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Kenneth Troke posted a new activity comment 5 years, 7 months ago
hi i just hacksawed it kenz
Kenneth Troke posted a new activity comment 6 years, 1 month ago
good question…need the same info myself..kenz
Hello, Unfortunately the map is out of function since almost two years. We already got some help from different members but it never got completely resolved. It’s mainly a problem of creating a new map directly on the InMoov site with the importation of all the previous map Google data.
are those 6mm bearings? kenz
Yes, as recommended by Gael i went with these right ahead.
wow nice job!! i just started the head too but not getting the smoothness of the parts like you are….what printer are you using and what temperatures if you dont mind…kenz
Kenneth Troke posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago
Starting the Inmoov build…have torso, left shoulder and head printed on cr-10s…just received a lot of servos….enjoying these challenges in my retirement….skull needs redone as it seems awkward….thank you Gael for this project…..