Ivan FdC posted an update 7 years ago
Ivan FdC posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Not have cams. Only lens jajajajajaa
Ivan FdC posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Ivan FdC posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
España. Argentino tu. Verdad? Jejeje un saludo
Ivan FdC posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Hi!! I have the electronic to use myrobotlab but for this demo and other test i use first a plane tx and rx with 6v battery
Ivan FdC posted an update 8 years ago
“Looks” nice and Cool Ivan !
Sort of camera shutter-
very nice work the eyes move nice
Not have cams. Only lens jajajajajaa
very nice work the eyes move nice
how you do for pilotes servos like this?-
Hi!! I have the electronic to use myrobotlab but for this demo and other test i use first a plane tx and rx with 6v battery
Ivan, de que pais sos?
España. Argentino tu. Verdad? Jejeje un saludo
Jajaja, si, Argentino. No se porque pensé que eras Argentino, felicitaciones por tus avances, que andes bien!
Saludos -
Ivan FdC posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Jajajja. Is not bad idea. I think it…
Ivan FdC posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Thank you very much coming from you is quite a compliment. It is a project that I love. It has given me a lot of hours of entertainment for mounting the mechanical part now this entertaining me much putting on electronic slowly and I sense that will give me many hours of entertainment programming and fine adjustments. Thank you very much for…[Read more]
Ivan FdC posted an update 9 years ago
Wooouii, another InMoov alive!
Red yes? What’s his little name Vlad Dracula? You could add these fangs I designed many years ago:
Jajajja. Is not bad idea. I think it…
Ivan FdC posted an update 9 years ago
Very nice prints and assembly!
Thank you very much coming from you is quite a compliment. It is a project that I love. It has given me a lot of hours of entertainment for mounting the mechanical part now this entertaining me much putting on electronic slowly and I sense that will give me many hours of entertainment programming and fine adjustments. Thank you very much for…[Read more]
Sweet,,,, like the Black patch on his Legs (Thigh) gives him that extra cool factor,–
Nice color mix!
very nice