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╔ Jack ╗'s profile was updated 8 years, 5 months ago
My's Moov's profile was updated 8 years, 5 months ago
Markus posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
Robyn Inmoov celebrating 50000 views.
Hi Robyn, Congratulations for your record !!! Say Hello to Markus for me 😉
Bruno.Ash posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
After few hours in the workshop… Beginning connection and servo test in few days…!!
Markus posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Looking awesome now with the new back.
Looks great Markus, where did you get the battery cover panel from?
Hi! I printed a 2 mm thick and used a hot airgun to shape it.
Good idea, I need to do the same thing for where the computer goes, as I’m not putting a computer on my InMoov at this time. Maybe some one out there can make a filler plate for this space.
Did you do the same thing for the covers you have on the back of the Biceps?
No I found those on thingiverse
Waiting for my new back to be finished !
Maker faire bay area 2016
Robyn Inmoov at maker faire bay area 2016
anthony posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
Hi ! This a poc of NeopixelRing control from MRL. I think there is a better solution but it works for me. And I don’t know how to make a service. Ino come with some samples.
What I do : – Connect NeoPixel to Arduino Nano – Flash it with : – Connect Nano to computer…[Read more]
Markus posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago
Robyn Inmoov Youtube channel trailer
Robyn Inmoov joystick upgrade
Great job Markus!! I love your wheel platform, especially when i see Robyn driving!!
Bruno.Ash's profile was updated 8 years, 7 months ago
Robyn Inmoov at maker faire Paris 2016
Thanks for sharing that video, Markus. Looks like it was a good time. Did Gael mention any time frame for the legs to be released ?
anthony posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Markus posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Robyn Inmoov going to maker faire Paris 2016
╔ Jack ╗ posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
My inmoov 🙂
Great picture!! I jumped a few times on the community to see what was new but didn’t take the time to write anything, I was just too busy. But I want to say that your InMoov is looking very promising and I really like the pictures that you have posted on the 3d printing forum (french).
Gael Langevin posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Printing another InMoov, because the original is going to stay home. It is a precious robot now! Having a second printer makes it fast, specially because I updated the firmware to Sailfish on the CTC printer. I used to print on Kapton with the ABS but finally got to print directly on glass which is giving a super result and surprisingly absolutely…[Read more]
PS: removal of the slurry ABS on the glass after print is done, simply run under cold water tab and it will detach itself like magic. Dry the glass plate and you are ready to go again.
Hi Gael – great info thank you.what is the consistency of the ABS slurry you use. your prints are look great.
The slurry is almost totaly liquid. It’s hard to say how much percent of ABS and acetone. Maybe 20 to 30 percent of ABS for 100 acetone.
Hi Gael I still think you should give HT-PLA a try and use a print plate that will not need any slurry or tape and allows to remove items by just picking them up from the cooled out print bed!
i am making inmoov right hand so can i get the Tensioner.stl file for it please i am not getting it anywhere can you please provide me the link of it
The tensioner is with the servobed in the galery…
InMoov body parts library :
Markus posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
Robyn Inmoov webkitspeech
Great video Markus! Always on the cutting edge! I recently tested the webkitrecognition during an event and got a bit frustrated with the delay for to get the responses from the server. When the wireless connection is poor, InMoov has to “think” for very long seconds, it can be up to 20 seconds which feels like an eternity on the front of the…[Read more]
Thanks! Yes that is a good idea.
Gael Langevin posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
My printer is out of work for a moment… Gee what a smell, if you ever get your heated bed that burns out, you need to ventilate your workspace!! It took me a while to find a heated bed this size in Europe . 300x200mm. I finally ordered the PCB in Danemark.
wouaaa it is hotttt lol amazing
Oh yeah and it smells really bad in my workshop…
i can t think it is possible and so so dangerous
Uhh, Uhh, my printer manufacturer had changed his print bed product line to make it almost impossible to overheat it (you could fiddle with the control SW however). I assume some workshops could run into serious problems having the printbed burning through. Think about switching to PLA-HT (or HT-PLA) which is as good as ABS but prints on a 50…[Read more]
@Geal I guess it’s beause your heating bed’s temperature sensor have loose from your heating bed!! I suggest you check complete all your 3D printer’s switch, sensors to prevent this happen again…
amby posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
i find this articulation interesting
no idea, what is this good for?
@Juerg, I’m guessing Amby sees it for the torso and stomach displacements. The two armonics drive must be for the shoulders. Though when you know how much an armonic drive cost, you back off a little. 🙂 @Amby, yes, it is on that U-joint principle that I had designed the stomach rotations.
Markus posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
Robyn Inmoov using webkit speech recognition
Aaaah the French beret!
Ah finally switching also to a more recent version!
ProgramAB with the webkit recognition works SO much better now.
Last version 1114 still had trouble with loosing an Arduino and the jaw got fixed in version 1113 by Kevin.
Wooooiii we are close to a steady version, waiting for it since more than year, ahaha.
Bob Houston posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
The ball joint
I resigned the Top Stomach so now it can lean Forward and Backwards. The design is a ball joint with 3 servos. It still needs some work but the concept is good.
Mmmh I had written a comment a few hours ago, but I guess it just disappeared. Awesome work Bob!!!!!! This is really adding a cool feature!! When I was designing the stomach parts I wanted set in a 3d printed “rotule de cardan” (I don’t know how it’s called in English×468.jpg) to…[Read more]
Thanks for your comments, Gael. Over here we call that type of joint a U-Joint. I considered that type of joint for this modification but the ball joint is much simpler. I left the pots in the servos and used my modified pistons that I made earlier for the Top Stomach. The reason I am experimenting with this is, that for walking I think the robot…[Read more]
very good idea use this articulation bob i think to use the same idea for ankle was the best
Thanks Bob for the name “U-joint”, I couldn’t grab it on internet. You are totally correct concerning good stomach movements for to be able to have human gait ressemblance.
The parts for this modification are on Thingiverse.
Robyn Inmoov wonderful life
Finally robots will ask for vacation time???? Nice setup – how can I book it for myself?
Ehehe, once again Robyn is enjoying life for our own pleasure! Always makes me laugh a lot! Thanks for keeping up the cool videos.
Rosario posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
Salve .cerco italiani per scambio esperienza di IMOOV
Robyn Inmoov pretend driving
Ahahaha! Always love your videos! You could get a sound added like a hard curve driving. Like iiiiiiiiiiiii
anthony posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
Hi ! this is electronic i…[Read more]
Great! One suggestion though, InMoov is much slower with 5V than with 6V. I think you would really benefit of more speed with two DC-DC converters from your 12V to 6V. Are you using the Raspi2 for post processing or did you a system on it with MRL on it? My tests were too slow for video fps with the Raspi2. Couldn’t do good Face tracking. But it…[Read more]
Hi ! yes my DC convert to 6V it’s ok . All the system is Embedded on Raspi2 I agree some fonctions are slow ( analog poling ) . PI3 , It’s maybe a good news for us I will test it :…[Read more]
Gael Langevin posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
Because it is also been a very long time that I wanted to inverse the InMoov logo on the hand, this has been the occasion to clean up those parts. Check now for the version V6 of the…[Read more]
Hey I just fused under Blender my recent modified TopMouth and LowBack. Rotated at 45° on the Z axe and they actually still fit in the correct 12cm3 build area !!
So now TopMouth and LowBack are permanently fused on the InMoov website. and can be screwed instead of being glued. Make sure to get the V3 version on I didn’t update my…[Read more]
This is awesome! The 2 topmouth pieces have always been kind of a pain to work with, so that will help alot.
Yes indeed, I also did a reprint with fused topmouth after coming back from India, the head had been damaged in the suitcase during flight travel. It is much easier to assemble now.
Well it took me a while but it is done!
New builders will have a lot more fun to assemble the skull now. I have set screw and bolts holders in various parts to make the last fit much easier. You can use 3mm screws and bolts to attach the parts together. I modified: -TopMouth -SideHear -LowBack
Ahhh, great, I had started to add flabs n stuff to keep them from falling apart.
Bruno.Ash's profile was updated 8 years, 10 months ago
Lilly posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
@admin hello Gael, I look for the camera megapixel in left eyes, what is the reference please?? thanks you.
Hello lilly, it was a very cheap microsoft webcam. But remember it is not HD, so if you plan to use Opencv in MyrobotLab, it will have a bit difficulty to do a correct face tracking. I recommend getting the Hercules HD Twist.
Nanomole posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
A Desktop InMoov. going good so far. spent time on the finish and added a few BlinkM`s for bling. running off a windows 7 tablet
WOW! That finish looks great!
Does the mesh connecting the clavicles near the neck get in the way of the shoulder pistons?
No. as he is not having arms fitted, just head and sensors. he’s as big as he’s going to get!. I have another complete inmoov
Wow, nice finishing! How did you do it?
printed the parts @100 microns then sealed the parts with Acetone vapor. then sanded several times, they sprayed with filler/primer then glossed. very similar to how rentaprinta finished his Inmoov
Hey nice work, looks great!!!! What are your plans for your “Desktop InMoov” ?
Hi bob – thanks. you can actually make Inmoov look very good with a bit more thought and patience on the finishing and build. its a great cosmetically pleasing robot.basically the idea behind it was to have a more portable one. so i can transport it and play around with the programming – plug in the power and sit it on coffee table or any room i…[Read more]
Very very good Nanomole! So your desktop InMoov will never have arms?
hi Gael..never say never…..i have another complete InMoov, just wanted a more portable fellow as well. he will probably end up with arms i think
Markus posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
What a great concept Markus! I will be glad to see that in Paris for the Makerfaire! Where did you get those relay boards? Do you have a link?
Hi! Here’s the link
Thanks a lot Markus!
amby posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago
my robot with plateform
Very good progress Amby with your robot! Is the wheel platform large enough to keep the robot in balance when you drive it around?
hello gael thank you yes the wheels plateform is enough for balance all is ok with my prototype cardboard so now i start to build in wood