• Here two views from the pulley which I’m testing with the Finger Starter Kit V2 🙂

    When the Finger moves to the Open position, the pulley is pulling with the small circular side.
    And when the Finger moves to the Closed position, the bigger oval side is used to pull the Finger…
    The servo makes a turn from 0 to 180, that’s way I can use a…[Read more]

    • I want to test these pulleys for sure! I’m guessing it will be also okay for our servos HK 15298 which have a restriction from 0 to 90 degrees.

      • Hi Gaël,

        For a 0 to 90 degree turn, I need to make them a bit bigger !
        These are now designed for 0 to 180 degrees.
        (please check your dropbox ! 🙂 )

        After some tests, I will upload them to Thingiverse.

  • Here a video from the new Finger Starter kit V2…
    The servo current use, stay’s very low during the test, sometimes it’s passing the 0.26A during a start.
    (I’m still waiting for the new servo’s, so a second video will come soon !)


  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago

    Love your InMoov base however looks to be rather expensive to buy or build one?

  • Finally the Arduino fits well in the updated FingerStarter_Kit.
    (see picture)
    The new pulley and adapter for the small servo also fits well.

    I need to say…..
    I’ve found a other servo, which is a bit bigger and has 10gr more weight
    The good thing is, a standard pulley like Futaba will fit.
    And it has 2,1kg more torque as the small…[Read more]

    • Very cool Marten! Once the finger is assembled, a little video will be nice to see!

      • Hi Gaël,

        Thanks and yes, when all is running fine together…. I will share a “little” video 🙂
        I think this will happen, when I get the new servo’s because of the fit to the pulley’s.
        I hope to get them next Tuesday.

    • when trying to reduce the forarms weight – did you experiment with getting less weight from the printed parts too? Just had a chance to look at a fiber enforced part at an exhibition. It had a thin layer of fiber on top and bottom of the part (needs 2 extruders) but showed impressing strenght.

      • Hi Juerg,

        I hope to save some weights with the new servo’s.
        They have three times less weight then the servo’s which I’m using now.
        And the servobed will be smaller.

        About the printing parts.
        I’ve done one finger with Carbon fill and is very lite.
        I’m only not sure enough, if this is strong enough !

        • how did you print the carbon item? Layer size? Perimeters? Fill?
          what tensions are you using? did you try to reduce friction of the tensions?

  • This is what I’ve printed yesterday, it needs some smalle updates to fit the Arduino better 🙂
    When this all fits well, I will share this @ ThingiFirse including the new servo pulley !

    • Hey Marten, that seems like a great modification. I have a question if you have a moment, since you designed the nerv boards. I have one servo (Rt arm omoplate), which when connected to the nervo board, gets hot and eventually burns when connected to the nervo board. The servo works just fine on a tester etc. I have seen in the tutorial, the…[Read more]

      • Hmm, it sounds there is something else happen with your servo connection.
        If there is a shortcut between the Arduino shield and the small PCB, the flat-cable will start getting hot !
        Please double check if there is no connection between servo outputs 10 and 11.

        If possible could you send me some pictures from your boards?

        • Thanks for trying to help me. I sent images via pvt email.

          • Hello Jaideep,

            Please read this post from @juerg

            An error in a script and an unreachable neck position – just burned another HS805BB so badly, it burned a hole into the case and I can still smell the odor of death when entering the house.I have added now readjustable fuses for all of my large servos (PFRA 160, Reichelt.de).Hope this prevents future smoke!- juerg (@juerg) July 24, 2016

            Give it a try and see if this will solve your problem.

            Which servo’s are you using in combination together, which gives you this “Jitter” problem ?
            Do you have a oscilloscope ?
            If yes, could you make and share some screenshots, when you…[Read more]

  • Today I’ve printed a first updated FingerTest plate, including a spring which I’m using as a mechanical Servo-Safer.
    See pictures….
    And tomorrow I hope to test the new 2.5kg servo’s, this depends of the servo’s will be delivered 🙂
    I can’t wait….

    • Hello Marten,
      Very nice module for a Finger Starter!!!
      There is no doubt that the servo of 2,5kg will work because even a small SG92R works. With the Finger Starter there isn’t much friction. But such servo will burn for sure if used in the hand. The friction is far greater in many ways in the hand, that is the reason even a MG996 of 12kg Torque…[Read more]

      • Hi Gaël,

        The spring main function is to safe the servo mechanical (there is no direct blocking anymore).
        And including my servo pulley’s, the finger “close position” gets a smaller arm length !
        So this safes a lot of energy use from the servo, when the finger is in his “close position” 🙂
        I’m almost sure this spring setup is enough to hold a…[Read more]

  • Hello InMoovers,

    Last weekend a good friend and me where asked to come to the “Mini Maker Faire” in the Netherlands.
    We where there “as builders” to talk with people how like to build something like InMoov.
    At our stand, we shared some more projects from https://www.wevolver.com/home/

    During this wee…[Read more]

  • Mindless's profile was updated 8 years, 4 months ago

  • Rohmer posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago

  • Hi,

    I have two new problems:
    I installed InMoov3.full.byGael.Langevin.1.py and a Arduino Mega2560 Board at my Raspberry P3
    – Now I need digital out Ports to switch my lights with a Remotecontrol
    iO1.left.serialWrite(Portnr,Arduino.LOW) do not work (Error)

    – I have two Servos for the eyex direction,…[Read more]

    • Sorry, I01.left.digitalWrite(Portnr,Arduino.Low) is the correct syntax.

      The Error Message :
      “——Traceback (most recent call last): File string, line 285, in moduleAttributeError: org.myrobotlab.service.InMoov object has no attribute left”
      The same Error with I01.left.PinMode(Portnr,Arduino.Output)

  • Hi,

    I start to build my InMoov with the head, because it is the best start where you can see a result quickly.
    I used the modifed head with rasperry pi 3 and arduino uno inside the head, so I have only one cable for the Batterie outside. The Problem: I´m not able to get the USB-Soundcard working with MRL.
    , so I have no microphone.
    Yesterday I…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago

    I have started to replace broken HS805BB with bluebird BMS L530MG (hobbyking). I have one for my bicep and another one for the neck. The bicep initially worked fine until the horn adapter started to slip (the lower arm is a heavy bugger). I recommend therefore metal servo horns with the bluebird servo. You need to order them separately.…[Read more]

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