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just_firdavs posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Thank u, i know that Inmoov hand open source and free to download, but i mean Inmoov2 hand, they are 2 different models, one from robot, second prosthetic hand
just_firdavs posted an update 6 years ago
Hello Gael My name is Firdavs, i’m from Uzbekistan, Central Asia. I’m interested in Inmoov2 hand, how i can buy .stl files? is it possible to buy or Gael cancelled to sell it?
The .stl files are free to download in the “Gallery > STL Parts Library” menu, or by clicking Just select the Body Section you’re interested in.
Left Hand:
InMoov body parts library :
Right Hand:
Rotation…[Read more]
just_firdavs posted an update 6 years, 2 months ago
@admin How can i add my location into Inmoov map?
good question…need the same info myself..kenz
Hello, Unfortunately the map is out of function since almost two years. We already got some help from different members but it never got completely resolved. It’s mainly a problem of creating a new map directly on the InMoov site with the importation of all the previous map Google data.