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smattachai.p posted an update 5 years ago
I reinstall many time of MRL InMoov when IMoov error. After install last time, i found that InMoov lost to answer anythings which he could find from internet to answer to me as before. Are there suggestion to solve this things my friends? Thank you.
Hello, You do not need to re install everytime you get an error. If you want to re install, create a new directory as for example: C:Mrlmyrobotlab.1.0.2693NEW/ And install inside the new directory. This way you can keep the other version with all your settings. Since the 13/02/20, I also noticed that the non local (ask.pannous server) request…[Read more]
Hello, Good news, the ask.pannous server is back up and working again. Request can be done on the internet. To test, you can ask the robot for example: How much is 46 + 586 ?
smattachai.p posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Thanks, it is clear to me.
It is very interesting. How to make own python gestures? Thanks
How to create gestures for InMoov
Do i need to open these 2 screws to make 360 rotation of servo motor? I got some recommendation to no necessary to take these 2 screws. Is that right?
You need to remove the end stop pin on the main gear to make sure the servo can be continuous. Therefore you do need to get those two screws.
Have you change neopixel number in config file (neopixel) in folder inmoov/config?
Did anyone use JX PDI-HV2060MG and get problem to unscrew the bolts of this servo? I am going open this motor but can not unscrews these 2 bolts. I am going to replace Hitec HS805BB on shoulder of InMoov!
Strange, I had no difficulties unscrewing these screws on my HV2060MG. You could try to gently warm up the aluminium casing with hot gun to help releasing these screws.
smattachai.p posted an update 5 years, 4 months ago
Is there IOS App for IPhone to control InMoov robot?
smattachai.p posted a new activity comment 5 years, 4 months ago
Can we use Raspberry Pi to run MyRobotLab for InMoov robot?
smattachai.p posted a new activity comment 5 years, 5 months ago
Thank you so much. Your answers are clear to me.
About 1 mm.
smattachai.p posted an update 5 years, 5 months ago
Installing 2 alternatives of power supplies: 1- from DC power supply 220AC/12DC 2- from battery 6V/12Ah 3- connect the battery charging line (Can charge battery without take the battery out of InMoov)
Import***: (To prevent short circuit)
1. You can select only single power supply either from battery (SW1) or DC power supply unit (SW2) at…[Read more]
Hello, This a nice way to set up the power and the charger for battery. I had a plan to combine a single power source to do both actions by itself, But after waisting time trying to figure how to proceed with relays I went on working on something else. Sometimes a simple switch gets the job done better than a complex relay+circuit board,…[Read more]
Good demonstrate for learning
I found that my InMoov robot under EZPad Mini 5 tablet was a little bit slow response.
1. Is there a better performance table that anyone ever tried?
2. Or do we need to use NUC instead. And if need, where is the place to put NUC in robot? And how to make the wireless connection with tablet?
Hello, I haven’t found a better tablet than the Lenovo Thinkpad 8″ which had 128Gb ssd and 4Gb Ram to fit in the back of InMoov. Unfortunately you cannot buy this model anymore. The EZPad Mini 5 is certainly lacking of memory, this must be the reason it’s a bit slow with responses. When I use the NUC in connection with the tablet, I start the NUC…[Read more]
Hi, I got many time burn with servo board Hobby king HS805BB. Does anyone have any suggestion of other better performance servo?
The omoplate servos are the one that get the most stress. For exemple the gesture “Da Vinci” will get them warm if you perform that gesture too many times. Make sure to check if the autodisable function is activated, this saves servos for good. If not activated you will burn any kind of servo you…[Read more]
smattachai.p posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago
InMoov Robot plays with \”Tubtim\” the 9 monhts baby:
Oh wow super progress! Your kid is going to be a botmaster 🙂
InMoov Robot in Thailand progress:
smattachai.p posted a new activity comment 5 years, 6 months ago
smattachai.p posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago
smattachai.p posted a new activity comment 5 years, 7 months ago
I also did it 3 months ago but not success yet. Same as you.
How to set voice control that InMoov reconfirm command before operate?
Hello, The reconfirm before operate used to work with the first MyRobotLab version. This was prior having a chatbot for the robot. You could modify the AIML files in order to have the same effect than the old version but it will take you a lot of time to rewrite each command. Here is a exemple:
<category> <pattern>SEARCH…
[Read more]
I see. Thank you to Gael.
Hi, Can anyone suggest me how to activated OpenCV in MyRobotLab? Thank you. Som
Hello, 1-Edit the config file “service_D_OpenCv.config” 2-Modify: False to True. 3-Save the modification 4-Double click START_INMOOV Opencv is now running in MyRobotLab. You can check if the camera gets activated by saying: “Camera On”
Hi, I am installing Servo Motor HK 15338 but can not remove the small obstruct rotation piece. Can anyone suggest the way of remove? Thank you. SP
Hello, 1-Remove the Gear from the servo 2-Set the gear in a vice (make sure to keep it clean) 3-Extract by rotating the metal pin with some Russian pincer.
hi i just hacksawed it kenz
smattachai.p posted a new activity comment 5 years, 8 months ago
Sorry Gael, it is a little bit too fit. I can put it in but difficult to take it out.
Hello, how much should be removed? 0.5mm?
smattachai.p posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago
Thank you so much to Gael for making adapter of EZPad Mini 5. It is perfect! 🙂
Mine is Jumper EZpad mini 5
207 mm. X 120 mm.(WxL) and 9.8 mm. Thickness, I also measure by ruler.
Okay I had a moment to create an adapter. Hopefully it fits, it’s always a bit difficult to create without testing, but I guess it should be okay. Jumper5Adapter.stl The JumperEZpad 5 is really smaller than the model 3, so this adapter will not fill the surrounding gaps, but only allow to mount the tablet. Nothing fancy.
Jumper EZpad mini 5
207 mm. X 120 mm.(WxL) and 9.8 mm. Thickness, thanks.
It’s confirmed they changed the size. The Jumper EZpad 3 was 212 x 130 x 9mm.
I get the Jumper 8” as Gael suggestion but it is not fit in the back of robot. Is there modification part to mount fit this tablet into InMoov back? Thank you.
Hello, Is it the model Jumper EZpad 5 or Jumper EZpad Mini 3? It seems they changed the size between the models. I could design some adapter, but since I do not have this tablet myself you need to guide me. Can you give the exact measurement in the 3 axes? If we would add something on the bottom (under the tablet) would the top lock work…[Read more]
Thanks but i means waist was not horizontal when i did lock with wheel car handle.
@juerg, this part is not motorised yet 🙂 @smattachai-p, You need to adjust the level of the top bolts on the threaded rods that are within the legs, if the torso leans a little backward, it’s okay. This will counterbalance, when the robot extends it’s arms forward.
Can anyone tell me the potentiometer of bicep right hand and wire colors?
Hello, It varies according to the servo motor production. You need to test to make sure your wires are correctly connected. I suggest to start, reconnect the potentiometer with the same color references as it was inside the servo motor and follow this video:
Adjusting body base. Can anyone suggest me for adjusting of base level to horizontal position? My position now is sloping as photos.
use an IMU (like BNO055 from Adafruit). It is I2C connected and provides yaw, pitch and roll information.
Thank you so much.
thanks to Gael. What is your recommendation? 1. Should I use NCU? 2. I explore to Lenovo Tablet 8\” but I cannot find it now. It is seems obsolete. Could you recommend any Band of Tablet, please?
Hello, The Lenovo tablet is now very difficult to find. Lately I use this configuration:
CPU: 8th Gen Intel i7 8550 Quad Core 4,0ghz SSD: 256GB (OS + Myrobotlab) HDD:500GB ( just because I had a spare hard drive) RAM: 32GB Graphic: Intel UHD Graphics 620 Connectivity: HDMI, Mini-DP, Gigabit Lan, 2*USB3.0, 2*USB2.0,…[Read more]
Can I use only Lenovo Tablet 8\” to control InMoov ? Or I need to use both NCU and Lenovo Tablet? Thanks.
Hello, The Lenovo tablet can control InMoov by itself. Don’t expect high performances regarding video aquisition, but it works fine for face detection, face tracking…
thanks to Gael. What is your recommendation? 1. Should I use NCU? 2. I explore to Lenovo Tablet 8″ but I cannot find it now. It is seems obsolete. Could you recommend any Band of Tablet, please?
Excellent development
Hello, This part is not a arm, but a part from the motorized leg I am developping. This model is currently on stand by because I need to refactor the knee mechanism.
smattachai.p posted a new activity comment 5 years, 9 months ago
smattachai.p posted an update 5 years, 10 months ago
I tried to set servo motor for finger but it did not stay in the zero position.
I did easy command as follows. #include
Servo myservoindex; // set 0 position
void setup() { myservoindex.attach(3); }
void loop() { myservoindex.write(0); // set 0 postion }
Gael has a new video on the main page is a link or his youtube channel. it is about the elbow, but has info on exactly how to set the servo’s
smattachai.p posted a new activity comment 5 years, 10 months ago
little by little hahaha.
smattachai.p posted a new activity comment 5 years, 11 months ago
Thank you for your comment. How can we let him know?
Gael is aware of the situation, not sure what his plans are with it though.
smattachai.p posted an update 5 years, 11 months ago
Hi Gael Langevin,
I am building InMoov for 4 months with complete hardware and now working on software. I try many many time to locate my InMoov Project (Thailand) in your Google Location Map but no successfully yet. Could you help me how to do? Thanks.
Som 🙂
Hello, The map was setup a while back and the person that set it up needs to go in and make it more public again so that people that add their locations. I wasn’t able to add mine either.
InMoov says: Where are my legs? Cool progress!
smattachai.p posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
I used PLA+
smattachai.p posted an update 6 years ago
Body 75%
Very nice. What type of filament did you use? Not sure if I’m going to run into part breakage if I use PLA. Maybe I should go with PETG for the skeleton?