The event was held in the amazing building of the Cite des Sciences of Paris.

Again this year Paris Makerfaire organizers treated us like pop stars.

Incredible space on the booth and a super stage with sound system!

Some of our friends Makers were not that lucky, this is mainly due to the space organisation, which seperated some booth far away from the main area, making them almost invisible. The Cite des Science holds permanent exhibitions which can not be delocated for the Makerfaire, this explains the split Makerfaire.

Security was also a big challenge for many Makers, which are commonly used to present their project walking or riding through the event or even by demonstrating explosions and chemical reactions , This year the security didn’t allow much of that.

No need to remind you that France along with many European countries is under high security stress.


Setting up the previous day of the opening with Markus


We also had the chance to have many InMoov builders showing their robots, check out the pictures.

From right to left Markus, Anthony, Vincent and Bruno. Sebastien wasn’t there on that day for the picture!


The Paris Makerfaire crew Members


It was interesting to see how various the robots are looking and built.


Beautifull Ash InMoov from Bruno



Vincent and Anthony working to get the vision tracking using Yolo object detection.


Markus driving Robyn, always a great effect !!


My 3 latest robot creations, designed for TSF Jazz Radio


My 3 latest robot creations, designed for TSF Jazz Radio



Anthony standing cool !


Beautifull Ash and Vincent robot on the right side. Vincent robot is also beautifull, actually they are all beautifull, aren’t they?


We also had a display with some InMoov education hands on display for children to play with.

Many happy moments to celebrate.

  • Bruno’s InMoov came alive on stage for the first time, seeing the tears in Bruno’s eyes, was a joyful moment for all of us.
  • It was also the first time I saw the InMoov of Anthony.(robot’s little name is Rachel) And what a surprise to see it with a dress.
  • It was Anthony birthday which was celebrated with his family and us!
  • Vincent’s robot came home safe without damage beside a broken pinky finger.
  • We didn’t eat Speculoos

Markus and his girlfriend came to Paris for a week and enjoyed a beautifull weather in our city.

Sebastien could only be among us on sunday, and he has been busy preparing a webGui page to ease configuring InMoov and Myrobotlab through a graphical aspect.



Apparently Anthony is having issues dressing up his robot…


Great project moving around in the MakerFaire, like the T-800 of Vladimir. He recently added the legs, the robot cannot walk on it’s own but it looks super impressive. The head is 3D printed in ABS and spray painted, you can find the files on Thingiverse. InMoov Robin from Markus is checking if the kid isn’t getting scared…




Kids playing with the InMoov educational kits.



Vincent InMoov robot is going back home after the Makerfaire is finished.


Thanks to everyone for coming and joining us on our booth, it was a super pleasure to have you all and three wonderfull days !!!!