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smattachai.p posted an update 5 years, 4 months ago
How to set voice control that InMoov reconfirm command before operate?
Hello, The reconfirm before operate used to work with the first MyRobotLab version. This was prior having a chatbot for the robot. You could modify the AIML files in order to have the same effect than the old version but it will take you a lot of time to rewrite each command. Here is a exemple:
<category> <pattern>SEARCH HUMANS</pattern> <template>Did you say search humans. </template> </category> <category> <pattern># NO #</pattern><that># DID YOU SAY SEARCH HUMANS #</that> <template>As you please. </template> </category> <category> <pattern># YES #</pattern><that># DID YOU SAY SEARCH HUMANS #</that> <template>Okay <oob><mrl> <service>python</service> <method>exec</method> <param>trackHumans()</param> </mrl> </oob></template> </category>