Members Activity Stream
Atled posted an update 1 week, 3 days ago
Hi everyone, I am building my own full scale inmoov robot. I would like to create a custom version to integrate new components. I am not very familiar with blender and it does not seems the right choice to create components. Do someone have the components in CAD files? I would like to use Fusion 360 but any cad format is good for me.
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-'s profile was updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
Sushanth sujeer kumar's profile was updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago
Richard posted an update 3 weeks ago
Richard posted an update 3 weeks ago
Marina posted an update 3 weeks ago
I can’t make an account on myrobotlab, tried different names and e-mail accounts but everytime I got this error:
Unable to send email. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists.
What to do?Regards Marina
REJOICE KOSI ANIEROBI posted an update 3 weeks, 1 day ago
hello house any one with a video on how to fix the servo on inmoov torso
jezeem jameel posted an update 1 month ago
hi guys
I am working on a school project involving the InMoov robot, and I would love to get some insights from you guys. Could you kindly share details on:The total amount of filament required to print the entire robot.
The recommended type of filament material for best results.
An estimated time frame to complete the printing process.-
Hi Jezeem,
All that info you can find on this site, you don’t even have to Google itSomeone made a excel sheet with the total amount, time, etc and Gael made a link, it’s somewhere on this site, don’t know where anymore. Also you find Gaels recommendations about the filament material and discussions about different materials.
Success with…[Read more]-
thank you
Bob posted an update 1 month ago
Hi gang…it’s been several years since I was active…I am starting over printing my InMoov robot. First one was started with ABS and I had a lot of problems with parts not fitting correctly. Also was learning how to use a 3D printer. Fast forward, I now see that there is a version 2 or i2Hand that was developed…I’m guessing that some of the issue…[Read more]
Hi Bob, Nice you want to start over again. I bought a Prusa Mk4s 3D printer especailly for this challenging project. Also in a newbie learning stage. I’m printing with PETG filament from Prusa and I’m very satisfied with the results until now (just printed the fingers, handcovers, wrist). Mostly I follow Gaels instructions about the infill, wall…[Read more]
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Ciao a tutti mi servirebbe una persona che mi faccia i pezzi con la stampante 3d naturalmente con prezzi ragionevoli.
That would be extremely expensive for someone to do for you and time consuming, it would be cheaper for you to buy something like a Creality Ender 3 or similar. It is under £200 and would give you the the sense of satisfaction that you have done this project yourself
Ciao Mattia sono Gabriele di Roma, lieto di poterti aiutare se necessario
Ciao Gabriele, sono nuovo del Forum e vorrei iniziare a lavorare sul progetto.
Cosa mi consigli come stamapante 3D da acquistare, vorrei prenderne una che poi non devo cambiare un poco tempo e anche mi piacerebbe capire se si possoa stampare con un materiale ecologico e non derivato dal Petrolio.
Sono un ingegnere ma nel campo Informatico e Programmazione ed è li che potrei dare il mio meglio
Grazie per gli eventuali consigli.
Ciao Maurizio scusami per il ritardo della risposta ma sono stato assente dalla community per tanto tempo ( il lavoro mi assorbe totalmente ), ho ripreso in mano il progetto in questi giorni ed eccomi di nuovo qui, spero nel frattempo tu abbia risolto con la stampante .
Ti dico come ho fatto io diversi anni fa, ho comprato una stampante cinese ( Prusa 3d ) con scheda derivata da arduino mega 2560 e firmware Marlin, non soddisfatto della meccanica ( niente da dire al firmware ) è nato il desiderio di costruirmi una meccanica nuova in casa.
Ho una piccola macchina laser 600×400 quindi mi sono disegnato una meccanica da tagliare in plexiglass da 5 mm di spessore ( va piu che bene ) ho preferito farla da 40×40 anzichè 20×20 come la cinese ed ho iniziato quindi a ordinare tutti i pezzi che la compongono, per farla breve in un paio di anni ne ho fatte una decina e vanno benissimo, a distanza di tempo e dopo diverse decine di kg di materiale usato la meccanica e perfetta come il primo giorno.
Inoltre il software e Open Source e ho potuto personalizzarlo a mio piacimento aggiungendo anche un modulo wifi utilizzando un esp 8266 per gestirla direttamente da una pagina web ( anche questo software e Open Source si chiama esp3d.
Se vuoi provare a cimentarti posso darti tutte le informazioni necessarie per costruirtela in casa girandoti l’esperienza che ho accumulato ormai da una ventina di anni con le macchine cnc, prima con pantografi 3/4/5 assi poi con le 3d.
Scusami ancora se non ho risposto subito .
Gabriele barrasso
Bonjour Gaël
Je suis nouveaux
J utilise nixie
Où trouve t on l’es scripte complet
Bien à vous
Sous Nixie, pas besoin de script, tout peut se faire via l’interface graphique.
Si vous souhaitez malgré cela utiliser des scripts que vous lancerez via l’interface python dans Myrobotlab, voici où les trouver:
I need all the documentation about creating an inmoov robot, but I can’t find it.
Greetings I’m just getting started
Welcome then!
My name Avinash Shekhar Jha. I live in India.State Jharkhand I am students. I want make inmoov robot. Please all robot parts price. Please sir help. Please sir quickly help
You can find an average price of components in the Hardware and BOM page.
Bonjour à tous,
Un petit nouveau !
J’espère bientôt un nouvel Inmoov situé sur l’ile d’Oléron.
Bienvenue au petit nouveau!
mr.gael i want inmoov part drawing fils with dimensions
you need to mesure directly the STL parts
Bonjour! Tout comme toi je suis nouveau. Pouriez-vous m’indiquer svp combien de temp cela prend pour que notre compte soit activer?
hi all… this is santhosh from india. i am new to this project. i wish to do this inmoov robot.
now only i start this project.
Where can i get the STLs for rotpotentioV2 round pot version.
Hi all, i want to be part of this program ,i need direction
Try the build yours section, You’ll find great tutorials on what to do.
For start , you need a 3D printer which can prints elements as big as 13cm*13cm*13cm if you wont to include the legs .
Hi People,
I wanted to build InMoov, but I have a few doubts and I need advice.
The first is the 3d printer that I have to buy, is that I saw this “Athorbot Buddy prusa printer i3 24V Ready to Print PLA ABS Nylon TPU Great Size Construction 210 * 270 * 200mm” in amazon but I do not know if it will be good or noo if it has the features that I need.
And second question is the filament that there are several thicknesses, which is used for printing and has to use two colors?
Let’s see if I answer the questions, that the one I have now is the printer.
Thank you so much.
The i3 Prusa are good printers, although it is not easy to print ABS on this type of machine because they are open case.
But if you plan to print InMoov in PLA, it will be a great machine.
The thickness of the filament depends of your printer’s extruder.
Hi everyone, Can someone tell me what is the correct infill % and layer heightto print the inmoov Humanoid?
Hello, In general 30% infill is okay but depending of your perimeter settings. In average I set my perimeter to 2,5mm, this allows the part to be almost hollow but with strong perimeter walls.
Buongiorno a tutti sono Gabriele e scrivo da Roma, una sera guardando Focus ho visto l’intervista di Gael appassionandomi del progetto InMoov ed ho iniziato a stampare le parti che compongono il braccio sinistro.
Disponendo di svariate Stampanti 3D ho accelerato i tempi e a distanza di pochi giorni ho l’avambraccio completo di polso e mano sinistra, da oggi inizio a montare i servo ecc ecc.
Spero presto di poter postare le foto del lavoro che sto svolgendo grazie alla maestria di Gael nel fornirci i file necessari alla realizzazione ma sopratutto grazie alla sua disponibilità.
Ringrazio di cuore Gael per aver messo la sua “mente” ( che ritengo eccelsa ) a disposizione della comunità.
Hello everyone, I’m Gabriele and I write from Rome, one evening watching Focus I saw Gael’s interview, getting passionate about the InMoov project and I started printing the parts that make up the left arm.
Having several 3D Printers I have accelerated the time and after a few days I have the forearm complete with wrist and left hand, from today I start to assemble the servos etc. etc.
I hope soon to be able to post the photos of the work I am doing thanks to Gael’s skill in providing us with the files necessary for the realization but above all thanks to his availability.
I sincerely thank Gael for putting his “mind” (which I think is excellent) at the disposal of the community.
ps: I apologize for the bad English I translate with google translate
Allo, Gael! Pouvez-vous me dirre combien de temp cela prend pour que mon compte soit activer svp?
Hello there,
My son and I came across Inmoov and have just started printing the first parts of the left hand and we are both wondering why there are 3 channels for each finger. Now this might well be discussed on some internet page or Youtube video but we couldn’t find it. Please point us into the right direction.
If you follow the hand tutorial, you should notice that it is possible to add sensors at the tip of the fingers. The third channel is meant to carry the connection wires for those sensors.
Hi Gael,
Many thanks for your reply, that clears that one up for us. My son will be doing the coding and he would like to know:
Any particular reason why the use of Arduino and not Raspberry Pi?
Thanks again.
Gaël LANGEVIN… Um thats a Catch 22… I’m trying to “update my community profile picture” to an Inmoov pic like stated… Which it says you wont get approved without doing that… Yet it also wont let you change the photo without prior approval.
I have started my inmoov and attached a screenshot of the page that pops up when i click Change Photo…
I’m hoping to buy alot of the electronics board and nervo boards through you… But if i dont get approval all that does is hurt those profits i guess.
Hope to get approval
Hello and welcome,
You are now approved.
You can change the profil picture I have added.
Last progress
Bonjour .
Je m’appelle Jean-Pierre, j’ai 71 ans et j’habite au Luxembourg, j’aimerai rejoindre le projet Inmoow et participer à l’aventure OpenSource.
Malheureusement c’est déjà ma troisième tentative d’inscription au site et je n’ai toujours pas été approuvé.
Hello et bienvenue,
You are now approved.
Pour etre approuvé il faut obligatoirement avoir une photo de robot ou d’InMoov en profile.
C’est pour cette raison que vous étiez recalé a chaque tentative.
Hi, what 3d printer do you recomend to print in moov?
I was thinking about the ender 3 pro or the ender 5… Are there good printers for this project?
Good afternoon, I am new to the group starting the immoov project, I would like to know if an Eder 3 pro would be fine for an acceptable finish. Thank you
Hello and welcome,
There is so many new printers coming on the market everyday, that I do not follow up.
Make sure the size of your prints can be at least 13x13x13cm.
If you plan to print the legs you should get a printer with a minimum of 15x15x15cm.
HI all . New to the site
Looking forward in learning to build Inmoov
hi i`m richard from brunssum the netherlands
just printed the second forearm and hand, i`m using ,this for the metallcore line fore the fingers:
i have a friend that works with that line
for now
when you have a problem with PistonanticlockV2.stl and PistonbaseantiV2.stl running smouth,,,,,:try some grease with fine sand(birdsand) and work the piston in the base over and over again ,works great0-;
Very good tip.
I personaly use some sandblasting grain(120 Mesh) but without adding the grease.
Once the parts are smooth enough, make sure to clean up well all the remaining grain.
And then add the grease.
grease and sand makes a past,so it won`t all off.
indeed CLEAN WELL with diswash soap,and hot water.
Very nice.
Somehow, anykind of cord/wire that is not extensible and strong enough when being extensively rubbed, can be used.
i know Gael
and flexible ,it`s 1 mm thick,and possible to knot,(with pliers)
Dear Gael
Thanks for your brilliant innovations.
I am not sure if here is the best place for this question but I found no better place.
I have printed an inmoov without legs, and already bought the servos. As for the PCBs, I was curious if you have shipment to Iran ? and if yes, probably how long it can take?
Long Live Inmoov!
We have never shipped to Iran yet.
Is your postal service okay?
Normal postage generally avoids taxes, but if we need to use something similar to DHL, the cost will be doubled compared to the price announced on InMoov shop page.
Hi everyones,im new in here and I want to start the project.
Hello and Welcome!
Is it possible to animate a 3d version of the robot in Autodesk Maya or any other 3d program, and then send the animation curves to the real inmoov robot for playback?
It is possible to use Blender for to do that.
We also currently use JMonkey for the current Virtual InMoov.
As you can see here:
my son and i built that cool robot. we started with the right hand. Now we start printing the parts for the second hand.
thanks for the designer of in moov to create such cool robot.
My name is Brad Stein. I have been building robots for many years but never actually finished one completely because I kept coming up with a better idea. Now my better idea is to build a inmoov but he will be partially Inmoov and partially other robot parts.
Thats why I am going to call him Franklin Stein.
I Have the complete Head, Neck and torso printed so far. My printer was taking too long so I bought a second one.
I plan on attaching him to a Mecanum Wheel base that I had already been working on. I think they will work well together.
Thanks for the Inmoov Project and website Gael.
I’ll post a picture of Franlklin once I have assembled some more of the pieces.
Actually I have finished a few but we all know they are never really finished.
I picked a good time to sit at home and print parts.
I have 2 Afinabot A9 printers(they also come with a Laser engraving head) going 24/7.
I sure learned a lot about 3d printing in the last couple months.Like when it is -30 outside and someone opens a door your part is going to warp.
I have been using PLA but want to try some ABS. I think I’ll build an enclosure for one of the printers and use that one for ABS.
Got the Head, neck,torso,stomach and shoulders printed so far. I have all the electronics just waiting for a box of Giant servos to show up sometime today.
Hello Dear Gael and everybody,
I’m Jo Maes from Astene Belgium, and new here, will try to build the fantastic InMoov, for my great-grandchildren.
It will be a Raise 3D printer, since we want to work with abs filament, but we are not yet sure whether it will be the 2 pro or the E2, which can print mirror images at the same time, but a slightly smaller size. Advice someone with this choice?
As I’m retired, I have all the time, but a little afraid of the technical side of the story, given my age.
Are there still Dutch speaking people here, forum? or other technically savvy people who are willing to provide any assistance.
Best regards, Jo
je suis tout nouveau et quand je vois vos réalisations j’ai vraiment hâte
de recevoir mon imprimante et de commencer.
Pour le moment je me familiarise avec myrobotlab.
A très bientôt
Welcome au sein de la communauté!
Bonjour à tous,
j’ai les premières pièces de mon inmoov qui ne s’emboîtent pas
avez vous une idée sur un réglage de l’imprimante ou logiciel.
je parle du calibrator.stl
Bien cordialement
Bonjour,le mieux c’est de voir directement avec le fabriquant de votre imprimante et de son calibrage.
I want to share my progress with the InMoov communnity. How do I post a picture.
I’m from the U.S. and new to the community. I’m looking forward to getting my feet wet with this amazing project
bonjour suis nouveau et je patauge dans mrlcom il ne me mais que des messages erreur svp help me
Il faut essayer une version plus ancienne d’arduino.exe (par exemple la version 1.8.4)
Si un message d’erreur persiste, ouvrir le fichier linkedlist.cpp dans l’arduino.exe.
Modifier la ligne 53.
return NULL
A la place de:
return False
Voir plus d’info ici:!msg/inmoov/BxXm8lYALY0/uhr09QzHGQAJ
merci gael je vais tester cela demain
vous tient au courant
suis un novice qui a besoin de beaucoup d explication
Bonjour Gael, avez-vous des nouvelles concernant les composants électroniques (nervo board + compone) en provenance de Chine, et toujours en rupture de stock dans la boutique? Une idée quand nous pouvons commander en retour?
Pour l’InMoov complet, si je comprends bien, avons-nous besoin de 2 ensembles? Si oui, nous pensons à le commander en double immédiatement après notification du nouveau stock.
Bien cordialement,
Bonjour Tout le monde,
Content de faire partie de la communauté… Je viens d’acheter une imprimante 3D, une Alfawise U20. Malheureusement il y a un petit soucis technique que je dois d’abord régler dessus avant de l’utiliser. Je n’arrive pas à faire chauffer le plateau et la buze, J’ai déjà changer la tête et la thermistance. Maintenant, je dois faire vérifier la carte mère cette semaine.
Je suis impatient de commencer la construction de mon robot InMoov. Je n’ai jamais fait de tel projet, mais c’est un rêve de pouvoir le faire. J’espère que je pourrais avoir de bon échange avec des membres pour m’épauler.
A très bientot,
bonjour a tous , j ai commencer la construction de inmoov nouveau dans ce projet ,
j, espere qu on pourra m aider a avancer, et qu on aura de bon échange ensemble
mon seule probléme cet la programmation pour le reste je pence être a la hauteur
un grand merci au fondateur de inmoov et a toute les personnes qui alimente le site
Hi everyone. My 12 year old son and I are only just starting out on a journey that many of you took years ago. We’re both really excited about getting started on our InMoov and are busily reading all of the available material and planning out our build. Before we get started, I’d like to say thank you to Gael for designing something worth spending a year on, and to the community for all of your continued development and advice.
btw. We are both from Sydney Australia
Hi. I’m just starting on this venture using an Ender 3 . The calibrator is a perfect fit after an afternoon of setting up my printer properly (measuring the filament diameter, calibrating the extruder and X & Y axes and making sure my bed was level using an ABL system , another (previous) afternoon’s work). All that has paid off though. I have printed the Finger Starter, assembled it and got it working. Now I have finished printing the forearm, hand and fingers and everything fits together like a glove. Happy days and happier to come I hope.
Hello! I am looking into this amazing project. What plastic or plastics would people recommend to use to build InMoov? I could use PLA, ABS, PETG (although hard to glue) nylons, TPUs … I would prefer not having to rebuild because I chose the wrong plastic.
Thank you!
Hello and welcome,

I have been using ABS because it can be assembled simply with acetone and can be easily smoothed and sanded and car brush painted.
Another advantage is that it doesn’t squeak awfully when gears are moving.
Thank you, Gael!
i only need finger starter . anyone in the Boston area that can print this for me?
anyone i will be happy to pay.
Hi Guys!..
What a nice project Gael!. I love it. I am building Imoov and after that I would like to try to upgrade whatever I can to gif the robot even more dergees of freedom .
Can I ask a few questions?
What kind of weight can de robot lift, Gael?
What does the robot weigh?
Can I get the clean CAD-files from you, Gael?
Thanks guys!
P.s. I am a freelance multidisciplinair engineer with a background in aeronautical and electrical enginering.
I am always looking to help peoples with there technical builds. Do not hesitate to ask me anything.
Roel Welling ME
It,s very well community
How to put images in this coments
Salut à tous Je suis nouveau sur ce site, je m’appel Max j’ai 41 ans et je suis médiateur numérique dans un centre culturel du nord de la France :p ça fait déjà longtemps que je m intéresse à ce projet mais cette fois je me lance :p @bientôt
Bonsoir je suis nouveau
Hi fellow mad robot scientists. Just printed all parts of the head and neck. I can’t wait to see how this turns out. I think it will be awesome.
Just saying hi to everyone and thank you to Gael for the visionary development. This should be very exciting.
Bonjour je suis nouveau je commence à imprimer
Mais comment bien comprendre le logiciel myrobotlab pour le faire fonctionner
Bonjour Gaël
Pourriez quand vous approuverez mon profil
Merci à vous
Bonjour Gaël désoler de l orthographe ….
Quand vous approuverez mon profil
Bien à vous
Quand vous allez approuver mon profil car je suis nouveau et j adhésion d aide
I am new here and wanting to get started. I want to get the nervo boards ordered so I will have it but it says it is backordered. Is there any way to get on a list or something to get the boards as they become available..Other than checking daily, I see no way to know when or get one…….
We are moving of shipping department. The Nervo boards should be back in the shop in about two or three weeks.
HI, Iam new to InMoov and Iam just wondering how i can purchase the never boards and components from InMoov shop Iam in the US.
opps Nervo not never
Hello and welcome,
Just go in to the shop page:
OK, Thank you
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has anyone made a separate list for all the hardware (screws)? and where is it?
Hello, there is the Hardware and BOM page. It only gives you an average and type of screws/bolts required.
Do you have any alternative suggestions for the AH3503 HALL SENSOR?
I can´t find it anywhere to buy apart from AliExpress.
well with the search term AH3503 you will find on aliexpress. For example, not the cheapest, but a proven match
For example
Hope this helps
Hi everyone I am new on here.
I am starting with the right hand v2.
I am looking for the instructions or a tutorial on how to build the servos into the palm…
I will make one if I cannot find one I guess.
Ill see everyone on Discord. Later!
hi dear, I’m going to build the forarm and I printed i2hand. I don’t find Robpart in Forarm stl. Any update? Is it possible to use this i2hand?
Hi all,
I am making some good progress on my inMoov Robot project. I am currently working on the Torso, building it from the base up. I have also started on the 3D printing of all the shoulder parts.
hey everyone,
we are Stephan and Nicky from
Recently we started with printing the inmoov.
We hope we can finish it fast with 2 printers
Hey guys I decided to take the step and try and build this bot. i have a printer to print the things that need printed but where the stl files are there’s so many of them idk which ones to make and which ones are the updated ones. also is there a list of servos etc. ill need? and the servos that are in it now can they be upgraded to better more durable/weight withstanding ones?
Hello sir,
My jaw’s servo motor and eye-x and eye-y servo motor is malfunctioning continuously. I changed servo motor 5/6 times. Every time it works for 5-10 minutes and it is not working. I am using sg90 servo, I have tried MG90 servo motor as well.
So can you assist me in this problem? or can I want to add resistor in nervo boards of eye/mouth. (I am using 10V 20Amp Power supply)
Hi, your servos only take 5v, you are using a voltage converter to step down your 10v power supply right? If not you will burn your servos out every time.
My name is Robert Taylor, and I have been building my inMoove robot for about one year. I have been posting all my photos on the Albums part of this forum. For some reason I do not see my name as a member of this forum!? Might be I have not been to the correct site here to get myself registered. Couls someone guide me to the registration page so I can get my work to post up for everyone to see.
Thank you,
Rob Taylor
Hi Rob, pretty sure you’ve done it correct as I can see all your photos, looks good
Very nice Album and build by the way. I do see your name in the forum, are you still having issues with it?
bonjour pouvez vous me dire comment installer le logiciel sur pc je sous imac
Je me présente. Je m’appelle Hervé et j’habite à une 20aine de km au sud de Paris. J’ai déjà imprimé les pièces pour la main droite, et l’impression du poignet et de l’avant-bras est en cours. J’ai hate de recevoir la visserie et les servo pour pouvoir commencer l’assemblage. Je fournirai des photos dès que j’aurais quelque chose de présentable.
N’hésitez pas à me contacter pour me donner des conseils
Hi all, Im currently building the V2 Head and have just printed off the eyes, however I cannot find a tutorial or assembly instructions for the V2 Eyes (they are individual units, Left and Right) is there anyone who knows where to find them?
Thank you!!!
Let me know if you find the answer–looking for this halted my build completely.
Hi all, I printed i2righthand, Now I’d like to print forarm but I don’t find “robparts”. Can anybody help me? thanks
Does thne body of the 2017 robot model hold the arduino, servos and polulo the same as the older model?
Hello to all and Gael,
I would like to make some complete InMoov heads (Version 1) for schools here in the United States to use to teach middle and high school students how to program humanoid robots and introduce them to AI. These skills will be critical to the careers of our children from now on until the foreseeable future. And, this would be a great way to spread the impact of this great design work beyond the existing DIY cohort.
Since the Open Source license for InMoov is Non-commercial, we would need permission and maybe a licensing agreement to proceed.
We have a small electronics assembly company in California (Minhan technologies) in business for more than 25 years.
To discuss, please contact me at
Hello, can I buy all the parts needed like servos and whatnot from this place? I’m only seeing 3d printed parts and how to build videos or pictures. Are there a parts list complete list?
Hello, everyone! I started assembling a new InMoov Hand ( I decided to go with the JX PDI-6225MG-300 servos, which are mounted directly in the palm of your hand, which means no need for a forearm or wrist. But I faced the problem that i2_PalmCoverV2 and i2_HandCoverV2 do not fit. Due to the built-in servos in the palm, these covers cannot be used at all. Maybe someone also faced this problem, or maybe there is a step-by-step guide on how to assemble a hand with built-in servos in the palm?
J’ai parcouru l’ensemble des notices et vidéos et je pense que la fabrication du Doigts sera un bon entrainement de départ.
Je découvre le projet InMoov depuis quelques jours et j’adore ce concept! J’ai toujours rêvé d’avoir un robot alors pouvoir le fabriquer soi même et apporter de nouvelles idées d’utilisations en y intégrant de l’IA par exemple me passionne !
Je me lance donc dans cette aventure pour plusieurs mois de travail
A suivre , je posterai ma réalisation dans les principales étapes d’avancement.
A bientôt
I have been building my Inmoov robot for some years now, and decided to use the new type head. Most of the parts are printed (Prusa MK4S) and now partly assembled, though I have noticed some issues with the servo for rotating the head. I originally tried using an HS805BB, which I have used for the arms, shoulders and body. But it does not align with the servogear. It is about 3 or 4mm out of alignment. Instead, I decided to use JX PDI 6221MG to see if that would fit better. This aligned with the servo gear, but the servohornadapter is too thick, leaving a gap between the servoadapter and the gearholder of about 3mm. I printed a new version which is narrower, and this works okay. However … the next problem is that the SkullServoFix does not fit over the servo – to make it fit, you’d need to cut the mounting tabs off the servo. Can anyone shed any light on this? Have I missed something?
When I click on the inmoov logo, the skeleton does not open.error runtime : : could not invoke runtime.start ([Ljava.lang.Object;@4def51ad) java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.python.core.PySystemState – check logs for details It gives an error. What could be the reason? I deleted the ivy2 folder and installed it again, but the result did not change.i would appreciate if you could help
Hello, I am making inmoovhandv2 but I need to make some changes. When I put it into the drawing program, the topology is very bad, is there a solution for this?
Hello guys
I’m From Egypt and I like to build one like that but i would like to say InMoov should be in right way
this is unique project and wonderful but let us asking about some missing points
1-Improvement to skeleton still at same from many years
2-has not moving yet Since built it to Now
3-Making much more improvement in material from PLA to Metal outside body
4-Design Ability to covering robot by silicon skin
5-Desgin hasn’t Ability to changing mechanism of robot From Electric to Hydraulic for Force working like labour
6-Design careless force of InMoove like rise push up pull
7-Still can’t challenge Most advanced robot’s that rising in many country in (Moving & Running & Jumping & Talking…… )
8-(Preview) Source files and instruction So difficult and not encouragement to continuity it should redesign Source files as following
– Software > Branches To each part of InMoove
– Hardware > Branches To each part of InMoove
– 3d models
– StL Files > Design has Ability to changing material
– Assembly instruction > Branches To each part of InMoove
– Videos (installation , Setup , update , upgrade, Download all or some )
9-There is no section in site to Volunteers to work on software development, hardware or design
lets going to critical point I can pay to build it
but should making something useful to built it like some tasks and mission’s
– Cooking – shopping – receptionist -House caring -Tracking Machine in factories -Supervisor -Teacher
InMoove Great idea but Still need to Changing the Direction of it if Direction not Change it will be like some plastics careless