Time to get the printers warmed up!!
In this tutorial I will show you how to assemble the leg parts for non motorized version. It is pretty easy if your prints are correctly printed without warping otherwise, you will have a hard time to join all the parts together.
Beware that some of these parts are really big and exceed the standard 12x12x12 cm.
There is two REALLY big parts included in the Non Motorized legs, here are the sizes:
-ThighHighRightV1: LENGTH16,5 X WIDTH19,6 X HEIGHT12cm
-ThighHighTempV1: LENGTH19,7 X WIDTH12,7 X HEIGHT13cm
Some of these parts require support during 3D printing, so please check the bellow list.
Download STL from the Gallery
Before printing all the parts you should print the CALIBRATOR, to check if your parts will fit together. If you have a very hard time putting those parts together, adjusting the horizontal expansion setting of your slicer software can solve that, this setting can vary depending of your slicer and printer but users report to set it at -0.15 is a great place to start.
An infill of 30%, wall thickness 2.5mm, best with no raft, no support(unless specified), use a brim to avoid warping.
Here is the list of parts and the number of prints needed for the legs:
- 1x AnkBackFoot
- 1x AnkHolder
- 1x AnkMidleFoot (add support)
- 2x AnkToesBolt
- 1x AnkToesFoot
- 1x AnkleBase
- 1x AnkleDown (add support)
- 1x AnkpartV1
- 2x FootBoltHolder
- 1x LeftAnkBackFoot
- 1x LeftAnkHolder
- 1x LeftAnkMidleFoot (add support)
- 1x LeftAnkToesFoot
- 1x LeftAnkleDown (add support)
- 1x LeftAnkpart
- 1x leftAnkleBase
- 1x TibiaHighLeft
- 1x TibiaHighRight
- 1x TibiaLowS1Left
- 1x TibiaLowS1Right
- 1x TibiaLowS2Left
- 1x TibiaLowS2Right
- 2x KneeBolts
- 2x KneeSmallBolts
- 1x KneeClampLeft
- 1x KneeClampRight
- 1x KneeHighLeft
- 1x KneeHighRight
- 1x KneeLowLeft
- 1x KneeLowRight
- 1x LegFixerLeft
- 1x LegFixer
- 1x LegHolderLeft
- 1x LegHolderRight
- 1x ThighBoltBlokerL
- 1x ThighBoltBlokerR
- 1x ThighHighBlokerL
- 1x ThighHighBlokerR
- 1x ThighHighLeft
- 1x ThighHighRight
- 1x ThighHighTempLeft
- 1x ThighHighTemp
- 1x ThighLowLeft
- 1x ThighLowRight
- 1x ThighMidLeft
- 1x ThighMidRight
- 1x ThighSideAccessLeft
- 1x ThighSideAccessRight
The non motorized legs are mainly for show. They allow to have the robot standing up on it’s own legs. The robot will be bolted and fixed to a large 60x60cm plate for to assure it’s stability.
A 10mm rod will run from bottom plate to the top of the legs.
To be continued in a few days…
Hi Friends!!!
i have a question about printing legs
1. i print all pieces in ABS without problema but i think here are many pieces very big, how solve the warpping problem? or direc print in PLA?
The only way to avoid warping when printingbig parts in ABS is to have a closed printer which keeps a permanent inside temperature and avoids any outside draft.
Also printing on glass is up till now the best solution I have been using which keeps the part safely attached to the heated bed.
thank`s Gael, i have a prusa i3, Works superfine, i print in a heated bed with mirror i supose you refer to this when you say print on glass, i´ll print the small pieces and work on an enclosure to my printer, other alternative is usin a infrared lamp but is very expensive in the electricall bill, jejejeje, I give you my congratulations and a very strong hug
the KneeBolts and KneeBoltsSmall, are the same STL, is this correct?
Look’s like you are right. The link is going to the same files.
Take the long bolts and cut them to 30 mm and you’ll have the small one.
thak you vey much… is a good idea but i redesign another one and with corret diameter,
Thanks for publishing the legs, Gael. There might be a tiny typo in the pice list of the guide. I don’t think the leftAnkleBase really needs support.
Thanks for the feedback!
Fixed the pieces list on the tutorial page.
more people have issues that the “KneeHighLeftV3” and “ThighLowLeftV1” dont fit?
when i line up the outside of the part, the holes (for bolts) dont fit. they seem to be off by 4mm. no problems with the rest.
check my onedrive folder for pictues
Robbert could you make the holes a bit bigger on one of the parts, place a washer and retighten ? Or glue it in place, drill the holes to line up and use a slightly bigger bolt?
Hello Wilco!
Nice to see you around!!
I fixed the part to download, but indeed, Robert can make the hole bigger and use a washer to tight it in place.
Thanks for the notice. I mixed a piece from the motorized leg version with the non motorized version…
It’s fixed now, you need to download ThighLowLeftV2.stl or ThighLowRightV2.stl
You do not need to reprint, just drill to fit.
Dear Sir
Where I can find the motorized version of the legs?
They are not available because not yet finished. I currently have put myself on stand-by with the motorized legs.
Bonsoir, je commence mon robot par les jambes. Il faut quelle taille en tige fileté, j’ai vu 10mm de diamètres mais sur combien ? Que je voit ce qu’il me reste a d’atelier et aussi les visserie a prévoir aussi meeci d’avance
Il faut une tige filetée de 10mm, longueur 1000mm(1metre) par jambe.
Hi Friends!!!!, i detect the same probem with ThighLowLeftV1 and ThighRightLeftV1 but i have the archives STL repaired if any like it, i have the KneeBoltsSmall too
hi Gael, i make the same you design to fix it, but i have it with drill jajajaja,, i modify your pece with sketchup the result is great if you like it ill send, in the image you can see i make another supor to the center of the knee to use the center hole in the KneeHighRightV3 and KneeHighLeftV3, what do you think about?, its a dood idea or you have another pupose to this hole?, thak you

These legs are temporary and I tried to make something for the users with various pieces of my 3 differents leg design R&D for motorization, that is why there is some parts that do not match with the other.
I have already made the part to use the center hole for KneeHighRightV3 and KneeHighLeftV3, you can check the update.
Thanks for your proposition,

Thanks to you !! im at your service
https://ibb.co/nO1CLw this are the KneeBoltsSmallV1 and KneeBoltsV1
Hi Gael,
Just a couple of pieces left for me to print
Where does ‘ThighSideAccess[Left/Right]V1’ go? I can’t see from the images where it fits.
good question, i need help about this too, jejejeje
It’s placed, glued or screwed to the ThighHighTempV1.
I have added pictures in the tutorial to let you see.
Ahhh awesome!
Merci beaucoup
hello Gael,
merci pour les jambes elles sont superbes, peut-on savoir comment les tiges filetés son fixer au niveaux du pied je comprends pas et je trouve pas sur la page tutorial merci
La tige fileté traverse la cheville et le pied pour aller se loger et traverser(ou pas) footBoltHolder. FootboltHolder peut-être utiliser dans deux sens différent, il peut être vissé à la planche(plateau) qui sera sous les pieds du robots, ou bien comme si c’est un servo moteur dans le logement de AnkBackFoot.
Hello everyone,
it would be fine if everyone would us the english language. Not everyone can speak french, so english should be the common language on international websites.
There is a frankophone forum for the french people who don’t speak or want to speak english.
Hi Gael, thank you so much for great work!
If I’m not mistaken, LeftAnkleDownV2 and AnkleDownV2 are exactly the same?
Yes they are similar parts.
Good evening everyone
thank you Gael for the james, we can never say enough.
How to hold the ankle in place without sticking AnkleBase to AnkleDown?
If the mechanism of origin makes it possible to hold them together, is it possible to have the .STL, I would have wanted to keep the articulated ankle. Thanks for your help
google traduction
Hello, the 10mm rod that goes from the top to the bottom is holding all leg parts tight to each other.
Like a big sandwich sort to speak.
Hi Gael
Do you have the servo linkages for the Ankles as a STL available? The parts that would drive the “AnkleDownV2” gearing ? Great work!
These parts are too weak to be efficient, therefore I din’t upload them.
If I would upload them, I am sure some people would request detailed tutorial and more.
I am actively working on a set of legs with motors, which will be much more efficient than my early prototypes.
has anybody used or found the crouch Cod cover ? I see it in some photos but dont see anywhere to download and print out . Any help
Crouch Cod???
I tried Google translate but in French it’s some kind of a “sitting fish”. Maybe a better location explanation will do the job.
Sorry The cod cover would be a crotch cover or a groin cover front middle of legs ?
hello Gael, I think the reference is to this detail that is not present in the stl gallery?
no this part, is just a temporary part I made for myself.
Here is a picture, you can see, my ribbon is not set like yours.
Hi Geel,
This is great! Do you have any recommendations for 3D printers I can use for this? Like what are the minimum printing dimensions my printer should have for this? I read the 12x12x12 cm won’t suffice, but what will?
Would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out. Thank you.
There is two big parts included in the Non Motorized legs, here are the sizes:
-ThighHighRightV1: LENGTH16,5 X WIDTH19,6 X HEIGHT12cm
-ThighHighTempV1: LENGTH19,7 X WIDTH12,7 X HEIGHT13cm
OK, thank you
Anywhere or Anyone with a list of nuts and bolts?
I need to buy them and its difficult to guesstimate….
M10 Rod with Nuts is clear but I saw quite a few
holes with M6 or M8 as well and different lengths.
Would be great to get an overview as I don’t have M6 at
hand and my M8 seems to short.
Will be there any motorized version of those legs? Will inmoov walk in near future?
Hello gael
You installed a char (“diable” in french) behind inmoov to maintain him vertically, I also saw a fixation on this char, is it possible to obtain the stl of this support? Which seems to be fixed to the mid stomach of the robot.
Thank you very much for all your work
best regards
I have uploaded the parts in the Gallery/stl/other useful parts.
The foot bolt holder, does this go inside the foot or on the bottom as shown in the drawings?
If you plan to attach the foot to a mobile plateforme, it goes as shown on the drawing.
If you want the legs to be independant, it goes inside the foot.
Very good job. I think that legs were waited by many makers !
Is there a motorized version planned
Yes motorized version is on its way but I cannot estimate when I will be ready with them.
You can find some info about them on my blog and on the forum.
Hello Gael,
My name is Cameron and I am a current student at the Australian Science and Mathematics School. I am currently conducting a research project around what the difficulties are when creating my own Inmoov robotic hand. I am currently in the process of creating all the parts of the hand and would like to ask you a few questions. If you could please pass on an email contact that would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Cameron Spray
Please use the forum for your questions, I cannot manage personal emails, too many requests.
Hi Gael,
My name is Will and I am from Akron Ohio. I have a quick question? I was wondering if you were eventually going to make the legs be printable on a 12x12x12 standard bed? The reason is that my printer is that size and it wont be able to print the pieces otherwise. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to your response.
Very Respectfully,
Akron, Ohio, USA
For now it is not on my TODO list. But the parts for the motorized legs will be 12x12x12cm.
The problem is, I do not know when I will be finished with the motorized legs because it is a lot of work.
Hi Gael,
I assembled the non-motorized legs this weekend, but I could not identify the function of the parts ThighSideAccessXXXXV1?
I know where they are supposed to go, but is it only decoration on ThighHighTempXX or are they supposed to strongen the leg structure? Did you use _very_ long screws to reach into the TStoLowXXX parts?
Thanks for your advice!
Yes those parts help to thickned visually the thighs. Pure decoration…
For the TStoLowXXX parts, I personaly only glued them with acetone.
The “long” screws are meant for those builders who want to be sure the parts won’t seperate.
Hi Gael,
I bought a Creality CR-10SPro to print legs, i’m printing with PETG and up to now parts are very nice, congrats Gael for your excellent work ;-))
But how to attach legs to the body, i’ve checked your photos but i couldn’t find the “solution”.
Thanks for your help,
How long is the threaded rod that goes down the leg?
1 meter long rod of 10mm diameter.
I used 10 nuts in total. This allows to secure them between each other.
More info here:
Hi! When you post the motorized legs? Damian foot from thingiverse it’s a little bit big than normal printers
Bonjour Gael
Je voudrais savoir si la tige filetée de 10 si elle traverse la plaque du diable merci
Il y a deux possibilités.
1- Vous utilisez un diable, auquel cas la tige fileté traverse celui-ci ou bien est vissée directement au diable grâce à un taraudage.
2- Vous n’utilisez pas de diable, dans ce cas la tige fileté se termine sous le pieds avec un écrou afin de maintenir tout les éléments de la jambe en “sandwich” compressé.
hello Gael, congratulations for the beautiful legs. do you think the parts will be compatible when the motorized ones are ready? thank you
Possibly not.
We are testing various options, one of the option would be compatible, but it is not the model that is the most satisfying regarding “walking”.
thanks for the answers, I hope that we should not waste material and time spent on creating the non-motorized legs but can still use them for the movements. thanks for your continuous work
hi Gael, I would like to print the lower tibia together. possible that the 2 parts do not have the same height? is it ok to combine tibialows2rigth with tibialows1rigth?
thank you
Well, if your printer is big enough, of course you can merge the parts together.
Hola Diego, lograste fusionar las tibias?
Podrías subir los archivos fusionados?
Gerardo desde Lima
What is the purpose of ThighSideAccessLeft and ThighSideAccessRight, decoration, wall support or what?
Bonjour TLM
J’ai perdu beaucoup de temps pour ajuster les pistons latéraux et celui du milieu, mais rien à faire . C’est trop serré même si j’ai enlevé 3% dans les axes X et Y . Ma question: Est-ce qu’il y-a quelqu’un parmi les makers qui ont pu résoudre ce problème en produisant des pistons qui s’enclenchent facilement dans les tubes du cou. Merci beaucoup
Normalement, les pièces rentrent l’une dans l’autre mais elles sont prévues pour être très ajustées afin d’éviter du jeu dans le temps.
Votre calibrage doit être un peu en excès, soit en extérieur, soit en intérieur, voir même les deux.
Gardez la pièce extérieur (NeckPistonFrontV1) en référence, et réimprimez la pièce (NeckPistonBaseFrontV1) qui doit s’encastrer dedans en réduisant le X et Y de 3 à 5%. La plupart des gens qui ont rencontré ce problème de calibration, s’en sortent de cette manière.
I wasted a lot of time adjusting the side and middle pistons, but nothing to do. It’s too tight even if I removed 3% in the X and Y axes. My question: Is there anyone among the makers who have been able to solve this problem by producing pistons that snap easily into the neck tubes. thank you so much
Hello, I heat with a hot air stripper from the piston parts very little so that I can move inside and I am moving it until it cools down.
Hola, yo caliento con un decapador de aire caliente del las os partes del pistón muy poco lo justo para que puedo moverse dentro y estoy moviendo lo hasta que se enfría.
Hello, I heat with a hot air stripper from the piston parts very little so that I can move inside and I am moving it until it cools down.
Hola, yo caliento con un decapador de aire caliente del las os partes del pistón muy poco lo justo para que puedo moverse dentro y estoy moviendo lo hasta que se enfría.
Est-ce quelqu’un connait la référence du diable utilisé par Mr Gaël Langevin
Reponse sur le forum Anglophone:
merci, j’ai trouvé un modèle pour 25 € que j’ai modifié en rallongeant les tubes
Ile filamentu około potrzeba na wydrukowanie obu nóg?
Czy ktoś z was może zaprojektował krocze i tyłek do robota?
Have a look into the derivatives, I remember seeing parts that you request.
Hi Gael,
I’m a machine learning expert from Australia. I studied physics. I came across your project and I really want to contribute mainly because your platform gives me a chance to advance some of my own business robotics goals. First thing I was going to do is to create a replica of this robot in a physics engine virtual space so I can evolve the neural net over many times quickly, giving the robot basic walking and balancing motor functions. But to do this I was wondering if you’ve finalised the design of the legs? If not, I can implement my own and share it with you? We will need sensors on the feet for the machine learning to get feed back. Happy to collaborate more closely other than on forum if you wish.
Hello and welcome,
Please join us on the leg section developpment via our discord chanel.
This is the lower left tibia pieces. I D/L’ed them from the website and when I look at them in Cura or Meshmixer they look perfect but as you can see the top portion looks like a separate piece added on (and misaligned.) The side edges are not a straight edge and leave huge gaps when joined together. The base fits perfect when placed on the upper tibia piece. Is this a bad STL file? Does someone have a different set of files?
I think your printer had trouble printing the two parts together on Z highth. The STL is ok. I suggest you try to print it again but each piece alone, and check the behavior of your printer when it is reaching the messed Z level.
I pulled the STL’s into meshmixer and combined them into one piece. Part of the process was a “remesh” and the single piece printed just fine. I must have gotten a corrupted download.
hi Gael,
Is there any changes in big (major) parts after motorized
I am a bit late to the party. Grateful for the build share. I wondered where everyone went,
mostly after 2015. I am doing non- controlled legs at the moment. Is the discord server
I can follow? Best Regards, Don N in USA gm276@verizon.net
You can use the forum and the discord channel
Not sure if you ever got the discord info:
MRL: https://discord.gg/xzaAAepN
Bot Design: https://discord.gg/GDaxEWrk
Robotics Learning: https://discord.gg/KngPgJtr
Could you send again access invitation to discord channel? thank you very much
Hello, here is the discord link to myrobotlab.
Thx so much
it is expired can send new one
Hello, the link is available on the top of the website:
there is a mistake. there should be 4x FootBoltHolder, not 2x FootBoltHolder
You don’t need 4x FootBoltHolder, only 2 are required. If you set 4 of them, you might discover that the holes aren’t aligned to pass through the threaded rod.
I personally have only 2 mounted under the foot and none by the ankle.