Gael Langevin posted an update 5 years ago
Quarantine has given me time to work on the graphical UI for InMoov in the new version of MyRobotLab (non released NIXIE).
There is still many bugs because the webgui is a BIG work in progress, but you can try it out and see many new features.
Thanks to Astro for all the help and making a tutorial to get me to understand how to work with…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted an update 5 years ago
Hello Everyone,
We recently encounter difficulties shipping some of your orders from InMoov website because of the Corona Virus. China has recently extended it’s quarantine time. Some components have been held by the customs much longer than usual and won’t probably arrive before weeks.
Therefore I have refunded all orders related to “NervoBoards…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted an update 5 years ago
Hello Builders!
I made a lots of updates in the version 1.0.2693.16 regarding the Ultrasonic sensor and the finger sensors.
I also updated the tutorial for the finger sensors and made a new tutorial for the UltraSonic…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted an update 6 years ago
Thanks to Sebastien, our webmaster, the sidebars of the site are back up again.
This gives again access to the members albums and to the Tweeter feed.
Wordpress had an issue and it was not working anymore since about a month… -
Gael Langevin posted an update 7 years ago
Gael Langevin posted an update 7 years ago
Hello InMoov builders!
Here is a view of the knee actuation. This is done via MyRobotLab with the DIY Servo service.
More to come with the Ankle and Thigh actuation.-
Awesome,,, It’s great to see your R&D work on his mechanical operation for this section–,,,
This is awesome,
How long before we start to see the files for the different parts?
I am very interested in the files for the feet and ankle drive system.-
Thanks Mindless!
Well, I am waiting for some components from AliExpress which need to be tested before release. Just for info this is already my third knee design, which all three were pretty different. R&D takes a long time and my problem is that I don’t only work on the legs.
beautiful advanced gael.
Gael Langevin posted an update 7 years ago
Hello everyone,
I started the tutorial for the legs assembly:I still need to finish it but I already published it because I see some of you already have started to print them.
Have fun building!! -
Gael Langevin posted an update 7 years ago
Get your printers warmed UP!! The legs I had created a long time ago for InMoov are ready to download.
These are the version for standing, not motorized. Beware that some parts exceed the 12x12x12 standard. The reason is that I was not going to upload these parts but time to create the motorised legs is taking much longer because I barely have…[Read more]
Awesome! They look fantastic.
So beautiful !! Thanks Gael
1/2 Ash is really happy : i can ear him singing in his workshop : « …/…
Your vagabond shoes, they are longing to stray
…/… »-
Where can they be downloaded? I do not see them on your site?
Hello Perry,
here is the link:
Hey Ash!
Singing in the workshop is always a good sign!
Thanks, I hope your InMoov enjoys them
Oh, very nice. Magnifique!
Merci William!
I’m asking the same question where is for download?
Hello, you can find them in the gallery:
Gael Langevin posted an update 8 years ago
Gael Langevin posted an update 8 years ago
Hello everyone!
Lately I haven\’t been communicating a lot on our community page…
The reason is my free time is just becoming SOOOO little that I try to keep up with the necessary.
So please keep communicating, and if ever I can, I will try to catch up with all your great posts!!Best regards to all the InMoov Builders!
Hello Geal:
I’m a college student from China –Shanghai Jiaotong University(SJTU), perhaps you are not familiar with it ,but it is one of the most famous university in China. And at present, we have a team working on the InMoov project .
Firstly I want to express my gratitude for your generosity about the design, and to be honest, each of the…[Read more]
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