• smattachai.p posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago

    Adjusting body base.
    Can anyone suggest me for adjusting of base level to horizontal position? My position now is sloping as photos.

    • use an IMU (like BNO055 from Adafruit). It is I2C connected and provides yaw, pitch and roll information.

      • Thanks but i means waist was not horizontal when i did lock with wheel car handle.

        • @juerg, this part is not motorised yet
          @smattachai-p, You need to adjust the level of the top bolts on the threaded rods that are within the legs, if the torso leans a little backward, it’s okay. This will counterbalance, when the robot extends it’s arms forward.
          InMoov top bolt adjustment waist1
          InMoov top bolt adjustment waist2