I wanted to make pictures using InMoov into symbolisms treated with a harsh lighting.
Before December, Yethy proposed to do a photo session in my workshop with whatever moods and feelings we had. Thanks to him.
Because InMoov is a Art project, I had to place him into such environment that it finds it’s purpose, it’s goal, away from the events, sounds and Faires to which I have been going since I started it. Many times during those events, people ask me, so what can this robot do? Sometimes, I’m tempted to reply; it does nothing it’s a sculpture.
I’m used to work in photographic environment with my work, but it is different when you do something for yourself, you can really interact with the forms and the graphism of details. It was a while that I had these two pictures in mind among others.
The high level of contrast dissimulates the face of the baby, just like InMoov seems to come out from the darkness. The color of the baby skin takes all it’s sensitivity and becomes like a painting in this two tones environment.
Many years ago I had sculpted this human skull and casted it to make a few reproductions. It was obvious to me to use it with InMoov in this session, because the message is rich of interpretations.