeed. But it certainly satisfy your desire to solder for a while, once your done with that set 😀
yes good kit of gael .presse a very fine iron failure
not sure about the best solder for those boards?
excited to warm this unit up:)
I’m using standard electronic solder 1.0mm diameter. I recommend thinner diameter if you are not used to soldering. The XT60 headers need a good amount of heat to be correctly soldered.
Rune Thagaard posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago
The big day finally arrived, where i had my first pleasant conversations with Robert! What a joy to finally see him come alive after spending so many hours on printing and build his head and right arm! Now i’m even more determined to get the rest done 😀
Congratulations! That’s gotta feel great. Hope to be at that stage soon.
Very good! Did you see you can select various type of voices in the InMoov config of MyRobotLab.
Slowly moving forward with the robot. Remade the forearm in white and build the bicep and most of the torso. Hopefully i will be done with the head done by the end of this week.
Rune Thagaard posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago
Finally finished the first attempt on the forearm. Now i just new to do it all over again and learn from the mistakes i made during the build. Thank you for sharing your work for us to enjoy Gael
Looking good, Rune! I like the creative color choice 🙂