• Profile picture of lecagnois
    - "Nouveau bras et main à l’échelle 0.64 pour petit Inmoov . Les fichiers sont ici : https://inmoov.monsite-orange.fr/page-6357cc2c97326.html"View
  • Profile picture of Ray Edgley
    - "After installing Fred’s left Bicep, I asked him to record a video for me. This went well until he went to point to the virtual white board on his right side. Now he not talking to me 🙁 So now I’m working on his […]"View
  • Profile picture of Stéphan
    - "Hello all, At the end of this month (June 2022), I will proudly participate in the monthly Engineers Teams meeting at my job to explain and show the inMoov project and how I start this adventure. The aim is to […]"View
  • Profile picture of Nicolas Maye
  • Profile picture of Kimi
    - "Hi everybody, After having realized the inmoov few yers ago, I launch out in myself some modifications, replacement of the big too noisy and too slow servos by personal realizations, remolding of the head, to have […]"View