(5 customer reviews)


A full right hand printed at 0.3mm with ABS.

Ready to be assembled.

It is a good entry part in the process of learning InMoov, MyRobotLab, Arduino, servo and programing.

This hand can be controlled with many devices and for many purposes. The Nervo Board in conjonction with the software MyRobotLab allows you to voice control, kinect control, myo control, leap control, add sensors and much more!

Blue prints are available on www.InMoov.fr for free under the License CC-BY-NC.

Out of stock

SKU: 00004 Categories: ,


Link to tutorial

The kit contains:

1 x 3D printed WristLarge in ABS neutral with a FDM printer at 0.3mm thickness

1 x 3D printed Wristsmall parts in ABS neutral with a FDM printer at 0.3mm thickness

5 x 3D printed Fingers parts in ABS neutral with a FDM printer at 0.3mm thickness

1 x 3D printed Bolt&Entretoise parts in ABS neutral with a FDM printer at 0.3mm thickness

1 x 3D printed FingerCover parts in ABS neutral with a FDM printer at 0.3mm thickness

1 x 3D printed HandCover parts in ABS neutral with a FDM printer at 0.3mm thickness

1 x 100cm filament for peg/pin use to assemble finger joints (color may vary)


Beware, this kit is not always available, I only print it when I have some free time. So it might take weeks before another one comes up in the shop.

I use my latest file updates everytime I print some parts, so one hand might differ slightly between one order and another.

You will need acetone to glue the finger covers.(seeLink to tutorial)

Some parts may need sanding filling and drilling to fit correctly.



The kit does NOT contain: -Arduino Uno -Servo motor-Braided fishing Line, pads…

Compatible with:

-Arduino Uno, Leonardo, Duelaminove, Mega, Nano, and more…Check for similar board specifications.

-Servo motor HK15298, HK15298B, MG946r, MG996r, and more… Check for similar size specifications.

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