Note MyRobotlab is a work in progress and in constant evolution.

We have been working hard to get InMoov2 within Nixie pretty close to release, but we need your help before the final step. If you notice weird behaviors, please report to or send a “NoWorky” to the developers via the button.

Myrobotlab can be installed on Windows, Mac and Linux.



1/ Install:
Java JDK 11 (64-bit) version –
( note that some Nixie functionalities will probably not work with 32 bit Windows system)
CHROME – ( set it to default )
2/ Set the Port com of your Arduino(s) in device manager to 115200 BAUD.
3/ Create a new directory [mrl] on root of your disk like this C:\mrl\
4/ Download Myrobotlab : and extract it like this in your C:\mrl\

5/Double click myrobotlab.bat and wait for MRL to install and launch your Chrome browser. For Mac and Linux users, Open your terminal, set the path to your directory which contains the file and run this line: ./ (more info)

This is going to take a while,  you can see the status of the installation in the command prompt.

6/When Chrome browser is finally launched, click the Intro tab, then click the InMoov logo.

Follow this link for a full tutorial on how to use Nixie with InMoov:
Click here.





Manticore 1.0.2693

1/ Install:
Java JRE 1.8 Update 202 (64-bit) Not higher version
( if your computer is 32-bit, please take 32-bit version, note that Virtual InMoov doesn’t work with 32 bit system)
CHROME – ( set it to default )
ARDUINO.exe version 1.8.4-  (Other version might return errors during install of the MRLCom.ino)
2/ Set the Port com of your Arduino(s) in device manager to 115200 BAUD.
3/ Create a new directory [mrl] on root of your disk like this C:\mrl\
4/ Download Myrobotlab : and extract it like this in your C:\mrl\






5/ Double click START_INMOOV.bat and wait a while for MRL to complete the install, clik exit when the install is finished.

6/ Double click START_INMOOV.bat to re-start. Once MyRobotLab has started, you can use InMoov in Virtual mode, to get in Full mode, follow the next steps.
7/ Close MRL and upload the MRLcomm.ino code in your arduino from C:\mrl\myrobotlab.1.0.xxxx\resource\Arduino\MRLComm
8/ Setup your arduino portCOM , service_6_Arduino.config in C:\mrl\myrobotlab.1.0.xxxx\InMoov\config folder
9/ Edit to activate the _InMoov.config to define which “real”parts you want to control.

Virtual mode, no servo required:


RightSide mode, for Finger Starter or right hand:


Full mode, servo required, all servo can work:


10/ In  _InMoov.config you can also define language. To modify the voice type, edit service_5_Mouth.config and define the SpeechEngine and the voice you want to use. See below “How to change language” for more configuration info.

11/ Edit to activate as True or False each of the skeleton_XXX.config files regarding each body part you have built.


12/ In skeleton_XXX.config, set your  mappings with min and max output for each servo and save. (A tool script is also available to test each servo one by one in C:\mrl\myrobotlab.1.0.xxxx\tool) Video Tutorial

;your servo minimal limits

;your servo mmaximal limits

13/Double click START_INMOOV.bat



InMoov can only speak these languages: English, French, Italian, Dutch, German, Russian, Hindi, Finnish and Spanish.
If you want to change language (e.g French):
1/ Open with a text editor: _InMoov.config
2/ Modify:
3/ Save.
4/ Open with a text editor: service_5_Mouth.config


6/ Save.
7/ Double click: START_INMOOV.bat
8/ The list of verbal commands is available, open with a text editor:

More info for to set your configuration files on Github:


Get a LOT more information about this GREAT software at:





Official  Older versions:


VERSION 1.0.2340:

  • Known issue with OpenCV filters.



VERSION Kraken 1.0.1723:

  • This version fixes issues with tracking related to 1412 with speed.
  • Adds more gestures to answers through programAB
  • You can ask the battery level of your bot PC
  • It can translate for you, say for exemple: translation in French. More info in and translator.aiml
  • It can Face recognize, say Face recognizer then train it. More info here.
  • AcapellaSpeech has gone down, we now use MarySpeech as default but NaturalReaderSpeech can be used in beta versions.

WARNING : The InMoov3 scripts are working well with MyRobotLab 1.0.1723 release that you can download here.

This quick “Tutorial” is included in the zip file.

1/ Install java:
2/ Install Arduino IDE or update it’s library:
3/Flash your Arduino board with the included MRLComm.ino
4/Set the Port com of your Arduino in device manager to 115200BAUD.
5/Install Google Chrome and set it as default (for voice recognition)
6/Set the folder “Myrobotlab” as C:/Myrobotlab and keep everything inside
6/Unzip the folder “myrobotlab.1.0.1723” as C:/Myrobotlab/myrobotlab.1.0.1723. At this point myrobotlab.jar is functional.
7/In C:/Myrobotlab/myrobotlab.1.0.1723, Edit “mrl.bat” and set the correct paths. This is to kill the Java agents and to re-open automaticaly your prefered script.
8/Download a InMoov3 FULL script at:
9/Edit your InMoov3 Python script and check paths are correctly set:
gesturesPath = “C:\Myrobotlab\ProgramAB bots\gestures”
aimlPath = “C:/Myrobotlab/myrobotlab.1.0.1723/develop/ProgramAB”
aimlBotName = “inmoovWebKit”
aimlUserName = “YourName” (change this to your name)
10/In C:/Myrobotlab/myrobotlab.1.0.1723, double click on mrl.bat
11/Once everything is launched, Clik on the red Microphone of Chrome and say something, InMoov should respond. If it does not respond you need to go into the microphone settings of Chrome.(step1 to 6)
12/Say “close your right hand”, and the right hand should close. VOILA !

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>


VERSION 1.0.1412:

WARNING : The InMoov3 scripts are working well with MyRobotLab 1.0.1412 release that you can download here.

This quick “Tutorial” is included in the zip file.

1/ Install java:
2/ Install Arduino IDE or update it’s library:
3/Flash your Arduino board with the included MRLComm.ino
4/Set the Port com of your Arduino in device manager to 115200BAUD.
5/Install Google Chrome and set it as default (for voice recognition)
6/Set the folder “Myrobotlab” as C:/Myrobotlab and keep everything inside
6/Unzip the folder “myrobotlab.1.0.1412” as C:/Myrobotlab/myrobotlab.1.0.1412. At this point myrobotlab.jar is    functional.
7/In C:/Myrobotlab/myrobotlab.1.0.1412, Edit “mrl.bat” and set the correct paths. This is to kill the Java agents and to re-open automaticaly your prefered script.
8/Download a InMoov3 FULL script at:
9/Edit your InMoov3 Python script and check paths are correctly set:
gesturesPath = “C:\Myrobotlab\ProgramAB bots\gestures”
aimlPath = “C:/Myrobotlab/myrobotlab.1.0.1412/develop/ProgramAB”
aimlBotName = “inmoovWebKit”
aimlUserName = “Gael” (change this to your name)
botVoice = “Ryan”
10/In C:/Myrobotlab/myrobotlab.1.0.1412, double click on mrl.bat
11/Once everything is launched, Clik on the red Microphone of Chrome and say something, InMoov should respond. If it does not respond you need to go into the microphone settings of Chrome.(step1 to 6)
12/Say “close your right hand”, and the right hand should close. VOILA !

Many explanations of the below older version are still very useful. So you might want to read it as well.


VERSION 1.0.107:

WARNING : The InMoov2 scripts are working well with MyRobot Lab 1.0.107 release that you can download here.

There is also a tuto done on the site of MyRobotLab : How to start new MyRobotLab

A tutorial video done by Alessandro:

This is a older version installation technique:

Lets try to do this in order, I assume here you are using Windows.
Make sure your microphone and output speakers are correctly set in your Windows/Control panel/Hardware sound preferences

Download the .jar file 1.0.xx here

Create a folder in- C:\MyRobotLab

In that folder create another folder- C:\MyRobotLab\Myrobotlab1.0.xx

Move the .jar file in to the folder Myrobotlab1.0.xx-  C:\MyRobotLab\Mrobotlab1.0.56\myrobotlab.jar

Double click on: myrobotlab.jar

This will open the GUI of MRL(myrobotlab)

Go into tab “runtime” select “inmoov”, right click and Install.

The GUI will download components and prompt to agree for a restart, click OK

Do the same for to install “arduino”

Do the same to install “python”

Now, go into tab “runtime” select “arduino”, right click and Start

Give a name: arduino

Go in the tab “arduino”

Copy from the editor window, the whole text of MRLComm.ino

Close MRL(myrobotlab)

Open the Arduino IDE (arduino software)

Paste in the editor window the whole text of MRLComm.ino

Select in tools your board type and COM port.

Compile and Upload to Your Arduino board

Close the Arduino IDE

Go back in to the folder Myrobotlab1.0.56
Double click on: myrobotlab.jar
This will open the GUI of MRL
Go into tab “runtime” select “python”, right click and Start.
Give a name: python

In the GUI go into file/open the script you downloaded at the beginning of this tuto.

On the script modify the COM port according to your arduino board port.

You can save the script for the next time in file/save

Click on Execute.

You now should be able to voice control the hand with the voice commands that are on the script.

For exemple: close hand or open hand…

You can also use the sliders to trigger manually the servos.

The next time you want to re-launch MRL:

First make sure that there is no java.exe or javaw.exe (zombies) still running by opening Task Manager and killing the Zombies.
Go back in to the folder Myrobotlab 1.0.XX
Double click on: myrobotlab.jar
This will open the GUI of MRL
Go into file/open choose the script you want
Click on Execute.


Saving your own settings for InMoov in MyRobotLab:

You simply need to have a script in which you set your desired positions.
Here bellow is a minimal script to understand the basic of the hand.
Here is my complete script, which allows you to do all gestures with voice speaking commands t the robot.

To do so, in MRL install the python service if you haven’t done that already.

Copy paste the script into the python tab. (make sure to copy the raw file in github, because python is very delicate with indentation)

Save the file through the python tab where you like it.

Now modify the script according to your settings.(limit of your servos)

Once ready save the file again.

Next time when you re open MRL, open up the python script which contains your settings.

And you are good to execute.

As a exemple these are my servo settings for eyes and head in the above script:

# tweaking default settings of eyes

Exemple for the hand:

# tweaking default settings of left hand

By default InMoov Services sets the servos limits as shown in the bellow hardware map:


Blog: 12/12/2012 : inmoovs-brain-at-work

Comments 172

  1. Has anybody got this to work on a Raspberry Pi?
    MRLComm will not compile without errors.
    My Raspberry Pi is running Arduino IDE 1.0.1, maybe its too old version.
    This is going to be exciting if it works!


    • The latest built gets installed the same way, but the minimal scripts are different. Because I am not yet satisfied (13/06/16) with the latest build to run my complete inmoov, I haven’t yet released new scripts.
      Let me know, or get directly on MRL shoutbox for to get some help.

  2. Gail

    Thanks for getting back to me. I got the InMoov3.minimal working some time ago and wanted to get more of the functions going. I have working to some degree. It will do gestures like giving and fighter and uses MarySpeech.

    I have been trying to find books on python scripting that will help me understand so I can get more of the gestures going. Do you know of any books that might help.

    Thanks again for your help. Being an engineer myself I have been very impressed with how well all of my InMoov has fit together. I am just not up to speed on this python scripting

  3. Hi!

    7/ “from C:\MRL\resource\Arduino\MRLComm”
    After running START_INMOOV in folder a lot of subfolders, ant MyRobotLab run(correctly? maybe not), but there is not resource folder.
    Also the bat script give a lot of 404 errors at running of github.

    Maybe you can advise something? Or there newer version?

    • Hello,
      If you followed the latest tutorial regarding installing MyRobotLab with the InMoov-develop directories, it is simple to run the kinect.
      Make sure that you have set your service_E_OpenNI.config.default as:True.
      Make sure that you have installed the drivers for your Kinect 360 and that it works properly in Windows.
      Make sure that all servos are properly calibrated on your robot using the config files.
      Once you have launched MyRobotlab by double clicking START_INMOOV.bat, you can say to the robot “body capture”, or “start kinect”.
      The skeleton might take some time before being activated on your body.
      To stop the kinect from capturing, say “freeze body capture”.

  4. Hello InMoov builders! I wanted to ask you for help in disabling all the random preprogrammed movement that the InMoov does (eg. moving head and rolling eyes). It somehow overrides our own code and we are not sure where this behavior is originated from. We are using the newest version of MRL. Thanks!

  5. hello INMOOV makers! I am inspired alot from this robot project. I want to make my own to introduce it in my country. I want your help. Can you please share me complete programming(codes and scripts) of both hands with a video tutorial.
    because I am starting it from hands.

    I will be very greatfull to you. THANKS!

  6. Hey Gael,
    I have a Problem with attech the left arduino with nervo board.
    So i install all like your tourtorial, then i Flash de mrl at the arduino mega.
    after that i go to inmoov/config/service_6_Arduino.config and Change the left arduino to COM9 (in the device Manager it says its com9). so in the service_8_NervoBoardRelay.config i set it to isNervoboardRelayActivated=1. after that i connect only the neck board with one 805BB servo to the nervo board und start my robotlab.
    It Boot up and load all parts if i go to the regista left arduino there is a green lamp and it Shows connected to COM9 but i cant do anything and after a few minuts i get the red failur line with: cant write to a cloesd port.
    can you help me i search 3 days and dont find the failure.

  7. Hello Gael,
    Myrobotlab did work when in virtual mode.I was able to speak and get the more or less correct word in writing. However, when I tried the real version( having dutefully followed your instruction)the .bat script gave a lot of errors and could not reach the end.I then suspected a faulty flash in the Arduino Mega board(s) and tried to flash them again, but the MrlComm.ino would not compile, giving errors from the very beginning.Other .ino files from Arduino can,on the other hand, be compiled without any problem, therefore it seems that Arduino.ide is correctly installed.With simpler .ino programmes Arduino.ide accepts the .ino programme immediately, while with MrlComm. ino it says that the programme should be inside an Arduino sketch folder and offers to do so automatically.However, when so done, compiling becomes impossible. Any suggestion?
    By the way, Which is the Myrobotlab version that I should use? I am a little puzzled about the different issues and the 32 or 64 version. I run a Windows 10 64 on a sufficiently powerful PC.
    Thanks a lot for your help and,as I am late for a Merry Xmas, at least I wish a Happy New Year to you and your family.

  8. Bonjour Gaël,
    Il semblerait que le réglage de la voix ne se fait plus dans le _inMoov.config désormais ; je l’ai réglé sur LocalSpeech dans le service_5_Mouth.config, et çà fait le job (W7-64bits, voix BestOfVox)
    Bon réveillon,

  9. Thanks a lot, Gael.
    Unfortunately, when trying to dowload I got same error message as Rob P.
    Regarding my problem,I am using Arduino 1.8.5, therefore this part of the procedure should be OK. I’ll try the new Manticore as soon as downloadable/repaired and let you know.
    Happy New Year to you again.

  10. Hi Gael,
    As expected, Manticore did the trick and I have been able to upload MrlComm.ino into Arduino board straight away.
    In Virtual mode, when I talk in the mike, it responds by writing down the commands.However, the InMoov figure moves the mouth only , no matter which command is given. I thought that it would move the requested body part instead . Am I wrong?
    On the other side, when I change the script to a different mode, I do not obtain any movement of the servo(s) (config files are properly set as true).
    The MyRobotlab windows says that no battery is detected by system, though battery is connected and working.
    I tried also the SERVO_CALIBRATION.bat, but it does not seem to work though the script appears ,but without any further action , even moving the file or the whole folder to the root of mrl (i.e. as subfolder of mrl).When so doing, the windows shows up for an instant and disappears immediately thereafter.
    Answers to my instructions (even if I change the script to another language ) are in English but, as I am pretty hearing impaired , aka deaf!- being not young any more, unfortunately-I do not quite understand what the script voice says:is there any way to see the words written on the screen? This might give me some hint to correct a possible mistake I make in the procedure and possibly help somebody else who does not hear well or is not fluent in any of the available language (alas, my language, Italian ,is not among them!) .
    Sorry for all these question, but I am almost through with the hardware job on the InMoov…and would like to see it ….moving!
    Thanks again for your help

    • Hello,
      Lets take it from the beginning.
      1- ##############################################################
      -Get back in Virtual mode.
      -When MyRobotlab is launched the first time the robot is asking his name, you need to tell him his name.
      You can either do it by voice or writing in the chatbot tab.
      -Then the robot is asking to confirm by “yes” or “no” for his name.
      -If you did okay, the robot will ask your own name and will ask also to confirm by yes or no.
      -Once this is done,and only if you did this right, you can tell him other commands and the virtual body will move.
      2- ################################################################
      The battery level is measuring the battery remaining on your computer, not the battery to power the servo or the Nervo Board. So if you are running a Desktop that has no battery, it is not detected.
      3- ################################################################
      Once you modified to TRUE each skeleton part and that you have set the InMoov_config to Full instead of Virtual, you need to set the Arduino com ports in the Arduino_config files, did you do that?
      4- ################################################################
      Make sure you have Java 8

  11. Hi Gael,
    Thanks again for your quick answer.I tried immediately your suggestions and, somehow or other I have been able to obtain some motion from the virtual robot.However, only a nice welcome with his /its hands in answer to “Hello Robert” and some kind of dance and music when answering to another phrase (honestly I do not remember what I said: is there, by the way, any list of acceptable words/phrases?No moving reaction to a command like :”Close your right hand” or other ( the robot only says:” I am closing my right hand “,but the hand does not move at all). Is that what the program is supposed to do or am I doing something wrong again?
    Other subject:it would be extremely useful to check each servo with SERVO_CALIBRATION.bat but, as said in may other post, it seems not to work. Have you got any suggestion?
    I believe to be a wise procedure to test first all motions in virtual mode, then test each servo and finally go to the the whole system. I have tried to be as accurate as possible in wiring, but a mistake is always possible: you know the Murphy’s law…
    With my renewed thanks, best personal regards


    • Okay that’s good progress!
      Virtual InMoov cannot move it’s fingers yet in Manticore. Only the wrist can rotate.
      You have two lists of voice commands in:
      Of course you can create more and add the here:
      SERVO_CALIBRATION.bat is a simple script that needs to be at root to work.
      So it should be in your directory like this:
      What it does:
      -Launch MRL
      -Launch an Arduino service
      -Launch a servo service
      If ever you cannot make it work, you can do it manually:
      -Start MRL by double click myrobotlab.jar
      -In Runtime tab, add a Arduino service
      -Configure the COM port of the Arduino service
      -In Runtime tab, add a Servo service
      -Configure the pin and Arduino in the servo service
      -Test your servo by moving the slider and determine the min and max value
      For security, I recommend when testing each servo to disconnect power of the other servo body parts

  12. Hello Gael,
    I hope that I do not annoy you (too much, i.e.!) with my problems,but I am finally getting some results and would like to see the InMoov working at its full power.
    First of all (this might be interesting for many people)I found that no command , let alone Arduino programs , were able to be uploaded with a cable longer than the 30 cm. long one, cable which comes usually with Arduino boards.The PC port woud not acknowledge the connection. After several failures, I found that a 3.0 USB port does the trick , no so the USB 2.0. Being, for the moment, the InMoov standing on its pedestal, I find much more convenient using a PC for the connections than installing a tablet,with all iits limitations in terms of speeds and memory capacity on the InMoov..
    However, several problems remain.
    If I try to give a command like “close your right hand” nothing happens.All connections are checked, ports defined and motions configured as true.
    If I say, however, “Hello Robert”(where this name has come from I do not know, but, at least for the moment, my InMoov understands this name) the robot answers “Hello, Andrea,nice to see you” and plays all the welcome motions (or almost all) that are seen in the virtual mode.I said “almost” because the hands close and there is no way to have them open again. This happens only by re-starting START_INMOOV.bat.(is there a faster way to reset?)
    I have not been able to make the robot close/open hands, lifting arms etc. Only the head seems to work, when asked the robot to turn it.
    The robot speaks normally (in my earphone, i.e., not having loudspeaker installed yet)but the mouth does not move. I checked the skeleton_head.config and proper indications were set true.
    Berore, when testing the first assembled index finger alone,the finger did open and close according to commands.
    What do you think of all this? Connections should be correct, as ,by resetting, hands go back to open position.
    Could you perhaps indicate me some test commands that I can give the robot to and see whether they are executed? By the way, the robot, both in virtual and real mode does not accept written commands,but only vocal ones.
    Last thing: what is the purpose of the SwingGui and how do I find how to make use of it?
    Thanks as always for you nice, valuable help in this extremely interest project and best personal regards.

  13. Hello,
    I’ve been trying to get MRL up and running for a while, but unfortunately I can not. If I understand correctly I have to load the MrlComm.ino on the Arduino. But when I try this I always get errors:

    MrlComm.cpp:52:24: error: LinkedList.h: No such file or directory
    MrlComm.cpp:53:21: error: MrlComm.h: No such file or directory
    MrlComm:59: error: ‘WStype_t’ has not been declared
    MrlComm:62: error: ‘MrlComm’ does not name a type
    MrlComm.cpp: In function ‘void setup()’:
    MrlComm:88: error: ‘mrlComm’ was not declared in this scope
    MrlComm.cpp: In function ‘void loop()’:
    MrlComm:101: error: ‘mrlComm’ was not declared in this scope
    MrlComm:105: error: ‘mrlComm’ was not declared in this scope

    can someone help me ?

  14. Bonjour Gael, bonjour du Nord pas de Calais ou je m attaque à fabriquer mon robot…. j’èspere y arriver… Merci pour ce projet c’est formidable….
    Pourriez vous svp valider mon inscription sur votre blog …. car en effet j ai un problème et aimerais participer aux discutions….
    Mon problème et qu’après avoir réussi à installer MRL tout se passe bien sauf la commande vocale : je vois sur l’ecran mes commande : open finger, close finger…. mais il ne se passe rien … ai je oublié qqch? Petit détail en mode manuel mon starter finger fonctionne bien ….
    Encore merci pour votre disponibilité et votre réponse..
    Morgan de Calais

    • Bonjour,
      A priori votre compte est activé sur le site. Dites moi si vous rencontrez un problème.
      En ce qui concerne MRL, je pense que vous êtes en mode virtuel au niveau des configs.
      Voir InMoov.config et changer “Virtual” pour “RightSide”.

      • Merci pour votre réponse. Voici le message que j’ai sur mon profil :Votre compte de membre est en attente d’approbation par l’administrateur du site. Vous ne serez pas en mesure d’interagir pleinement avec les aspects sociaux de ce site Web jusqu’à ce que votre compte soit approuvé. Une fois approuvé ou refusé, vous recevrez un avis par courriel. Pour nous aider à activer votre compte rapidement, veuillez configurer l’image de votre profil de communauté. Je vous remercie.

  15. Je viens de me rendre compte que j ai ce message sur mrl :

    ——Traceback (most recent call last): File string, line 50, in moduleAttributeError: org.myrobotlab.service.InMoovHand object has no attribute setAutoEnable at org.python.core.Py.AttributeError( at org.python.core.PyObject.noAttributeError( at org.python.core.PyObject.__getattr__( at org.python.pycode._pyx3.f$0(string:84) at org.python.pycode._pyx3.call_function(string) at at at org.python.core.Py.runCode( at org.python.core.Py.exec( at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.exec( at org.myrobotlab.service.Python$——

  16. Hello!
    So its all coming together i have hit a bit of an impass after adding the nervo boards and attaching the head and the left hand.
    * in the /inmoov/config/inmoov i have changed from virtual to full
    * i have activated the head in the /inmoov/config/skeleton-head file
    *i have activated the left hand in that skeleton file

    when i launch mrl – it boots up
    * tells me it can see ardunio left and right okay
    * tells me it can see the neopixel adruino okay
    * the neopixel tabs appear but not the hand or the head related tabs

    If i click on the on the os tab and click start left hand the left hand tabs appear and allow me to move the servos (it does ask for a comms port?) however when i click on start head nothing happens.

    I have double checked the wiring to the servos and they are getting power from the 6v battery okay and plenty of juice.

    There is also a cryptic message during boot about a module exception in python and seems to point to opencv (line 49) – but i cant copy and paste it or find where the error message is logged (log tab is blank) – i have installed opencv through pip and am running 64 bit version of python.

    Sorry for the length but tried to be as specific as possible – any idea what I’m doing wrong – i have been through the configuration steps countless times but can figure out what I’m missing!!!
    Q. Why does the hand not register at boot – why is it still asking for a comms port?
    Q. Why does the head and neck functionality not register at all ?


    • Hello,
      1-You are using the Manticore version 1.0.2693.7?
      2-Latest version of Java and the correct bit version (32 or 64) ?
      3-Did you set your Arduino COM ports in the /inmoov/config/service_6_Arduino.config?
      4-Do you have two Arduino connected or just the left Arduino?
      If you have only the left, try setting instead of “Full” –>”LeftSide”.

      If all goes well you do not need to go to OS tab and click start left hand, the left hand and the head, should be automatically started.
      Let me know.

      • Hello!
        Thanks for the speedy response!

        Ok so after your response i double checked – I did follow the instructions correctly however still didn’t – suspect the first attempt didn’t install properly so i reinstalled the MRL directory and rebuilt!

        Second attempt everything worked as planned – have to be honest got a fright when my new friend woke up and said hello for the first time.

        Brilliant to see it happen – this is how Dr Frankenstein would have felt when the lightening struck!

        Thank you for your help and for a great project!

        Now to get the other arm connected and working….
        thanks again Alan

  17. Bonjour Gael ,
    Je fais appel à toi car je n’ai aucune réponse dans les forums. J’ai réalisé le projet start finger et j’arrive à contrôler le doigt sur myrobolab (version 2687.7) via mon arduino UNO , mais je n’arrive pas à le faire fonctionner via le controle vocal. La reconnaissance comprend bien mon message le micro est bien ouvert mais pas d’action ni de réponse. Dans l’onglet i01 mount j’ai un message qui dit que Maryspeech n’a pas d’interface utilisateur. Je travaille sous MAC OSX. Ce projet est super intéressant et passionnant, j’ai déjà acheté par mal de composants (nervo board notamment) et j’aurais voulu avancer
    Merci à toi.

  18. Hi Gaël,
    I write to you because I have a problem with The problem is that: Traceback (most recent call last): File string, line 52, in module at marytts.LocalMaryInterface.setVoice( at org.myrobotlab.service.MarySpeech.setVoice( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No such voice: Ryan at org.python.core.Py.JavaError( at org.python.core.Py.JavaError( at org.python.core.PyReflectedFunction.__call__( at org.python.core.PyReflectedFunction.__call__( at org.python.core.PyObject.__call__( at org.python.core.PyObject.__call__( at org.python.core.PyMethod.__call__( at org.python.pycode._pyx3.f$0(string:4715) at org.python.pycode._pyx3.call_function(string) at at at org.python.core.Py.runCode( at org.python.core.Py.exec( at org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.exec( at org.myrobotlab.service.Python$ by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No such voice: Ryan at marytts.LocalMaryInterface.setVoice( at org.myrobotlab.service.MarySpeech.setVoice( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at org.python.core.PyReflectedFunction.__call__( … 12 more.

    I don’t know what is it :-/
    I have tried to solve it by doing the different solucions you give in the chat.
    I have:
    – Java 8
    – Arduino 1.8.8
    – Myrobotlab 1.0.2693.8

    If I try only one hand I do not have any problem. The problem is when I test the whole body

    I will be so thankful if you could help me 🙂


    • Hello,
      It is related to the line 52. Comment it like this:
      The script you are trying to run is not compatible for version 1.0.2XXX
      Therefore you will encounter other errors.

      I recommend you to use the START_INMOOV.bat with the configuration files.
      It gives you options to choose for a better voice than MaryTTS female which sounds pretty terrible.
      And it is totally compatible with version 1.0.2693.8

  19. Hi Gael,

    I am Arun from India. I am really excited to start my In moov built. This is my first time into robotics. I am not able to find all the servos mentioned in India.
    Can you please list servos also in your shop. So It would be really helpful for me and maybe many other freshers to buy nervo and all the required servo from your shop.
    Kindly seeking your advice and guidance. Awaiting your reply eagerly.

  20. Bonjour
    Ici le Gers
    Merci Gaël pour se super joujou je m’éclate.
    Ma femme te remercie pour le “dior j’adore” (beaucoup moins pour les petits morceaux de plastique qui se balade dans la maison).
    Je parcoure les forums et n’ai toujours pas trouvé ma boulette que je te soumet.
    J’essaye de fermer et d’ouvrir la main gauche avec la reconnaissance vocal. “ferme tes mains” ce a quoi il répond “main fermé” or rien ne se passe. Pourtant je peux manipuler doigts et poignet avec MRL.
    Une bonne idée serait la bienvenu.

    • Hello et Bienvenue,
      Ah bien trouvé le bug! Il y a une erreur de code entre le chatbot francais et la gestuelle demandée.
      La fonction vocale “Ferme tes mains” n’active que la main droite au lieu d’activer les deux mains.
      Je viens donc de modifier l’erreur sur Github pour la prochaine publication de MyRovbotLab.
      Par contre dans l’immediat, pour vous, il vaut mieux lui dire “Ferme ta main gauche”.

  21. cześć Geal mam od kilku dni problem z myrobotlab 1.0.2693.13 do tej pory wszystko działało jak trzeba teraz wyskakuje mi bład przy próbie wczytania pliku MrlComm.ino do płytki arduino mega 2560 lub arduino uno kod jest nastemujący:
    In file included from sketch\LinkedList.h:72:0,

    from sketch\MrlComm.cpp:10:

    sketch\LinkedList.cpp: In instantiation of ‘ListNode* LinkedList::getNode(int) [with T = Device*]’:

    sketch\LinkedList.cpp:182:29: required from ‘T LinkedList::get(int) [with T = Device*]’

    sketch\MrlComm.cpp:228:38: required from here

    sketch\LinkedList.cpp:53:10: warning: converting ‘false’ to pointer type ‘ListNode*’ [-Wconversion-null]

    return false;


    sketch\LinkedList.cpp: In instantiation of ‘ListNode* LinkedList::getNode(int) [with T = Pin*]’:

    sketch\LinkedList.cpp:170:29: required from ‘T LinkedList::remove(int) [with T = Pin*]’

    sketch\MrlComm.cpp:297:24: required from here

    sketch\LinkedList.cpp:53:10: warning: converting ‘false’ to pointer type ‘ListNode*’ [-Wconversion-null]

    Bardzo proszę o pomoc

  22. Niestety na wersji, którą teraz mam już pracowałem i nie wyskakiwały żadne błędy przy wgrywaniu.wcześniej ten skrypt wczytywał mi się bez problemów. Próbowałem twojej rady ale ona nie pomaga. Czy może być to związane z ostatnią aktualizacją systemu windows 10? Program inne proste skrypty wczytuje mi bez problemu. Mam problem ze skryptem Mrlcomm.ino nie wiem co dalej 🙁

    • Hello,
      Are your Arduino boards genuine (real Arduino) or from another supplyer?
      Under Windows 10, some Arduino copy are not working properly in the Arduino.exe because the drivers are not correctly installed.
      If you have access to another Windows7 or 8, it is more simple to upload the scripts that way.
      Otherwise you need to search internet how to modify the drivers to make them fully compatible.

    • Hello,
      Some things to check:
      1-Maybe you changed the code inside the Arduino?
      2-Is it still with MRLComm.ino for the Manticore version?
      3-Is the Arduino showing in the Ports in service manager Windows?
      4-Did you check if the bits rate is still at 115200 in service manager Windows?

  23. Thank you very much Gael for your fast response.
    I am using myrobotlab.1.0.26693.15 and I have loaded ( with the arduino IDE 1.8.9) the MRLCommon.ino included in this version in the arduino Mega .
    The arduino is detected in the corresponding COM port by the Windows device manager. the bits rate is set to 115200. When I press the “refresh” key in the Servo_calibration tool, it appears the correct COM but, when I press the “connect” key, the application finishs and exits.

    • Hello,
      I just tried to reproduce the issue, but all works on my test.
      Can you try with a previous version of MRL you had (1.0.2693.14), to see if the error is related to 1.0.2693.15 during the install process.
      No need to re-upload the MRLComm.ino, they are the same for all Manticore version.

  24. hi, when i was starting the MyRobotLab, I got this error after downloaded the and click the start-inmoov.bat , it shows that

    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: marytts.MaryInterface

    at File “”, line 41, in
    File “InMoov/system/”, line 9, in
    subconsciousMouth = Runtime.createAndStart(“subconsciousMouth”, “MarySpeech”)
    I was wondering which part is wrong

      • thanks for youe advice, I’ll re-launching it a few more times to see what happens. And by the way, what would it be like if I run the inmoov’s virtual mode successfully, in case I didn’t found out.

        • Normally re-launching once should solve the issue.
          If you run in Virtual Mode (need a 64bit system) you can have a 3D virtual InMoov that will execute gestures.
          Note that, by default in Virtual Mode, servos are not powered, in fact you don’t even need to have Arduino connected to test MyRobotLab.

          • well, if that’s the case, then I have re-launched several times and I still have the same problem. And by using another START_INMOOV.bat file. It just open the myrobotlab -gui and I can’t install the inmoov component.

    • Hello,
      Some robot spammers use certain words to bother the communication.
      These words are black listed and in some cases block also some of the users comments.
      Among the black list, you can find the word “top” which is maybe part of your post.
      Send me a private message of what you are trying to post and I will check it out.

  25. when i was running start-inmoov.bat, it shows an error that at,i01.lang_shutDown=lang_shutDown.Attribute error’None type’object has no attribute lang_shutDown

  26. Hi there
    I now have my head ready and would now like to try it out. Servos are calibrated. What should I set the inmoov.config to? RightSide mode or Full mode?
    And what do I have to activate? Eyes with camera and mouth and rotation of the head is mounted and the mouth servo.
    Thank you

  27. Hi everyone. I’m new on this project and really glad to start producing the parts with my 3Dprinter. Almost finished the right hand.
    I have started now to make the Arduino working.
    I have tried to load the mrlcomm.ino on my Arduino Mega, but during the compilation there is always this error message:
    MrlComm.h: No such file or directory #include “MrlComm.h”

    I have searched on google but found nothing. Is there any changes since the release of the last package ?
    Any ideas ?

    Thanks to anyone that could help.


  28. I had a lot of difficulties starting MRL in non-virtual mode with my InMoov hand and arm attached. I am running Windows 10. There were two issues:
    1). The MRLComm.ino that must be uploaded to the Arduino has the statement ‘return False’ which must be changed to a ‘return null’ before it will compile correctly.
    2). The jssc-2.8.0.jar in the install file has a bug in windows 10 and must be manually updated to jssc-2.9.0.jar (can be downloaded here
    Thank you GroG and of course Gaël

  29. i am trying to flash the Inmoov my robot lab file esp9266ino to my board so i can use Myrobot lab with it and i get the following error i suspect it is a library that i need to add but i haven’t been able to find it in an addable format
    Arduino: 1.8.13 (Windows 10), Board: “Arduino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)”

    Esp8266_01:40:10: fatal error: ESP8266WiFi.h: No such file or directory
    compilation terminated.
    exit status 1
    ESP8266WiFi.h: No such file or directory

    This report would have more information with
    “Show verbose output during compilation”
    option enabled in File -> Preferences.

  30. Hi everyone

    i am having two problems with MRL
    when i run it on virtual it works fine but when i run it on full or rightside and try to open the app it opens and then crashes and close

    other than that am also having a problem with the servo calibration tool
    same when i try to press connect it crashes and close

    can someone help me please, everything else went quite good but here am stuck

    i tried multiple versions of arduino and MRL
    now am using arduino 1.6.9 and manticore

    best regards

  31. Hi Gael, Hi Asya,
    I installed the last version of MRL on my mac.
    For the installation, it’s OK but i tried to make a test with one servo, the connection is OK but no movement… Will try again tomorrow…
    Mac mini i7 2.6 with 10.15.7

    • Hello,
      You need to set the mouth to LocalSpeech instead of MarySpeech (because MarySpeech doesn’t have Spanish voices)
      This will allow Myrobotlab to use the Spanish voices available on your Microsoft Windows, assuming your Windows PC is in Spanish.

  32. ik heb nixie geinstalleerd op persoonlijke map,ubuntu,niet in een map met mrl,dit werkte niet omdat nixie de bestanden toch op de persoonlijke map installeerde,…..vraag me miet waarom hij dat deed,maar het koste me 5 dagen uitvogelen pfff….mrl versies,java versies.
    waar het werkt nu eindelijk……..
    thanks voor de hulp

  33. Hi, I,m John of robonuri and Im trying to install the Manticore 1.0.2693 to one of my windows notebook.
    But the final result is as these errors what I met now ..
    Anybody could help me now ?

    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: marytts/MaryInterface




    :: com.sun.speech.freetts#freetts;1.2: not found


  34. And I have tried again with Nixie version with Java 11 setup …
    I could see the chrome browser open successfully but Java error like this again …
    Oh, I couldnt attach the image … I think I should go to Discord …

  35. Hi Hello;
    Hello, I am very new among you. After making the relevant installation, when I click on the intro access, I get an error code on the bell at the top right. The error code is as follows. As you said, I saw that in some places where Java 11 is installed, it works in Java 8, but the old source is what can I do, thank you, I request your help.

    r runtime : : could not invoke runtime.start ([Ljava.lang.Object;@6091d441) java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.python.core.PySystemState – check logs for details

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