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Damian posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago
Great mod, i thinking about changing all servos for stepper motors but not sure about control, thru myrobotlab
Interesting. Curious if those stepper motors have the torque needed. Also they are quite heavy. Does it make sense to use them?
so far so good
You could always make your own stepper driver win an Arduino Nano that is controlled with a PWM signal and add a pot for position feed back
Damian posted a new activity comment 7 years, 1 month ago
BTW, where you get so nice schematic? I was trying modify files using solidworks, but STL is not best format to edit for me
I rebuilt all of Inmoovs parts in SketchUp so i can Mod the design to my specs,,, i know what you mean about the Elbow not rotating 90degs,,,,, but dont worry about it ,,,,, it will all make sense when the arm is built
I’ve Got a Modded “ElbowGearHolder” that removes the Moment Limits for the Forearm ,,,, but the “Knock On Effect” is terrible if something goes wrong,,,
No need to mirror any parts. Build both Biceps the same. The pot and related gears will end up on the outside of the Right Bicep and on the inside of the Left Bicep. These are then attached to RobPart5 (right and left) on the forearm.
My bots arms do not extend all the way as well. I printed everything stock.
I will work it out this today,because your drawing looks different like i done,maybe i need to mirror a part
Your right,,, i just looked at some photos of the build process and Mr Gael just turns the piece around like you have,,,, so there should be a problem,,,,
I gone rhru this tutorial few times and not sure about this max position, when i bend elbow is fine but when i want straight its not look like in tutorial 🙁
Part is fine, there is only one ElbowShaftGear for both( unless i cant find for right side)
Hello Damian, you simply didn’t put the potentiometer on the correct side of the elbow, therefore you have set ElbowShaftGear upside down.
Damian posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago
I’m bit confused now about maximum positions of ElbowShaftGear, from my point of view elbow will never go to straight position or am i wrong? i printed latest files and not sure what im doing wrong
The elbow will go straight and to 90 degress. Follow Gael’s tutorial here and it will all work out good.
I might be wrong but i think you printed the wrong side of the “ElbowShaftGear” or its back to front ,,,?
First movements….
Amazing color match and face color!
Progress…right shoulder and new senses…need to order more ABS
Damian posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago
12mm acrylic glass s back and front plate… what you think guys?
Cool,,, keep the pics rolling in as work progresses it would very cool to see the Chest plates done in Acrylic,,, I cant see too many problems will the chest plates being 12mm instead of 10mm ,, There should be very little “Knock on” effect or nothing the cant be modded to suit –
I have a neck 🙂
You got some excellent Joint work happening on his skull,,, it’s going look fantastic when its finished–
At last my head is ready, tomorrow will start neck and chest…. In mean time bit humbrol putty, sanding and paint my my InMoov
Ho ho ho,,, Very cool – – I’v tried a few different types of putty’s over the years,,,,
Auto Spray Putty works well and gives a really nice finish ,,,,it takes way to many coats to get rid of the layer lines so sand the object smooth first then use it,,,,, and has a bit of flex to it
Timber putty works well and is easy to Sand down—but tends to…[Read more]