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Keukpa posted a new activity comment 7 years, 3 months ago
LOL – That’s cool!
🙂 I’m in the processing of using a new eye mechanism so hoping it will fix his eyes. 🙂
It is indeed! 🙂 It’s soooo cool to see these come together. Exciting times indeed! Thanks for the great work! 😀
I think he needs a nice squidgy butt 🙂 Something comfy for him to sit on.
Keukpa posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago
The Pole is too short to put his feet on, but I’ll buy a new one tomorrow 😀
Fantastic!! Your printer must be smoking hot by now! Oh, may I suggest you do something quick about his eyes. It hurts me to see his eyes like this. 🙂
hello @admin J ai bientôt fini la jambe gauche .Peut tu me dire combien mesure InMoov sur ses jambes . Afin de refaire la potence.
I soon finished the left leg. Can you tell me how much InMoov measures on his legs. To rebuild the gallows.
Hello Lecagnois, InMoov is 1,80m tall with his legs.
Merci Gael , il va être plus grand que moi …….
Awesome work,,, -Looking forward to seeing a lot Pictures being posted from builder,,,,
Legs are coming together….
Woouiii, I can see that your printer is kept busy!
Keukpa posted a new activity comment 7 years, 8 months ago
This looks amazing! What did you use / how did you smooth the parts and make the head one piece? 🙂
Hi, I combined parts prior to printing then I sanded, filled, sanded, and painted the major parts.
Keukpa posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago
I didn’t like the Kinect sensor, it is a faff to get it working, and it needs 12v and splicing, so I decided to fit the ASUS Pro sensor, runs on USB @ 5v, much easier to integrate.
… and can you show us a depht view with the device?