Glue or screw “MainGear” to “NeckHinge”
Use “GearHolder” and set “ServoGear” through it. Screw the actuator wheel sold with your HS-805BB servo to “ServoGear”.
Use your Arduino board and set your HS-805BB servo to 90°.
Puch it in the turntable.
This a bit tricky but can be achieved using a magnet on your screwdriver. Using the screw delivered with the servo, you need to screw the turntable to the servo inside “ServoGear”. Keep your servo at 90°.
Mount this assembly to the assembly “MainGear” and “NeckHinge”using some grease to ease the rotation. “GearHolder” should be aligned with “NeckHinge” and your servo should be still at 90°.
Fix the “LowBackRight” and “LowBackLeft” or “Temporary” to “GearHolder”.This will be the back of the skull.
Screw “Ring” to “MainGear”. Try to avoid slack between parts.
Use your favoriet pliers to mount “FaceHolder”.
You can mount both of them.
Now lets build the jaw. Take “JawPiston” and turn it inside “JawHinge” until you get 1cm offset between them.
Mount screw this on the turntable of your HK15298 or similar servo. Set your servo at 0° with the arduino board. Keeping the 1cm offset, “JawHinge” should be mounted at a 90° angle compared to the servo.
Mount screw “SkullServoFix” over the HS-805BB servo.
Put all 4 screws. Don’t mind the wires on my pictures they come from cameras.
Glue with acetonethe two “JawHolders” on both sides of whole assembly. It comes/fit on the “FaceHolders”
Now take your HK15298 assembly and slide it through.
Put all 4 screws to fix your HK15298 servo.
Remove the pre-support from “Jaw”. My “Jaw” shown on this picture is only a half part. It was a previous test print I did. Your “Jaw” is one piece print.
Screw “Jawsupport” to “Jaw”. Make sure the flat surfaces of the “Jawsupport” are on the inside.
Fix in “ThroatHole”. Mine looks different than yours. Sorry for this picture but “ThroatPiston” and “ThroatPistonBase” shouldn’t be already mounted, it comes in the next steps.
Screw “Neck” to “ThroatHole”.
Fix “NeckHinge” to “Neck” with a 8mm bolt (or print one from the hand)
Assuming you have already fixed your HS-805BB servo in the Torso assembly. Set your servo at 90° with arduino board. Turn “ThroatPiston” and “ThroatPistonBase” in a matter to get “NeckHinge” straight flat.
Screw “ThroatPiston” to its turntable keeping your servo at 90°.
Fix “ThroatPistonBase” to “NeckHinge” with a 8mm bolt (or print one from the hand)
Now the whole head should be able to go up and down if the servo turns from 0 to 180. Make a test with the arduino. Run this test carefully.
Leaving the head up, Slide the jaw assembly in to the head.
Bring the “JawSupports” through and mount them to the “JawHinges” and “JawHolders”
Using washers, set screws in.
Run a test on the jaw mechanism with Arduino.
ATTENTION: the jaw servo can only turn from 0 to 20° (I think) if more it might break something. Please Run your own test to check. (At the moment I write this I don’t remember exactly to how much mine could go. When I will plug it again I will rectify this)
You can run the cables of your servos in the “Neck”.
Now you should be set to move the head and the jaw through your Arduino.
hi Inmoov family,
hope all doing good,
i am raedy with my separate parts
head and neck
both the arms with hands
top stomach with toros
now i need to test them separately, how can i get these separate minmal codes for testing.
please kindly help on this,
Hello dilip,
You might want to use the forum to chat with other builders. Sometimes I’m just too busy to help and answer questions on the site.
Here is the link to the minimal for the torso. Beware voice might not work because MyRobotLab has been updated.
Hello Mr. Gael
Hope you are doing good
Thanks for your quick Response .
hola buenos dias estimado gracias por tan lindo proyecto , me podria indicar donde encuentro los codigos de programacaion , recien estoy empesando a ver las piesas , y vi que los codigos ya no estan disponibles , agradeseria pudiese actualizar o subir denuevo los codigos saludos .
Hello gael in the eye mecanism we have to use both hercules hd and life cam 3000 microsoft or just one of them two times
Only one is enough
Hello Gael, is it on your To Do list Maybe put the bobHouston neck upgrade on the tutorial?
Would be awsome!!! thanks for this great project
Hello Pedro, As you may know, I do not integrate upgrades from other builders into my original design (beside the eyes mecanism). So no tutorial in the near future about that.

Although, I have been thinking for that matter, to create a second tree line on the website which would be dedicated to upgrades voted by the community.
That is on my to do list!
I didnt know, i was just asking since i saw that on your second inmoov u are using it! It is pretty awsome and would be nice to be integrated as a tutorial imo!!
Once again thank you so much for this fabulous work! Your idea of making a votation seems super cool!!
Hey, you wrote: “HK15298 or similar”. The HK15298 is sold out
What similar servo I can use?
Hi, Please check the Hardware and BOM page to see other possible servos.
Thank you
Now I’ve order a HK15298 :-)))
ı can not fine 3of 27 and 5 of 27 part of servo ring. how am ı able to print to this parts.
please kindly help on this,
Sorry I do not understand what you are looking for and which part you are referring to.
Here is the STL galery, maybe you will find what you are looking for:
Dear Geal thanks for a link if i any questions i will ask you take care….Ps: We are working in a new silicone skin on inmoov, we’ll share whit you in future. Thanks again.
ı can not fine 2 of 27.which we must screw(Use “GearHolder” and set “ServoGear” through it. Screw the actuator wheel sold with your HS-805BB servo to “ServoGear”.)that part.
Where do throatholder and throathole go?
Check the 3D sketch views on the right side page of the tutorials:
Hello Gael !
I’m Nicola from Greece,
Congratulations for your amazing Inmoov design!
I’m a high school teacher and I intent to introduce the Inmoov robot to my students!
I’ve just finshed the head but there is a problem on TopBackskullV1.stl files.
Something is going wrong with the half part (I use repetier sotware).
Hello Nikos,
Great to hear a Greek class is going to work on building an InMoov!
Maybe try using another software than repetier. Cura for exemple is much better than Repetier.
Bonjour à tous,
Je suis étudiant à l’université de Valenciennes en Licence professionnelle et je travaille sur le projet INMOOV.
Je m’occupe de la partie tête et cou et j’ai besoin de savoir approximativement le temps que cette partie met à être imprimé pour l’élaboration de mon gantt.
Merci d’avance
Tout va dépendre du logiciel et de la configuration de celui-ci, ainsi que de l’imprimante utilisée et de la matière employée.
Votre logiciel devrait avoir cette fonction afin que vous puissiez établir une liste approximative du temps d’impression pour chaque pièce ainsi que du poids de matière consommée.
I do not know what screws I have to use ?
You have a list of hardware and BOM available, but keep in mind that it is not explaining which screw goes where.
It’s really up to you to use what ever you can or find in your workshop or hardware store.
bonjour monsieur langevin gael,je vous remercie pour ce projet de inmoov car des que je les vue ca ma donner envie de le cree merci bcp cordialement
dsl pour les fautes de frappe je vous adore
No problem.

this servo for the mg995 jaw is fine
this servo for the mg995 jaw is fine?
I do NOT recommend the MG995, their controler board is terrible. They burn much too easily.
Personnaly I use the HK15298 or HK15298B for the jaw with never a burning servo.
Congratulations for this excellent project!
I looking the servo HS-805BB but in hobbyking is discontinued this product.
What servo motor I can use?
I asking for de size of the servo
Have a look for the list of other servos in the Hardware and BOM page.
The PDI-HV2060MG are very good.
Is it possible to use JX PDI-6221MG for the head axis Instead HS805BB. They look similar except theirs dimensions
Hii gael i am kush from india and I want to make a bot that can aid people and I want to know how you programmed inmoov please contact me
My email –
Please please please contact me it’s my dream to make a aid robot
Thank you
Robots to aid people how?
InMoov is designed to help people and students to create the next generation of Humanoids with a Open Source AI.
All programming info is on the website
Check the tabs in Build yours/How to install MyRobotLab.
J’aurai une petite question concernant le cou.
Je ne trouve pas Neckhinge, et il y a d’autre pieces comme neckplate qui ne sont pas dans le tuto.
Y a t il quelque part une vue éclatée de inmoov avec les nouvelles pieces?
Merci pour vos réponses et votre travail.
Si vous vous rendez sur le forum inmoov google group, en faisant une recherche “new neck”, il y a des sujets qui sont en liaison avec votre question, à laquelle, j’ai répondu en postant des photos et liens.!topic/inmoov/pwhihgml1Zs
I can’t find NeckHinge in new version what can I do
If you print the new version, You don’t need NeckHinge.
What do I do with the MainGear if I do not need the NeckHinge
MainGear gets attached to the New Neck.
I can’t find the tutorial on how to attach 2 size neck piston and neck servo holder to the torso. Can you tell me how to do that thanks.
Hello Gael, contratulation for that great proyect!
I was download the parts of the neck but I’m not look how use the NeckPlateHighV2.stl and NeckPlateV2.stl
Where can I find the step to step?
I haven’t updated the tutorial for the New Neck. You can find some talk and explanation pictures on the Google forum.
Search with the terms “New Neck”.
Hi Gael, I have all the pieces of the robot head , eyes and neck. But I don’t know where I have to connect the arduino and where I can buy an arduino. Can you help me?
Arduino official site:
Connect the arduino to your PC and follow this tutorial:
hello,i need 3D file for print
All files are in the Gallery/STL of the site.
What is the difference between the new and old neck versions? And can I use the old neck with the new face and jaw pieces?
The new Neck can tilt sideways, it’s a nice feature.
Yes you can use the old Neck with the face and jaw.
Hola Gael, te saludo desde Lima- Perú. La consulta es que no encuentro donde van los NeckServoHolderV2 y los NeckServoPivotV2. Gracias anticipadas por tu respuesta.

These parts are set like this:
Hi Gael, could you explain me how I have to connect the 2 servos (the master and the slave) for the neck ? Do I have to do like for the stomach ?
Yes they are connected the same way than the Stomach servos. One slave and one master.
Hello Gael, a clarification, I suppose that the 2 motors must rotate one in the opposite direction to the other. In this case, when connecting the poles of the motors, positive of the master with negative of the slave and negative of the master with positive of the slave would have to be welded.Is that so?
Hey Gael,
Im rebuilding and old version inmoov and i would like to update it with the new face and neck.
chest and back are compatible with the new version of face and neck? I also will need a guide to how to assamble them. Do you have any tutorial?
Yes these parts are compatible.
Face is almost the same tutorial.
For the neck you need to refer yourself to various pictures available in the forum.
Where is the eye assembly?
Ok i find it
Hi. I am also building this amazing robot.. Congratulations for an exellent job.
I have a question: Do you have some tutorial how to put the New Neck mechanism togehter?
its confusing because the old tutorial does not correspond to parts
I haven’t made a tutorial for the New Neck. Missing free time for to do it.
If you search on the InMoov Google forum, you will find some pictures I have posted about the assembly.
Hi Gael,
Great work, could you please advise about NeckPlateHighV2.stl if I need to use 3x NeckPistonV2.stl and NeckPistonSideV1.stl
Hi Gael, Im printing the 3D files.
In the jaw tutorial JawHinge.stl, there is only a small cylinder located in the middle of both ends, but the JawHingeV1.stl in the Gallery/STL of the site has an extra cube besides the cylinder(obviously not in the middle). Could you explain what the difference? How do I print it?
You are reffering to JawHingeV1 which is an old version. We are using JawHingeV3.
Hi, really a great project! I would like to start with neck, jaw and face, referring to this tutorial. Anyway I could not find in library the second piece “NeckHinge”: did I miss something? Thanks for your support
“NeckHinge” is in the library under “Neck Older version”.
Hi Gael, I started an InMoov project, I took out the parts from my 3d printer and ordered other electronic parts, but we have a problem like I want to use myrobotlab software but how can I make this project talk I could not find on the site and I am Turkish and Inmoov do not speak Turkish so I have the speech files etc. how and where can i edit it?
I hope you can answer, have a nice day…
InMoov cannot speak Turkish because there is no available Turkish free TTS compatible with Myrobotlab.
If you want to edit the files anyway, you need to go into:
InMoov->chatbot->bots->en(for english)->aiml
Some aiml file are related to the other aiml files to function properly.
Hello Gael
I ask for help please, thank you.
My problem is as follows: Before uploading the program to my 2 arduino boards, I wanted to test the “fingerstarter with voice” program, I change the number of the COM port in the program as stipulated on the procedure, but when I want to connect the COM in the MRL, the whole MRL program quits. I redid, uninstalled everything, redone, but it didn’t work. Can I get help please?
Bonjour Gael
Je demande de l’aide SVP, Merci.
Mon problème est le suivant : Avant de téléverser le programme dans mes 2 carte arduino, je voulais tester le programme ” fingerstarter with voice” , je change le numéro du port COM dans le programme comme stipulé sur la procédure , mais quand je veux connecté le COM dans le MRL, tout le programme MRL se ferme. J’ai refait, désinstallé le tout, refait , mais ca n’apas fonctionné. Est ce que je peux avoir de l’aide svp?
It sounds like a java version issue. Make sure you use the correct java version as mentionned in the page “how to install myrobotlab”
Bonjour j’ai commencer par la tête pour le moment pour faute de moyen. Cependant je me pose une question : Peut on utiliser un arduino uno pour faire les mouvements de la mâchoire et simplement la rotation de la tête ?
Hello, yes it’s possible. You need to change the pins to adapt it.
ok d’accord merci.