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Dominique's profile was updated 8 years, 5 months ago
juerg posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
An error in a script and an unreachable neck position – just burned another HS805BB so badly, it burned a hole into the case and I can still smell the odor of death when entering the house. I have added now readjustable fuses for all of my large servos (PFRA 160, Hope this prevents future smoke!
Thats a good idea! Can you share details on how to install them?
Sorry, yes, just route the connection from either plus or minus pole from the power supply to the servo through the fuse. The fuse is supposed to heat up with current flowing through it and increases resistance thereby lowering the voltage for the servo and make it stall. The fuse regenerates when cooling off. The fuse works in a slow mode so…[Read more]
Thanks juerg, I’ll check into it more as well.
mmm good idea, i add too some capacitors to prevent jitter ( i test it tonigh ) :
let me know about your caps result. I had an issue with a digital servo impacting another analog one. After connecting the dig servo to another power distribution point the problem resolved itself but having a cap for the signal lines looks to me like a more robust solution
I think we have the same problem, I have mixed dig cys and analog 805bb. I tell you the results soon
Update: Actually had a problem with left shoulder rotation servo (continuing small repositiong with growl) and after a while it stopped to move (fuse and servo rather hot) so the fuse did it’s job. Have added now the 104 (100nF) caps for all shoulder servos (between signal and ground) and as it did not completely stop the growl a lot of has gone…[Read more]
Juerg I just want to say : IT’S MAGICAL 🙂 . No more jitter or zombie servo when detach :
thanks, great picture but I do not use nervo boards. the pin right next to e.g. 12 is the signal line? the dark green edged pins are the + power ones? the 100uF ground side is on the signal? and 104 is a 100 nF cap?
the 100uF ( the big chimical, it’s bad we need ceramic ) is pluged to +6v ground power line . The 100nF ( The small 104 ceramic ) is pluged to each signal pin. ( +signal , ground ) The signal and the power shared the same ground.
Great! I remember a post on the InMoov forum mentionning something similar, It sure would be great to add that option on the next Nervo boards release.
Perry posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Made some fake servos until I can afford more.
juerg posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Replacing a broken HS805 with a Blue Bird BMS-L530MG in the bicep. Its available at 20 Eu from hobbyking. Almost same specs but a bit shorter. It’s easy to remove the pot as it has a floating controller board. Downside is it has a smaller servo horn and so the rigid plate connector included with the HS805 does not fit. You can find the adjusted…[Read more]
Finished the chest, things back together. Head coming together then off to the wiring rats nest in the back.
One piece chest tutorial posted to forum.
Perry's profile was updated 8 years, 6 months ago
Making some progress
InMoov Head with less holes Finished design of a face/skull version with lesser number of parts. You need a print bed size of 20 * 15.5 * 10 to print them
Hey, this was awesome. I printed it up.
Thanks for your feedback, glad you can use it! You need to spread the face a bit when mounting it over the jaw mechanism but it wasn’t difficult.
I printed your inmoov face, its very nice, I will try the jaw mechanism later and will show you the job finished
anthony posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
Hi ! This a poc of NeopixelRing control from MRL. I think there is a better solution but it works for me. And I don’t know how to make a service. Ino come with some samples.
What I do : – Connect NeoPixel to Arduino Nano – Flash it with : – Connect Nano to computer…[Read more]
anthony posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Gael Langevin posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
Printing another InMoov, because the original is going to stay home. It is a precious robot now! Having a second printer makes it fast, specially because I updated the firmware to Sailfish on the CTC printer. I used to print on Kapton with the ABS but finally got to print directly on glass which is giving a super result and surprisingly absolutely…[Read more]
PS: removal of the slurry ABS on the glass after print is done, simply run under cold water tab and it will detach itself like magic. Dry the glass plate and you are ready to go again.
Hi Gael – great info thank you.what is the consistency of the ABS slurry you use. your prints are look great.
The slurry is almost totaly liquid. It’s hard to say how much percent of ABS and acetone. Maybe 20 to 30 percent of ABS for 100 acetone.
Hi Gael I still think you should give HT-PLA a try and use a print plate that will not need any slurry or tape and allows to remove items by just picking them up from the cooled out print bed!
i am making inmoov right hand so can i get the Tensioner.stl file for it please i am not getting it anywhere can you please provide me the link of it
The tensioner is with the servobed in the galery…
InMoov body parts library :
juerg posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
A comparison of InMoov pistons with different materials
I have run tests with pistons made of different materials.
Find the details here
is last bronze pla ?
All bronce is PLA, yes
Nice set of test prints! I have also tested nylon and carbon.
Thanks Gael, unfortunately it wasn’t really worth the work invested. I assume you found similar results with nylon and carbon?
juerg posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
Can anybody tell me what words are spoken when hovering over the finger print picture? Can only identify \”InMoov\” – the second word is lost in my sphinx-algorithms
InMoov initialized
thanks, makes sense and I can hear it now!
Gael Langevin posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
My printer is out of work for a moment… Gee what a smell, if you ever get your heated bed that burns out, you need to ventilate your workspace!! It took me a while to find a heated bed this size in Europe . 300x200mm. I finally ordered the PCB in Danemark.
wouaaa it is hotttt lol amazing
Oh yeah and it smells really bad in my workshop…
i can t think it is possible and so so dangerous
Uhh, Uhh, my printer manufacturer had changed his print bed product line to make it almost impossible to overheat it (you could fiddle with the control SW however). I assume some workshops could run into serious problems having the printbed burning through. Think about switching to PLA-HT (or HT-PLA) which is as good as ABS but prints on a 50…[Read more]
@Geal I guess it’s beause your heating bed’s temperature sensor have loose from your heating bed!! I suggest you check complete all your 3D printer’s switch, sensors to prevent this happen again…
Marvin got an update for appearance
Hello Juerg, Awesome robot! I’m trying to see which appearance update Marvin’s recently got.. Blue super hero strips on the biceps?
Thanks, Gaël, my robot did not have colors at all before and I did a lot of grinding on the breast parts. Took me also some time to make the characters fit into the indents 🙂
Ah of course!! Marvin has a great look! Only the eye pupils are too small and it makes him a bit scary. 🙂 You could use the same blue paint for to color the eye rings
My Marvin with blue eyes – what will keep the girls away?
Bob Houston posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
The ball joint
I resigned the Top Stomach so now it can lean Forward and Backwards. The design is a ball joint with 3 servos. It still needs some work but the concept is good.
Mmmh I had written a comment a few hours ago, but I guess it just disappeared. Awesome work Bob!!!!!! This is really adding a cool feature!! When I was designing the stomach parts I wanted set in a 3d printed “rotule de cardan” (I don’t know how it’s called in English×468.jpg) to…[Read more]
Thanks for your comments, Gael. Over here we call that type of joint a U-Joint. I considered that type of joint for this modification but the ball joint is much simpler. I left the pots in the servos and used my modified pistons that I made earlier for the Top Stomach. The reason I am experimenting with this is, that for walking I think the robot…[Read more]
very good idea use this articulation bob i think to use the same idea for ankle was the best
Thanks Bob for the name “U-joint”, I couldn’t grab it on internet. You are totally correct concerning good stomach movements for to be able to have human gait ressemblance.
The parts for this modification are on Thingiverse.
rodolfo rojas posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
working perfectly Finger Starter kit
Woouiii ! Next step is printing the hand or did you buy the Finger Starter on the online shop? You can run this small code and talk to your finger through microphone and MyRobotLab.
#file : InMoov2.FingerStarter with voice
# this will run with versions of MRL 1.0.107 # a very minimal script for InMoov # although this script is very…[Read more]
Or get it here:
Thank you very much Gael, already use that code and works fine as you will see 🙂
Rosario posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
Salve .cerco italiani per scambio esperienza di IMOOV
Tired of soldering?
Maybe you want to have a look at my solution:
Hi Juerg. That looks really good. I ordered a set of 100 male+female 3-pin connectors based on your suggestion. I think that will be enough for the whole build 🙂
Hey nice MAKER suggestion, I bet it is going to help more than one builder. Thanks for sharing.
A little bit more autonomy? I have created a MRL-script (python) that includes the kinematic facts of InMoov, reads the current servo positions and calculates the head and palms x,y,z positions from it. Based on this the rothead and neck positions are calculated to have the eyes point to the hand by simply using lookatHand(“left”) or…[Read more]
Woooiii, super cool ! I posted your video on my Google + I want to test that it seems like a lot of fun!
anthony posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
Hi ! this is electronic i…[Read more]
Great! One suggestion though, InMoov is much slower with 5V than with 6V. I think you would really benefit of more speed with two DC-DC converters from your 12V to 6V. Are you using the Raspi2 for post processing or did you a system on it with MRL on it? My tests were too slow for video fps with the Raspi2. Couldn’t do good Face tracking. But it…[Read more]
Hi ! yes my DC convert to 6V it’s ok . All the system is Embedded on Raspi2 I agree some fonctions are slow ( analog poling ) . PI3 , It’s maybe a good news for us I will test it :…[Read more]
Gael Langevin posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
Because it is also been a very long time that I wanted to inverse the InMoov logo on the hand, this has been the occasion to clean up those parts. Check now for the version V6 of the…[Read more]
Hey I just fused under Blender my recent modified TopMouth and LowBack. Rotated at 45° on the Z axe and they actually still fit in the correct 12cm3 build area !!
So now TopMouth and LowBack are permanently fused on the InMoov website. and can be screwed instead of being glued. Make sure to get the V3 version on I didn’t update my…[Read more]
This is awesome! The 2 topmouth pieces have always been kind of a pain to work with, so that will help alot.
Yes indeed, I also did a reprint with fused topmouth after coming back from India, the head had been damaged in the suitcase during flight travel. It is much easier to assemble now.
Well it took me a while but it is done!
New builders will have a lot more fun to assemble the skull now. I have set screw and bolts holders in various parts to make the last fit much easier. You can use 3mm screws and bolts to attach the parts together. I modified: -TopMouth -SideHear -LowBack
Ahhh, great, I had started to add flabs n stuff to keep them from falling apart.
juerg posted an update 8 years, 12 months ago
Removable Forearm
When I started to wire my InMoov there heavent’t been Nervo Bords available so I did set up cabling with the method Mats showed on one of his posts – using Mini-Display cables and terminater boards. I first had my cables go right down into the forearm but this practically disabled the option of removing the forearm from the…[Read more]
Thanks for posting this. It looks very good. But I think you have seen it on Markus build, not mine. So all credits to him.
Hi Mats Thanks for pointing this out and sorry Markus for not mentioning you instead. I mixed up your names and it’s Markus who holds the record in disassembling InMoov for transportation in a suitecase!
Hi Juerg, the route that Markus took with these connectors was very impressive. Marten, Leon and I had already been working on the Nervo Board and had started the first batchs when I saw his connections, other wise we might have proposed something similar.
Finally – took me a long time – the video, the description and the parts of the self levelling hand for InMoov
Video: Description: Parts: Enjoy Juerg
hello juerg interestinf wrist thank you for show us
Hi Juerg, Very good demonstration and video!! This looks very promising for handling beverages and other delicate tasks. I will Google+ your video and add the parts to the derivative collection because it’s very interesting progress.
I just wanted to thank you all for the replies I received for my modified hand from different sources. I hope to see soon a copy of my hand on other InMoov’s!
Mats Önnerby posted an update 9 years ago
I’m almost finished with the mechanical build and the testing of each servo individally. Next step is to purchase / build and install all the electronics and batteries. The back is still a bit empty.
Super cool !! Your choice of colors remind me of Leonardo’ super hero: How is the Raspi doing for post processing video tracking on MyRobotLab? I will post the Back Parts soon…
You should post your pictures in your album, you might get featured on the side page.
I get about 2 FPS when doing facetracking. That is good enough, however I also get 5 seconds latency, and that a bit to much. I have tried using the camera outside MRL and I get good results from the camera. I can stream at about 30 fps about .2 s latency. That is good. I had a problem that took me some time to figure out. The java runtime that…[Read more]
I would love to have this on my desk, I only have a head so far, and that’s controlled by LEGO
I also realised some time ago that using the latest version of MRL which uses OpenCV 3.0 that I would get a low fps result. I was recently mentionning that to Grog and he said he would digg into it. So, using the Lenovo tablet touchpad with the version 1.0.107 gets me with a a fps of approximately 30. Using the version 1.0.954, gets me to a 7/10 fps.
Jack Phillips posted an update 9 years ago
Back to work on InMoov after dealing with a bout of Prostate Cancer. Using EZ-Robots for now. I have a lot of controller here so want to use up.
Hello Jack, Sorry to hear about your cancer and very glad to hear you are back on your feet! Bonne Année et Bonne Santé! Keep us updated with your progress.
Nice to see you are back at it. I hope all is well. I’ve seen your progress on EZ Robots forum. Don’t be afraid to post questions here or there if you have any. I am wondering what your plans are for the 2 cameras you have in your InMoov.
Hi Bob, Thanks for the thoughts. Using 2 cameras in head but only one active now. Try to move platform top mobile self contained. I tried answering you via email last week but I guess I need to use forum to answer now. Are you the Bob in South NJ? Your project is fantastic! Keep in touch.!
Hi Jack, I am the Bob from Canada, we talked about a year ago( at least) email me anytime at
Hi Gael, Thanks for the thoughts! Working through treatments and will be stuck at home for several months. I intend to make my InMoov self contained mobile unit when done.
Another subject! A word of warning to everyone… Get your PSA blood level checked and don’t let doctors jerk you around! I did not monitor close enough and hopefully I will…[Read more]