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lorn campbell posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago
My new Headbot stand perhaps? Great for the table top.
Handy! Not sure if the term is appropriate though…
New right foot!! Brilliant Gael – also are you going to upload the servo linkages?
What type of material are you using for your prints?
All in PLA, I have never used ABS. Seems to work fine even with gears etc. I am going to try PETG for my InMoov neck parts that keeps breaking [BH mod that Gael has recently updated]
That was my thought – It is too white for PLA… Could you say me from which company you bought your PLA? I am searching for the bright white you are having too!
The PLA is from but I buy it from Amazon as its cheaper there. Always used this brand and its been good.
The PETG I am going to try is from e3D-online EDGE range
lorn campbell posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
I am programming my InMoov using EZ robot software. I have taken his forearms off as I am updating his servos for his hands, so only part of him works at the moment. His head, neck and torso is working in this video. I have added an adapted “Bob Houston” neck on him by Gestalt73. Fitted a speaker in his mouth, but need to work on the…[Read more]
Lorn, that’s brilliant. How long have you been working on your Inmoov? I’m using EZ to co troll mine but I’m not as far ahead as you. Where are you in the UK? Steve
Hi Steve, thanks Been building my InMoov since about last August when I bought my Wanhoa printer. Started using EZB about January time. I can send you my files if you want as I found that looking at existing setups answered so many questions. Also chat to Bob Houston on the forums as hes made his files available. They really give an insite to…[Read more]
Hi Steve I was thinking about your ideas on a robot meet. One idea might be to have meet-up using video conferencing. I use “zoom meeting” at work regularly and its free. We could set up a time/date that suits people is the US also maybe. Its really simple and you can use your mobile phone/laptop/pc etc to participate. We could keep it…[Read more]
Hi Lorn, that’s a brilliant idea. I’ve not seen Zoom before. It look a bit like face time. I’ll join up and perhaps we can do a test run together.
lorn campbell posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago
Mm InMoov face and eyes being tested. Just using a small servo tester so its not calibrated properly yet.
Looks great, but you had me worried for a moment when I compared to mine! Is there a reason you’ve mounted the eye mechanism upside down vs. Gael design? Does it give you some benefit? I don’t have a completed skull yet, to see how the clearances and space work out with your orientation. 🙂
Hi Wayne – very good point about it being upside down! I am not sure if it will fit in the head that way around but at least I could hold it in the vice whilst taking the video. Been waiting on the camera parts to arrive before I finish the head – camera finally arrived yesterday.
My Inmoov eyes mechanism being tested
Finally started to paint my InMoov so dismantled him and am rebuilding and spray painting away. I also got the base stand sorted out and am now printing the final bits of the stomach parts. That left hand is still in a plastic bag so must build that finally! Just a note about picture uploads on this site – using an iPhone to take pics in…[Read more]
lorn campbell posted an update 8 years ago
Here are the lower stomach parts
Looking really good.
Here are latest pictures of my robot build
lorn campbell posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago
Hi everybody, finally got around to uploading some pictures of my inmoov. My printerstopped working recently but all working again now and printing the left arm!!
lorn campbell posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
I have bought Wanhao i3 V2 printer and have started to print the hand and wrist parts. Using PLA to print with. I will add pictures soon. Built the starter finger and got that to work with myrobotlab software but no luck with voice control yet, although it chats away and hears me OK.!
Let us know how that goes, and feel free to explain your issue with the sound commands of MyRobotLab.
Hi Gael, great to talk to you. I am still printing the hand and forearm and will look at the software again later. All going well! Quick question – where is a cheap place to buy the extension springs for the hand tensioner? Can only find 20mm long not 10mm long. Also is that the spring length only or total length? all the best, Lorn…[Read more]
Hi lorn, I actually bought my set on ebay: