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xecaz posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
I have hundreds of meters of 300lb 1mm braided if you need some?
The 250lb line finally arrived 🙂
xecaz posted an update 6 years ago
And same for the order passing the wrist towards the servo bed..
Am I doing this right? Is the orders of the tenons mentioned somewhere else, can’t seem to find it.
xecaz posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago
Just back from 3 weeks vacation, finally back to continue building and am realising I am one servo short.. #robotlife
xecaz posted a new activity comment 6 years, 1 month ago
We were both a bit drunk and shit happened.. 😉
The wig makes the difference! But maybe it’s you that needs hair. 🙂
Good work on the website Gael, may better menu system!
Ah, true love 😉
Spending Xmas with family (and benefits)
High and mid stomach
Yes, as recommended by Gael i went with these right ahead.
xecaz posted an update 6 years, 2 months ago
This is taking ages on a single printer so I dusted of the Kossel mini delta printer too. Electronics so far seems pretty easy, so might build a cable loom instead of the nervo board setup.
Getting buffer by the day.
Having a small lathe really makes trimming servo mounts a walk in the park
Splitting and soldering servos
are those 6mm bearings? kenz
33 servos arrive 🙂 I went with some beefier servoes in a slightly smaller format that will demand some redesigns. Parts will be published on thingivers as soon as they are proved working.