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wzj posted a new activity comment 8 years, 11 months ago
Hi, about the servo, the bigger one 805, i think you can look at ebay, i think you can find one seller….
Do you already have a 3D printer ? Or do you plan to build in some other way ? Everything is available on ebay and many sellers have free shipping. But I don’t know what it takes to import things to India. That may be the most difficult / expensive part. I suggest that you try to order some reasonably cheap things like a servo or an Arduino…[Read more]
Thanks Mats… Actually, in India “” exists and the servos which I am looking especially Hobby King are not available. Well HS805BB Servos are available in “”. Shipping to India from Other Countries are not Free so I am looking at the other alternatives. For 3D printer. I am planning to buy FlashForge Creator Pro. Any feedback…[Read more]
Hi. I’m almost finished with the mechanical build. Working on electronics and programming. You can see some pictures in my album. I’m using a Raspberrry PI 2 to run MyRobotLab. but most builders are using a PC. I think you will be the first InMoov builder in India. You can find many…[Read more]
Thanks Again Mats !!! It is time to start building up the design. By the time, I finish up the design I believe your buddy would be Operational. How about the Legs? I don’t see any design on Ankle, Foot, Thighs etc… Are you working on that one too?
Also keep posting me on the updates which I should be aware of….Take Care
wzj posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
who knows what’s this robot and it’s company?
woua amazing
@Geal I guess it\’s beause your heating bed\’s temperature sensor have loose from your heating bed!! I suggest you check complete all your 3D printer\’s switch, sensors to prevent this happen again…
Hi all, i find a picture about hand design, please check.
where i can see the video of Ted for inmoov?
Hey!! Jean Senellart was I looking at you during the TEDx? 🙂 @wzj the video hasn’t been released yet. The TEDx team of Polytechnique needs to do some processing on it before release. This might take a week or two.
yes right at me and at … the 400 other attendees 😉 !
it was 800 attendees, said the TED team, but I didn’t count though…
wzj posted a new activity comment 8 years, 12 months ago
Sorry but can you point out where you remix? i saw it\’s the same with origin one?
Nice beefier parts Alan. You sure have a nice software to present the models. 🙂
wzj posted an update 8 years, 12 months ago
I am thinking if i can use this module to make a more control-able hand and finger…
This is a bit cryptic. What and in which way should this device enhance the finger? Torque? Speed? Position feedback? Make? Costs? Wheight? Where to place it? How to control it?
too many servo need to control and manage, woo….
which part of the robot body you fix with the long stick?
Hi wzj, It is the stand holder.
InMoov body parts library :
wzj posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
1)Well, i look for the official website, but it still not says when and where is the shenzhen 2016 show, i will tell you as soon as possible when i get the latest news 2)Yes… the camera board is big, because it have wifi on it, in fact i take apart the cover of webcam and use it’s pcba board only. And i fix the board, so the eyes cann’t move.…[Read more]
I don\’t know how to modify the .stl file, else i want to try myself…. anyone knows if i should modify the .stl file directly or how i can do ?
To modify stl files, I do that with Blender using import / export stl function in the file menu
wzj posted an update 9 years ago
I suggest if the head left-right rotate servo can modify to use a normal servo , without Hitch805BB, because i think we don\’t need such a 25kg power to make the head turn left/ right
I don’t know how to modify the .stl file, else i want to try myself…. anyone knows if i should modify the .stl file directly or how i can do ?
I have made that type of modification. You can find the files here:
Hi wzj, Yes check the InMoov derivative collection, there is plenty of modifications using smaller servo for the head rotation.
InMoov parts and derivatives
Now i adding the control elec part which buy from internet STM32 control board, ARM control board…, and the webcam also, for the webcam have the sdk that i can use to integrate image and sound into my Android control software 🙂 and @Geal, can i take my robot to join the china 2016 makefair show?
Great!! When is the Makerfaire in China and where? Let me know because we might organise something for this year’s Shenzen Makerfaire if time is okay. Hey isn’t the camera board a bit too big to get the eyes moving? Or will you dismantle the board to keep only the lens in the eye place?
1)Well, i look for the official website, but it still not says when and where is the shenzhen 2016 show, i will tell you as soon as possible when i get the latest news 2)Yes… the camera board is big, because it have wifi on it, in fact i take apart the cover of webcam and use it’s pcba board only. And i fix the board, so the eyes cann’t move. If…[Read more]
where i can get the back side of inmoov? now it only have battary box there but i saw some video, there have back cover fix it
Gael has not released the back covers for InMoov yet.
But, we are waiting for it impatiently
That’s correct, the back parts aren’t released yet. I’m currently working on the legs which is taking a lot of my spare time.
Well, thanks to Mr Gael , i have my own robot with your kindly share, i will continue develop it , now at china it’s chinese new year, i upload a picture to you and wish you all well 🙂
InMoov in China!!! InMoov did it’s first Makerfaire in China in 2012. At the time it was only the prosthetic hand, not a full robot, and got awarded. Be carefull with those fireworks, your robot might get deaf from the blast!