I have been working on the design and motorization of a new head.
This new head is compatible with the three piston neck and the rest of the InMoov body. It has a silicon skin made in some 3D printable molds and can do face expressions.
Here is the female version:
This is the male version in motion. For this test I have used some bad SG90 servos which burn and are awfully noisy.
I also have implemented those face expressions into Myrobotlab, so it is pretty easy to test and have fun with it.
To launch all servos for the i2Head, start the head via InMoov UI, then a toggle button will appear at the left bottom. Clicking on that button will allow you to start all necessary servos. You will need to calibrate them and connect them to controllers and PCA9685 according to this spreadsheet.
Note that the i2Eyes are synced to the original eyeX and eyeY.
Also the i2Eyelids are synced to the original eyelids servos.
This will probably change in the future, but for now it allows to use standard gestures to operate the i2Eyes and i2Eyelids.
Here is the listed names for the new servos:
## the eyes
## the eyelids
## the eyebrows
## the cheeks
## the upper lip
## the for head
You can find all stl files in the InMoov site STL gallery:
Im looking for the molds in the STL gallery but am having issues finding them. Im also not able to load the tutorial at the moment. Thanks for the updates and Im excited to build!
I take that back I just found the molds.. I guess I should slow down and look through all the files
Hello. I have only a Question: I have build my Eye-System und now I am looking for a Head to mount it. Where can I buy an empty Head und how much is this? I will build the whole construction in the Head by myself.
Thank you for every Tip.
Peter Dambrowsky
Hello, I just checked the i2head tutorial, but I can’t open it. Please check to see if there is something wrong.
Thank you
Peter Dambrowsky
Here is the link https://inmoov.fr/headi2/
Dear @gael
I am looking for i2eye mechanism for i2head, when can we have the files ?
Dear Gael , I already found it !!!
Hi, my eye-base-V2 does not fit on the faceholderV5. Are there different versions around or what I am doing wrong here? Thanks Stefan
I could make it fit, adjusting the part in the middle which is to wide on the Eye-base.
Hi, i’m seraching for the tutorial to assemble the new eyes, but i can’t find it, is there something that help me to know how to assemble the various component to create the eye assembly to mount on the new head?
looking for the same. Instructions would help, thanks.
Found it
Not fully the same but it helps with the build I think.
este es un video que monta un conjunto de ojos que te puede servir , las similitudes son evidentes . espero que te ayude.
Hello, building the I2head, any one got a clue where the magnets are for?
It is not in the tutorial?
Thanx, I’ll be back!
OK merci beaucoup a tous, le temps d’assimilé tous cela et je revient vers vous pour la suite, merci pour vôtres https://bit.ly/Timur99 disponibilités
Hello everyone! This new version of the head is incredible. I have a question regarding silicone, here where I live I get Smooth on Dragon Skin Fx-Pro which has a hardness of 2A shore A. Do you have any idea if it will work for me? Thank you very much in advance.
Dear @gael and community
I would like to know if there is more information about how to make the skin part of the i2head, there is already all the information about the materials recommended to use, but I would like to know how to make the skin part with the silicone, and then how to attach the skin already taken out of the mold to the structure of the head already built.
Hi guys, Salut à vous tous,
I am actually trying to build the i2 Head and I am getting few issues with it.
First issue is that I am using JX PDI 6221MG 180° and the servo motor does not really fit inside the ServoAdapter, ServoHorn Adapter and SkullServoFix. Which end with the SkullServoFix being 2 mm too high. Then “Attach to the horn UpperLip with 2 screws”, does not really help. I can use only one screw with to the servo motor and the UpperLip is not really in the middle of the teeth.
And finaly, I can not find any tutorial regarding the i2 eyes
I would appreciate any help.
Thx a lot and a big big Huge Thx to Gael for that superbe work !
Best regards