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juerg posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago
Forearm alternate with more variations for hand positions?
Anybody interested in helping design an alternate InMoov forearm? I would like to move wrist rotation back into the elbow – eliminating string issues with wrist rotation. I would like to add more DOF for hand direction, something similar to Bob Huston head. I would also like to use…[Read more]
See my comments in the Forum
Markus posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago
Robyn Inmoov at Maker Mela in India
Marvin fixing itself
LOL…. great video Juerg…. Glue maybe but I wouldn’t let Marvin near a soldering iron if I were you… I really need to learn how to prepare and edit video… On my list of things to learn this year…
Robyn Inmoov packing for India
Cool video Markus, Have lot of fun in India with Robyn 🙂
Markus posted an update 8 years ago
Robyn inmoov alternativ Wheels
Nice work,,,, are the -Mecanum Wheels- on the other side any good..?- I v seen them on other projects and was wondering are they an improvement over the wheel or do they just look really cool,,,,,
Robyn Inmoov at Karlstad CCC
Markus posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
Robyn Inmoov samsung gear 360 test
juerg posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
A moveable base and a planned escalator for Marvin. Don’t want to drive around with Marvin in scary heights.
Tried to win a bike in a foto competition but it looks like they had no robot in the jury 🙁
Dimitris posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
Face lifting!!
Looks great. Really nice prints.
Thanks a lot! Perry!
Very nice work Dimitris!!
Local Newspaper Interview (sorry, live in middle Europe
Marvin zum Beispiel. Nachdem Jürg Maier ihm das passende Kommando gegeben hat, streckt Marvin die Hand aus, neigt den Kopf in Richtung seines Gesprächspartners und sagt mit monotoner Stimme: „Ich bin glücklich einem Menschen die Hand geben zu können.“ Marvin ist ein lebensgroßer humanoid…[Read more]
Cool juerg!! Thanks for sharing. You look like two good friends shaking hands!
Mats Önnerby posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
I made a small upgrade of the shoulder servo. The small potentiometer broke, so I use a larger potentiometer with a 6mm shaft. It’s the olny part that I have changed,but I think the same principle can be used on all potentiometers. The new potentioneter can rotate 270 degrees instead of the original 180 degrees, so the servo mapping has to be…[Read more]
Hello Mats! That for sure is a safe pot!! But you didn’t use my latest pot holders, that means your parts can no longer fit PivTit and RotTit of the latest version… I guess, it’s because you already had PivTit and RotTit printed from the previous version. I like your little potentiometer board option, it’s handy for to simply disconnect.
Hi Gael. I added two versions of the pot holder to Thingiverse. They fit the latest version of the shoulder. One version is without the cable guide and the other with the cable guide.
Great Mats !