Want to close the battery door ever since you’ve printed the back parts?
Well here you go the parts are now available for download!
Get into your workshop and start to print them. Here is some 3D views to see how to assemble the parts.
On my InMoov.02 (Deep) I added the rollneck servos and for that matter I modified a few parts of Bob Houston’s design. The main reason is for transportation and strength. I have made very easy to disassemble the head from the torso, to fit InMoov into a suitcase.
I also added a ring to avoid the head popping of it’s socket, the ring is glued which is not the best solution, but it’s a temporary fix:
Having InMoovDeep standing on it’s legs in the workshop is pretty nice.
thanks for sharing
wahoooo wahoo this legs. Standup and walk little robot
Those legs are looking good, very nicely proportioned. The mods to Bob Houston’s neck mod make a lot of sense. InMoov’s new sibling is big step forward.
Olá Gael,
Muito obrigado pelo envio da proteção traseira.
Estou usando o Servo CYS S8218 vc tem alguma peça para adaptar?
Obrigado pelo post, tenho todas as peças do Imoov impressa, agora estou na montagem do estomago e programação de voz. Estou ansioso para que post as pernas.
Olá Flavio,
There might be some adapter in the InMoov derivative collection.
Foi de grande ajuda o link que enviou.
Eu trabalho no Senai Brasil e estamos finalizando a montagem do Inmoov, estamos nas montagens finais e testes de voz.
Iremos apresentar o Inmoov em uma feira chamada Olimpíada do Conhecimento para estudantes de várias escolas do Senai, onde eles disputam entre si qual o melhor aluno em uma determinada modalidade.
O inmoov será apresentado no Stand so SESI e SENAI juntamente com as impressoras 3D que desenvolvemos em nossa escola.
Agradeço a oportunidade e ajuda de sempre. Em breve envio fotos das montagens.
Make sure attribution work is clearly mentionned for the licence and then If you have good pictures we can relay the info on our social network.