• Petof posted an update 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Hello, for the new i2 head on the pdi1109mg servos, what would the hz be for 0 degrees and what would the hz be for 180 degrees, thank you all

  • Petof posted an update 1 year, 3 months ago

    Hello everyone, I have a problem because I am not an expert, quite the opposite. My son has a high stomach, the problem is that when we have removed the potentiometers and joined the two servos, they only rotate continuously to one side, because he controls them with Arduino, my question is, could it be because it needs to be controlled by…[Read more]

  • Petof posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago

    hello, assembling the bicep it is essential to remove the potentiometers from the servos or we could assemble it as the servos come. Well, they are giving me a lot of problems when it comes to removing them because the servos fail, I await your answers
    thank you

  • Petof posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago

    @hugo Hola Hugo si alguien del grupo te contesta me gustaría saber también que fuente de alimentación utilizan y donde comprarla pues use una 5v 60am 300w y no me vale. ( O tengo algo mal construido )

    • Hola @petof alomejor es por que está mal montado como ya mencionas, te recomendaria que revisaras que la pieza este bien imprimida y no custe trabajo moverla.