• Rosario posted an update 2 months, 1 week ago

    Bonjour. J’ai un problème : voici ma séquence :

    J’ouvre myrobotlab, je configure arduino.pa9685, servo et j’active le port et le PCA9685, ok Je sauvegarde, et tout fonctionne.

    Lorsque je ferme myrobotlab et que je le rouvre, le module PCA9685 est en mode off, et je reçois une erreur indiquant que le PCA9685 n’a pas été trouvé. Le même problè…[Read more]

  • Rosario posted an update 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    J\’ai un problème sur la connexion du pca9685 qui n\’est pas reconnu par la carte Arduino gauche, mayrobotlab donne l\’erreur : ror i01.left : :\”MrlCommError: périphérique n\’existe pas\”, lors du détachement ou du rattachement d\’un servo. Pouvez-vous m\’aider? J\’ai remarqué que le Mrlcomm.ino mis à jour ne dispose pas de la bibliothèque pour PCA9685.

  • Rosario posted an update 1 year, 8 months ago

    salve…installato tutto. ma i servi non si muovono, attivato tutte le parti, mi servi fermi. il programma ha inmoov2 java 11 è ultimo manticore. il programma nixie non da errori di installazione.

  • Rosario posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago

    Hello. i have installed InMoov2 in Nixie but when it starts the browers it doesn’t open the page.http: // localhost: 8888 / # / service
    Nothing happens when the webpage is updated. Unable to reach the site.
    you know what the problem is
    notes: myrobotlab windows 10 operating system and on directory C: \ MRL
    the inmoov2 program is installed on C:…[Read more]

  • Rosario posted an update 3 years, 3 months ago

    problem with google interface fault , this is foult?, what\’s the problem?

  • Rosario posted an update 6 years, 8 months ago

    J\’ai des questions à clarifier:
    connaître avec précision: Modèle servo et port utilisé.
    Pourquoi la langue italienne n\’est pas implémentée?
    modules wifi esp comment les installer et mettre à jour le logiciel?
    Merci. et salutations à vous tous

  • Rosario posted an update 6 years, 8 months ago

    Ho delle domande per chiarire:
    conoscere con precisione: Modello servo e porta utilizzata.
    Perchè la lingua italiana non implementata?
    i moduli wifi esp come installarli e upgrade software ?
    grazie. e saluti a voi tutti

  • Rosario posted an update 8 years, 12 months ago

    Salve .cerco italiani per scambio esperienza di IMOOV

  • Rosario posted an update 9 years, 4 months ago

    Excuse me. but I translated with Google translated. I do not want offerndere your language.
    Ok, thanks for your replies. I only speak Italian.
    I have to admit that she pushes me to continue. The hardware Inmoov is complete. With programming in Visual Basic 2015 and the 84-channel interface, Imoov is fully functional, MOOV moves well. When with…[Read more]

    • Hello Rosario,
      Google translate doesn’t do miracles yet, ahaha.
      Using the chatbot AIML files with MRL works only with recent versions. I believe the version 1.0.99 is too old for that.
      Try the version 1.0.119.
      Here on github there is the scripts of Kevin which I used to make InMoov use ProgramAB. Alessandro is also Italian and he certainly could…[Read more]

  • Rosario's profile was updated 9 years, 5 months ago

  • Rosario posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago

    Salve ho completato tutta la stampa 3d di inmoov inseriti tutti i servi + scheda arduino mega e uno e non riesco a far funzionare il software . la funzione tracking imoovhead(myrobotlab) non muove i servi.

    • Hi nuararosario,
      Can you give more details about you have done and installed?
      Does a simple test with Arduino sketch, controlling just one servo works?
      Are you using the Nervo Board or did you build something yourself?
      More details will give us info to help you better.