• Ray Edgley posted an update 3 years, 8 months ago

    Well, it was a long time coming, but here a video on driving the joints of our walking robots.

    • Excellent info clearly explained!

      • This project will take a while to complete.
        I’m trying to work through all the possible design considerations including the maths.
        Last thing I want is for my Inmoov robot to fall over and break. 🙂

        I’m working on the basis, if I can explain it to others, then I have a reasonable understanding myself.
        Also, if I have made an error, someone may spot it and let me know before I find out the hard way 🙂

        • I agree with that philosophy, my father a physicist says ‘The best way to learn something is to teach it’! Regarding it falling over and breaking you could do what Boston dynamic does with a simple track on the ceiling and a safety cable, here is a video of one of their early prototypes: https://youtu.be/SD6Okylclb8